Life Quality Resources

Treatment While at Life Quality Resources we are not a primary addiction treatment center, we do provide adjunctive treatment options for individuals who have made the commitment to achieve the life of sobriety or freedom from compulsive behavior. Drawing from successful programs that have been developed in the VA Hospital system that combine biofeedback and neurofeedback/ self-regulation strategies we can add an extra layer of support for individuals committed to 12-step programs. Through this commitment change will happen, and the opportunity for a renewed life and sense of self will emerge. A typical treatment for assisting with substance abuse recovery at Life Quality Resources involves a variety of therapies selected for each patient’s needs.

About Substance Abuse It is estimated that between 8-11% of the American population have a serious alcohol problem, and that number is increasing with our country’s current economic state. Almost 50% of the US population consider themselves “regular drinkers”. Abuse of various types of illicit drugs has also steadily increased over the last 25 years. “8.7 percent of the population aged 12 years old or older used illicit drugs including marijuana, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used non- medically.” September, 2010 report: “National Survey on Drug Use and Health” US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration The dangers associated with abusing a substance can be threatening to you and others. Substance abuse alters your judgment, attention, bodily control, and the perception of your environment. These physical and psychological changes can cause you to make decisions that you would not normally make like driving while impaired or creating a violent/ criminal situation.

These therapies can include:

• Neurofeedback • Biofeedback • Nexalin Advanced Therapy • Psychotherapy • Medication Management • Symptom/Coping Strategies • Neurotransmitter and Hormone Testing • Nutrition

• Functional Health Plan • Meditation Techniques • Family Counseling

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