King's Business - 1963-01

Science and the Bi by Bolton Davidheiser Chairman, Science Division Biola College


T h e s u b j e c t of evolution is vital for Christians because it is taught as a fact by non-Christians and liberals, while basically it is opposed to the doctrine of the redemption of man through the atonement of Christ. As an expression of the present sta­ tus of the subject let us consider the book The Ideas of Biology because (1 ) it is the most recent (1962) pres­ entation available at this writing, (2) the author, John Tyler Bonner, writes with authority as Professor of Biology at Princeton University, (3) the book is written for the general public, (4) it appears to be typical of recent works of this kind. In the section of the book which deals directly with evolution, he says, “The purpose of this survey of evo­ lution is to show what kinds of chang­ es have occurred and how the living world we know today emerged from primitive precells.” By “ precells” he refers to a form of life before there were cells. Concerning this early evo­ lution which he says it is his purpose to elucidate, he states, “ In the very earliest beginning of the evolution of a cell it is not clear what came first or how it was put together . . .” He continues by saying that later the variations required for Darwinian na­ tural selection could be handled by the chemical constituents present. He then confidently asserts, “ Therefore given this kind of initial mechanism, all that follows in the way of animals and plants must be the result of na­ tural selection.” To fulfill his promise to show what kinds of changes have occurred in the plant world, he says of the lowly algae — the seaweeds and pond scums — “ The algae are divided into a series of groups depending upon their color . . . These ¡groupings are mean­ ingful, in fact so much so that each group is only very remotely related, if at all, to the others.” Instead of showing the changes which led from one form to another, he says that there may never have been any such changes for the plants may not even be related at all. As to the lower animal forms, he says, “ Again in the more primitive forms the fossil record is poor and JANUARY, 1963

confusing, and our ability to recon­ struct proper evolutionary sequences is therefore severely limited.” This does not explain anything about their evolution either. Further he says that he cannot enlighten the reader as to the evolutionary relationships be­ tween the different groups of ani­ mals which do not have bones. Re­ ferring to this problem, he says, “ It has been a field of almost continuous discussion and argument, and even today there are numerous views as to which are the most primitive multi­ cellular animals, all of which [views] are insecurely founded upon guess­ work, opinion, and tradition or the opposing of tradition.” If a Christian uses such language concerning the theory of evolution he is considered bigoted and uninformed, but the evo­ lutionists are now so secure in the acceptance of the theory by the public that they can do it with impunity. To fulfill the second part of his promise and tell how the changes came about, Bonner cites the case of the dark and light moths in Eng­ land. Before industrialization, the dark moths were more easily seen by birds as they sat on trees during the daytime and so more of them were captured. As industrial wastes dark­ ened the trees, the white moths were more easily seen. As a consequence, the population of dark moths has in­ creased while the number of white moths of the same species has de­ creased. Concerning this he says, “We have then very clear evidence that na­ tural selection does take place and:is an important factor in changing the character of organisms in nature.” He believes this also explains the changes which led from primitive aquatic forms to the highest animals and plants. “ There is no reason to believe that these large changes [the evolution of highest forms from low­ est] are not the results of the very same mechanics as the change of in­ dustrial melanism [the shift in pop­ ulation from more white moths to more dark] . . None of this is very convincing, but do not get the mistaken notion that the scientists are giving up the idea of evolution!


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