experiences include medical, nursing, fire services and law enforcement, as well as farming or corporate safety & first aid. If you have an interest or would like to learn more about this team then please reach out to the Safety & Security Committee. Thank you! Did you know ….. From October 1 st – December 16 th (date article written) the n umber of golf cart and bike thefts was ZERO . Let ’ s continue to support and thank our Security Chief and his staff for serving us with integrity and a smile!
How To Call 911 At ORPS
If there is an emergency in the resort, have one person call 911 and have another person call ORPS Security.
When calling 911: • Give the address of the resort - 69411 Ramon Rd and the lot number. • If not at a lot, provide your location and if possible, a nearby lot #. It is very important to provide landmarks and the closest lot number. Examples: 1. Back 9 little golf course hole #6 Tee Box, near Lot 1092. 2. Main Tennis courts at La Palma Club house, near lot 334. 3. Satellite F in the south east corner of the resort, near lot 918 (if you don ’ t know north, south, east, west don ’ t give that info). The Fire Department maps don ’ t label all the areas of the resort, BUT they do show every LOT Number!! Providing the closest Lot number will give them the best chance of finding the emergency quickly. When calling ORPS Security: • Call 760 - 770 - 0065 • Notify Security of the incident location and tell them emergency responders are on the way. This is so the security staff can assist the emergency responders in finding the emergency. If the security staff at the front gate knows the location of the emergency before the Fire Department arrives, we have a much better chance of assisting the Fire Department in locating the emergency. The Security staff will never stop the responding emergency vehicles, but if they are ready for their arrival this will speed up the response.
Steve Stockman—Safety & Security Chair
HAPPY NEW YEAR from the A&A team! We hope you had a great holiday and we are looking forward to the new year. As Owners it is our responsibility to be familiar with the rules and regulations that can be found on orps.com. These rules and regulations are in place to ensure a safe environment and that our lots can reflect our individual tastes while maintaining an acceptable aesthetics and architecture across the Resort. We are a unique blend of individuals that all desire a Resort we can be proud of. If you are contemplating any maintenance or improvements to your lot (and in some cases your RV) the first step is to determine if you need a permit before starting any work on your lot. NO WORK CAN START PRIOR TO A&A COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF YOUR PERMIT . Please contact Julia, our A&A Coordinator, for assistance with your Permit application or to request a consultation with members of the A&A Committee. As a reminder if you are moving an existing trailer, stairs or dog house within the Resort you may need a Permit depending on the circumstances. Please contact Julia and she can provide guidance for your specific situation. I would also like to encourage you to work with Julia to safely remove any dead queen palms. This last summer took a toll on these palms as they thrive in a coastal climate and not a dry hot desert. A dead queen palm is a safety hazard and should be dealt with as rapidly as possible to keep you and your neighbors safe. Lastly the first of the year is a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors. And I would encourage every Owner to have at least one quality fire extinguisher readily available. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Thanks to everyone for your efforts to keep ORPS the beautiful Resort we all love and enjoy! Steve Farley – A&A Chair
We are looking for a few more volunteers. There are currently 30 - 35 owners who are on the team and willing to help out in unlikely event of an earthquake or other emergencies within the resort. Individual backgrounds &
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