January 2025 Oracle

machine. He feels these machines provide good cardio workouts while simultaneously working your legs, arms, and back. Lots of bang for the buck! Eric recommends making fitness and exercise a priority otherwise, life will interfere with your workouts. If you miss a workout or two, or even a full week, don't feel like you have failed. This will only lead you to be less likely to resume. You ’ d be surprised how quickly your muscle memory comes back. In his spare time, Eric enjoys hiking, tennis, biking, riding his motorcycle, crosswords, following the news of the day, and dancing with his beautiful wife! To keep our gym maintained and having quality equipment, our committee will be hosting some incredible “ Fun - raisers ” (yes Fundraising), that will include new and interesting activities that will be sure to bring smiles and giggles to you and your family and friends. Mark your calendars: • January 7th is a Health & Fitness Seminar with our very own Kathy Barnard and her “ Save our Skin ” foundation. • January 11th is a “ Silent Disco & Family Fun night ”. • January 18th the Blood Mobile will be here. • January 24th is the PickleGolf tournament. Look for our upcoming events in the ORPS daily reminder, and on the digital screens.

Happy New Year!

Many people make a resolution, you like many others, might be considering how to improve your health? It could include the following: • Adding or increasing exercise? • Adding more protein and vegetables to your diet? • Drinking less soda or alcohol? • Eating less sugar? • Researching ways to reduce stress? • Committing to wear sunscreen daily? Maybe you can choose just one thing to work on. Make it something you can stick to. Some of us already started our health journey by attending our training day in the gym with our FreeMotion representative Tina Weidenkeller. It is exciting to see the number of people interested in using our gym. Tina shared information about our new strength training machines. We have two upgraded styles of strength training equipment. The first are the “ selectorized ” machines. Basically, this system selects the muscle groups that will be targeted in your workout. For example, the leg press and the hip adduction and abduction equipment only let you work on specific muscle groups. The other types of machines give you more freedom to move, target, and customize your workouts based on your needs. For example, the dual cable machines are adjustable to your height, and adjust the weight being lifted, simultaneously or not. This category of machine is welcoming for “ all ” types of exercisers. The seat can easily be moved up or down so that those who are in a wheelchair or have non - weight - bearing injuries can use the equipment as well. Our machines are recommended and used by many physical therapists. On numerous occasions, fitness committee members have been asked about putting together a training/ workout program for our renters and owners. This is a work in progress and hopefully, we will have some answers to your questions soon. Meanwhile, each month we plan to spotlight an ORPS fitness enthusiast. His\her picture and bio will be posted on our Health & Fitness bulletin board in the gym Our inaugural featured athlete is Eric Buckland! Eric makes lifetime fitness and exercise a high priority. Since the age of 6, Eric played numerous sports including amateur basketball, boxing, and competitive softball. He enjoys weight lifting, and high - intensity workouts and has even climbed a few mountains! For the past 5 and a half decades, Eric has been working out 4 to 5 times a week. That's dedication!

Serving you and our community, The Health & Fitness Team Cindy Rose — Health & Fitness Chair

While in the ORPS Fitness Center, Eric can often be seen using the elliptical machine and the rowing




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