adult, is a direct product of self-indulgence and irresponsibility. There is a pattern of flight from responsibility. It is utterly tragic that many otherwise intelligent people develop a blind spot with regard to the conduct of their own children. Until there comes about a greater degree of parental understanding — real interest, affection and concern — we will witness a continued upsurge in juvenile crime. There must be a moral reawakening in every home of our coun try. Disrespect for law and order is a tragic moral illness. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to . . . train . . . youth in wisdom and virtue. Wise and good men are, in my opinion, the strength of a state; much more so than riches or arms . . .” Crime is a community as well as a national problem. It will not be abolished by ignoring it. Perhaps it is sometimes oversensation alized; its gory details undoubtedly are distasteful to many people. But if the public is to be aroused to take needed action against what appears to be an epidemic of criminal activity, even sensationalism perhaps may be justified. W e are paying dearly and in cold cash for these indulgences. Crime now costs the American people more than $60 million a day. But this figure does not take into account the human factors — the personal grief, the broken homes, the physical and mental suf fering. Nor can a price be placed on the loss of American prestige in the community of nations, or the eroding influence upon our heritage, which are by-products of the continuing growth of un derworld activity. Crime has a sinister partner in promoting the breakdown of our moral standards. This partner is international communism — an aggressive and atheistic force which today controls one third of the world’s population and one fourth of her land surface. The barbaric communist empire now stretches from the Wall of Berlin to the China Sea, from Asia’s Mekong River to the Escambray Mountains of Cuba. In our country, this international conspiracy is represented by a bold and defiant Communist Party — fanatically dedicated to the destruction of our form of free government. The Communist Party, U .S.A., is an alien force, an agency of a foreign power — the Soviet Russian government. Today, it is en gaged in an intensive campaign to openly defy the law and destroy public confidence in our entire system of justice. Throughout thé past year, the Party has deliberately and flagrantly refused to com ply with a United States Supreme Court ruling which requires it to register with the Attorney General as an agent of the Soviet Union. In furtherance of this campaign, front groups have been formed, propaganda leaflets circulated, agitational meetings held — all for the purpose of attacking American laws and undermining faith in our democratic institutions. We must be aware of these tactics to sabotage our basic heritage of freedom. The communists are experts in the practice of treachery and deceit. They have used this program of blatant defiance as an oflfen- (continued on page 19)
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