King's Business - 1963-01

Homeless Korean Orphans

"OR AM I CONFUSED?" Your July and August issues have been the best yet in my opinion. The article by Dr. Don Hillis in the August issue en­ title “ Or Am I Confused?” has really been a blessing to me. I was beginning to feel that I must indeed have a cold, hard heart concerning these various “ causes.” Instead, I find that the Holy Spirit has been instructing me all along, and I’ve quit fighting Him. Thank you for such articles. Mrs. George Winchell, San Diego, California JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS Please do not skip one month of Jr. King’s Business. These stories and object lessons are so great a help to children’s workers. We have always enjoyed this Jr. page, and have appreciated Mrs. Hook­ er’s work for so many years. Thank you. Mrs. Thomas Roth, Dallas, Texas. LAUGHING W ITH CHILDREN “ Under the Parsonage Roof” is always the first thing I turn to. The column has been a blessing to me. I followed it all the time Mrs. Miller’s son was so ill . . . The last article hit me hard, especially the question: “ How long is it since you’ve had a good laugh with your children?” Yes, how long is it? For a missionary it’s a long time. W e left our 12-year-old son eleven years ago and we didn’t have a laugh for four years. Then we had a year of bliss with him again. Four years, and we saw him for two months, and after our year’s furlough was up, we left him again, but this time the cut went deeper. We also left our 15-year-old daughter. Yes, it’s a long, long time since we’ve had a laugh with our children. People sometimes think that we mission­ aries are special people who get used to these situations. W e never do. I know hundreds, yea, thousands of missionaries who have done the same thing, but that fact doesn’t make it easier. God has mar­ velously taken care of our children . . . Our earthly reward has been the hundreds of children in the faith whom God has given from a dark, supersitious, pagan people. Mrs. Beckett, Sudan Interior Mission, N. Nigeria, West Africa R E WA R D Our printer wishes to recover any December magazines which may have been erroneously assembled. Please check your copy to see if page 18 is followed by page 3. If so, mail it to them at P.O. Box 551, Glendale, Calif. They will send you a new magazine and $1.00 as a reward.

 Unless help comes from people like you, many Korean children will have to beg for food, spend long and cruel nights sleeping in doorways, alleys and under bridges this winter. Their tattered clothing will give scant protection against the cold. Some will lose limbs because of gangrene which follows severe exposure. The little fellow shown here, we are happy, to say, is now safe from winter’s rigors. He lives in one of our orphanages. His sponsor provides him with food, shelter, clothing?* tuition—and the assurance of Christian love and care.

Yvng Soon (F-l)

Mon Soo (F-2)

For only $10* a month you may become a sponsor and give an orphan the necessities of life, supervised by dedicated Christians. Also, you will have the thrill of a direct, personal contact with a grateful orphan child, whose letters will warm your heart. We will send you the child’s name, address, photograph and life story. Your letters will be answered in English. If your child is too young to write, a staff member will do so. ______________ New Meaning to Lives ______________ Mrs. Irene Ketel of Evergreen Park, 111., writes, “ The joy o f being able to see Kawk Ok Soon changed from a helpless, lonely and forgotten youngster to a happy and secure child, has brought a new and real meaning to our lives. It is a gratifying privilege to be her American mother." But what about the other children whose photographs appear on this page? They are praying for a sponsor who will be their Mommy or Daddy, Big Brother or Sister. And there are thousands more in desperate need of help. Still others will be brought to our homes because inadequate, unlicensed orphanages are being closed. We must have many more sponsors to care for these.

Yung Jn (F-3)

Myung Jo (F-4)

Koo Dong (F-5)

Our new name—COMPASSION In sharing this ministry with us, you show genu ine COM PA SS ION , which is the new name of this work, known for 10 years as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. We believe our new name is more descriptive o f the spirit and nature of the work.

►OUR RESPONSIBILITY... To care for more than 16,000 Korean orphans. To maintain 154 orphanages, super­ vised and staffed by Bible-believing Christians. To serve more than 20,000,000 meals each year.

A w ard ed highest recognition by Korean government. CUP AND MAIL T O :---------------------------------------------------------- EVERETT SWANSON, Founder and Director Name ________________________________________ Address— ____________________________________ City _________________ Zone ___ State ____________

greatly Increased Korean living costs, it is neces< raise sponsorships from $8 to $10 a month,

G Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number If this child has already been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a sim ilar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl. With God's help I will send $10 a month. Please send my child's name, picture, ad­ dress and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support fo r □ firs t month, □ one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ ___________ □ Please send folder, ‘‘Inform ation About Sponsoring Korean O rphans."

Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. COM PA S S ION ( The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation

D ept. K 1 3

7774 Irving Park Road

Chicago 34, III.



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