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“ " W / here can w e place o u r e ld e rly yv loved ones where they will find compatible fellowship in the de clining years of life?” This question was faced realistically by Dr. and Mrs. Glenn O’Neal when they found it necessary to assist members of their church (First Brethren of Ingle wood, California) to locate nursing homes and other places for “ senior citizens'.” “Most of the homes available we found to be undesirable,” Mrs. O’Neal declared. “ It seemed so unfair that, at the time of life when the Lord seems most precious to them, the re maining years of these dear Christians should be spent in smoke-filled rooms with those who care nothing for the things of God’s truth.” In September, 1961, Dr. and Mrs. O’Neal were led to establish the Ha cienda Christian Guest Home for sen ior citizens. Having been in the min istry for 21 years, Rev. Mr. O’Neal felt called to a full-time teaching ministry with the Talbot Theological Seminary in La Mirada. Since his responsibilities there would not allow him time for a regular church assign ment, he and his wife decided to an swer the specific need which they had felt so keenly. Attractive and expand able property was secured in Ana heim, California and the ministry was started for the glory of the Lord. “ At the present time, we have ten guests in the home, with room for as many as 15 more with facilities for expansion to 35 as the need arises,” Mrs. O’Neal explains. “We seek, how-
While Mrs. Billy Giles plays ‘Rock of Ages,” Mrs. Jean Bates and Mrs. Alice Day sing along.
Entrance to the Christian home invites
“Mother Mac” (Mrs.,F. McQuat) in a Bible study with Mrs. Julia Reaugh.
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