King's Business - 1963-01

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Classified Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Bibles and Books Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet, every need. All types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi.___________ REBIND OWN BIBLE— Easy, simplified m e th o d - kits, cover, glue and sheets— material, instruc­ tions. Lexide cover, $1.95; Morocco, $5. State Bible size, U.S. Bible Bindery, Box 15051, Dallas 1, Texas. Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Books "I LIVE BY FAITH" >— inspiring, challenging account o f God's working through the life of Mike Martin thè late founder of the King's Garden. For your copy send $2.75 to cover costs and mailing to King's Garden, Dept. K, Seattle 33, Washington. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Christian Homes Home for the aged, with emphasis on Christian fellowship and service. Twenty-four hour oare. 1941 E. Center, Anaheim, California. PR 6-1951. Personalized care for the aged. Problem cases welcomed in my Christian Home. 17466 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, California. Phone 345-7506. Christian Home for Teen-Age Girls — Spiritual guidance and counseling by qualified personnel. Address communications to Mildred M. Maxon, 5844 North 2nd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. Help Wanted Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. King's Herald Free Challenging, informative monthly reports of God's working through the KING'S GARDEN ministries. Action and results in Christian Education^ youth work, Christian Radio and services to missionaries will inspire you. PRAY for the outreach. Write today: King's Herald, Public Relations, Dept. K, Seattle 33, Washington. Music Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. MUSICAL COWBELLS, Sleighbells, Choral Concert Glasses, Chorded Clusters, Mystery Theremin*. Any range, terms. Arnold Westphal, 1401 Ohio, Michigan City, Indiana. Low Cost Radio Time for your tape recorded programs. Gospel Radio Network, 1520 East Main, Puyallup, Washington. To identify yourself when writing advertisers, simply mention "King's Business." ' TRAINING WITH PURPOSE diversified. / accelerated / .accredited f NURSING — Courses for 4, t or 12 months. / 12-month course qualifies graduate to take California State Board Examination and ob­ tain? LVN degree. .Classes start., in Septem- | ber and J a n u a c y /^ ti^ '^ < * I DENTISTRY— 4 ;month, course/Approved by State of California Board'of Dental Examin- i ers, Department of Vocational and Profes- i sional Standards.' O ffered/ib; one semester. . Classes start in January. : ', I DISPENSARY— 4 month course. Gives train- ! Ing:in laboratory analysis and clinical prac- j " tied. Instructional^ s!et**tip» a dispensary. ' Classes start in January. W rite for Catalog Biola School of MISSIONARY MEDICINE 558 So. Hope St.( Los Angeles 17, Calif.

¿by[Dorothy Grunbock Johnston

T h e s t o r y of how a 19- year-old ra­ dio station wrSJTiterally “ con- verted” is a modem qpracle! A house­ wife witnessed to her neighbor in her kitchen; the entire church prayed for the neighbor’s husband. Result: the conversion of a couple in the spring of 1958 and the switching of an or­ dinary commercial station to a Chris­ tian station dedicated to proclaiming the gospel by March, 1960. Formerly, the policy of KWIL, 1 ; 000-watt station in Albany, Oregon had been, “ Just a bit of religious flavor on Sunday. No other day. We don’t want to lose our audience.” Now beer and cigarette advertisers received let­ ters from Larry Gordon, a half-owner of the station, stating that when pres­ ents contracts expired, they would not be renewed. “ Because,” said he, “ I have been bom again.” In January, 1959, just seven months after his conversion, Mr. Gordon went on the air with his “ Shining Hour” program of gospel recordings, inter­ spersed with bits of testimony urging his listeners to be bom again. Ques­ tionable advertisers had been asked to leave. Now legitimate businesses with­ drew their advertising. “We don’t want to deal with a ‘religious fana­ tic’ ” was the reason given. Unable to raise the money necessary to purchase the other half of the sta­ tion’s interest, and having been boy­ cotted by local merchants, Larry Gor­ don saw his thriving station plunge onto financial rocks in a matter of months. It appeared that very soon KWIL would revert to a worldly sta­ tion. Alarmed, evangelical pastors cam­ paigned from the pulpits. “ Save Kwil­ ly for Christ” became the slogan. A non-profit organization was formed for the purpose of buying out KWIL. Memberships and the right to vote were sold for $10.00. Many small gifts and a few large ones turned the tide. Deadlines for mortgage payments of $15,000 and $20,000 arrived with only minutes remaining before banking hours closed. But God could not suffer His faithfulness to fail. On Monday, August 10, 1959, short $300.00, Larry Gordon arrived at the bank to pay what he could. Friends and strangers stuffed bills- into his pockets. The goal was met — almost to the penny. Would the FCC approve the transfer of ownership in the face of the recent

checkered financial/: pattern?; Chris- tiansprayed. The heathen raged. Sev­ en out of eight KWIL staff members quit, but not before urging the pub­ lic in a half-page newspaper ad to withdraw financial support from the “ Save Kwilly for Christ” campaign. “ It’s not scriptural to talk about be­ ing ‘bom again’,” thundered modern­ istic preachers from their pulpits. The immediate coverage of the station, ninety communities, were faced with the fact that a true Christian is one who lias been born-again. And God got Himself the victory. The FCC approved and now Kwilly is for Christ — 24 hours a day. Around the clock, high-calibre Christian pro­ grams, interspersed with news, is the daily diet. And souls are being saved and blessed. Listener-response is ter­ rific. Staffed now with born-again be­ lievers, the station that prayer built proclaims the good news of salvation by word of mouth and by music. One sponsor had been witnessing Larry Gordon: open Bible, open mike, open heart. to an elderly woman in his store. He had just finished quoting John 3:16 to her when the beautiful anthem, “ For God So Loved the World,” came from his radio speaker, naturally tuned to KWIL. That did it. The wom­ an broke down, acknowledging her need of a Saviour. Calls from honest seekers come into the stations at all hours. Once in a wee small hour of the morning, a man called the station for further light. Between platters, the Christian disc-jockey led the man to the Lord over the phone. The new convert was thrilled with his new­ found salvation. “ Tell folks on the air I’ve just been saved,” he begged, anx­ ious to witness at once. The announcer complied. A converted radio station is result­ ing in converted souls. As Lindy and Larry Gordon say, “ To God be the glory!”



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