King's Business - 1963-01

townandcampus BIOLA NEWS OF INTEREST AR IZONA BIBLE INSTITUTE STUDENTS ATTEND FROM NUMEROUS STATES According to a recent survey con­ ducted by Mr. Edwin Rogers, Dean of Students of the Arizona Bible In­ stitute, 3025 West McDowell Road, in Phoenix, a number of states are rep­ resented in this year’s student body. The largest delegation of represen­ tation is from Arizona, followed close-

GLENDALE READERS w ill find all o f their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, California

BIOLA'S SAN DIEGO RADIO STATION GIVEN FINAL APPROVAL BY FCC After nearly four years of careful planning, extended local and Wash­ ington hearings, the Federal Com­ munications Commission has granted the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., permission to construct Radio

Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

Mr. Phill Butler, KBBW manager, is a San Diego, resident. mission site to Mount Wilson, highest point in Southern California. Con­ struction is now underway, and this facility is also expected to be operat­ ing shortly after the first of the year. KBBI MOVES TO MT . WILSON Another prolonged hearing has been finalized in Washington with the FCC permit for KBBI, broadcast­ ing since May, 1959, to move its trans-

A.B.I. students Don Carlson, La Mirada, California; Wanda Williams, Ray, Ari­ zona; and Lanny Johnson, Phoenix, Ari­ zona point out school’s theme verse. ly by California. Other states include Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Michi­ gan, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Ore­ gon, South Dakota, Wisconsin. For­ eign countries include Central Am­ erica. Dr. yV. H. Rogers is Executive Ad­ ministrator of the school. Enrollment has increased by more than 40 per cent over last year. NEW STAFF MEMBER ANNOUNCED FOR BIOLA COLLEGE Miss Margaret Kilmer, former house mother of the girls of Biola College’s Lyman Stewart Hall, has been selected as Assistant to the Associate Dean of Students, according to Dr. James H. Christian, dean of the La Mirada, California school. Miss Kilmer received her B. A. from Western Reserve University, and formerly studied at the Philadelphia College of the Bible. As a counselor, she will have the opportunity of talk­ ing with some of the more than 900 students who are enrolled in the col­ lege which is part of the 54 year-old Christian training organization.

Mr. Gary Brandt, chief announcer for KBBI, conducts his popular daily request program. Station KBBW in San Diego. With 50,000 watts of power, this penetrat­ ing Christian voice is expected to be on the air shortly after the first of the year. Tower construction is nearing completion, as well as necessary stu­ dio preparations. Thank God for this answer to prayer! SANTA CRUZ YOUTH SELECTED AS PRESIDENT OF CLASS AT SOUTHLAND COLLEGE Mr. Dave Kraft, son of Dr. and Mrs. Roy Kraft, of 325 Ocean View Avenue in Santa Cruz, has been se­ lected President of the Junior Class of Biola College, one of the five schools of 54 year-old Southland Christian training organization. Dr. Kraft, a graduate of the school which his son is attending, is pastor of the Twin Lakes Baptist Church of Santa Cruz.

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