King's Business - 1964-04

APRIL, 1964< Thirty Cents

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: New Trends and Developments

Th e “ new mathematics”?

and spiritual impact. Heart-decisions are the result of sufficient exposure to God’s Word. Hence, two weeks of Vacation Bible School result in more decisions for Christ than almost any other church effort. For maximum spiritual results in your VBS, plan now for two full weeks of this important ministry. For maximum pupil-appeal, clear Bible teaching, and strong evangelistic emphasis, select Scripture Press’ timely course, “MAK­ ING TIME COUNT for Christ!” Start today! Get these timesaving VBS planning helps:

YES! 1 + 1 can equal 4 . . . or may­ be 5 or 6! Two weeks of well-planned Vacation Bible School, backed by much prayer are bound to result in much more than two times the effect of a one-week school. There is, of course, no spiritual slide rule to cal­ culate the life-changing results of each additional day of VBS. But VBS re­ ports indicate that many more deci­ sions for Christ are made during the second week of VBS than the first. An effective VBS, where the Bible is taught prayerfully day after day, ex­ periences a buildup in pupil’s interest

• FREE VBS Guidebook* — 24 colorful pages with Planning Timetable . . . preview of 1964 VBS courses . . . exciting new pub­ licity ideas, handcraft, and teaching tools . . . all "timed” to the new theme. "MAK­ ING TIME COUNT for Christ:” Ask for your copy. • New VBS Filmstrip— dramatically illustrates the evangelistic impact of VBS . . . stirs church members to prayer and action in this effective ministry. Ask for a FREE showing soon! • Introductory VBS Kit — teachers’ and pupils’ manuals and handcraft for 5 age-groups (Nursery through Young Teen) . . . 8 new publicity pieces . . . and indispensable VBS Guidebook— a $7.50 value for only $5.50! *Guidebook and manuals include suggestions for a one-week school, for those who find it impossi-- ble to have two weeks of VBS.


SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATION S, IN C. W heaton, Illin o is 60187 Please send me the VBS planning helps checked:

See these new Scripture Press VBS helps at your


□ FREE VBS Guidebook □ VBS Film strip, M AKING TIME COUNT FOR CHRIST, for FREE | showing on---------------------------------o r________________________________ ■ (first and second choice of dates) I I Introductory VBS K it, with teachers1 and pupils' manuols and | handcraft for 5 age-groups, new publicity pieces, and VBS ■ Guidebook . . . $5.50 plus postage D Check enclosed □ B ill me Name---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Address ................. . — .......— ------- ----- C ity ____________________________________ State__________________ Zip # ________a Church-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| - ______________________________________________________________ I (to avoid cutting cover, see coupon on adjoining page)


' T h e K i n g © B a e i n e e e E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T . Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A . Myers, Board Chairman w i —— . i . APRIL, in the year of our Saviour c . . . . . . Vol. 55, No. 4 \ Established 1910 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-four Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home m FOR A BIOLAN: A MARTYR'S CROWN ................................................. 9 CHRIST AND THE CROWD — Vance Havner .................................. 10 PIONEER VENTURE — Marjorie Larson ...... ...................................... 12 Marjorie Larson ......... ............................................................................ 12 THE CHURCH AND THE FAMILY — Oscar E. Feucht ................... 15 THROUGH WINGS OF PRAYER — Alfred E. Street ........................ 16 CHRISTIANS MAY BE SPIRITUAL HOMICIDES — Douglas C. Hartley .............................................................................. 18 VOLUNTARY SADISTS — Herbert Henry Ehrenstein ........................ 19 CAN YOU DO IT? — Mel Larson ............................................................. 20 THE CHURCH, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, AND YOUR TOWN — Clate A. Risely ...................................................................................... 22 PRODUCING MISSIONARY PICTURES ........................... 24 NEW TRENDS IN VBS — Roy B. Zuck ................................................. 25 A CHRISTIAN DICTIONARY OF IMPORTANT TERMS ................... 26 CAN CHRISTIAN YOUNG PEOPLE GET INTO REAL TROUBLE? .... 41 LOOKING IN THE LITTLE CORNERS — Martha S. Hooker .............. 44 WASHED — Nobud E. Much ............................_ ...................................... 45 A GREATER THRILL THAN BASEBALL — Don B. Rood ................ 48 M I M A A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ........................ 30 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ......................................... 32 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ..... ............................ 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehfert ...................................................... 34 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ......................................... 36 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 37 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 39 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ................... .................................. 43 CeluMU READER REACTION ....... ................................................. ......... ................... 4 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ................................................................................. 6 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ..................................................................... 31 lm Class in session at Glendale Presbyterian Church, Glendale, California, which has an active VBS program. Church Press photo. — All Rights Reserved — / M

A concise Bible commentary — Bible history — Archaeological discoveries — church history — select Bible verses. More Biblical information than any other book its sirel 968 pagai, tin* 4" x 6 ’/*" x li/ ," — 23rd edition . . . 1 3 . 9 5

(See helpful advertisement on adjoining page.)

SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Wheaton, Illinois 60187 KBS-44 Please send me the VBS planning helps checked: □ FREE VBS Guidebook □ VBS Film strip, MAKING TIM E COUNT FOR CH RIST, for FREE showing o n ........................... ______ ______________ or ........_____ ...-------— (first and second choice of dates) □ Introductory VBS K it. with teachers' and pupils' manuals and handcraft for 5 age- groups, new publicity pieces, and VBS Guidebook . . . $5.50 plus postage. □ Check enclosed □ B ill me

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor

PAUL SCHW EPKER: Controller JAN E M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

V IRG IN IA SCHW EPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: W illiam Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker



SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U .S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to ''The King's Business/'

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at los An­ geles, California. Printed in U .S.A . by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, $58 So. Hope S t., Lof Angeles 17, California.

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A P R IL, 1964

such sameness that every issue looks just like the one before it. I would like to see some Bible verses on the cover. People sometimes never read the inside. THE KING’S BUSINESS is a good publication and worth the thirty cents, if only the covers were different. Mrs. Ethel W illiam s, Los Angeles, California. E ditor ’ s N ote : W e would like to know how our other readers feel relative to these cover pictures, on THE KING ’S BUSI­ NESS. Give us your impression. CAUTION: SWINDLERS After reading “ Caution: Evangelical Swindlers” in the January KING’S BUSI­ NESS, I felt I should investigate some of the missionary organizations to which I have sent some offerings. The article did not give the addresses of the missionary associations mentioned. M rs. R. V . Rose, Hot Springs, South Dakota. E ditor ’ s N ote : I.F.M.A. 308 West 105th Street New York, New York 10025 E.F.M.A. 120 Liberty I am always so grateful to receive THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine. I serve in a Children’s Home where we care for twenty-five children, and I never seem to gather enough to pay for my subscription. I have been receiving it free, and I do thank those who make it possible. At Christmas time, I received this American dollar from a friend, so I would like to give it to the ministry of THE KING’S BUSINESS. The Lord bless each one working on the magazine, and those who help finan­ cially. Gladys Helen M acKenzie, Guine Portuguese, A frica E ditor ’ s N ote : Although our available re­ sources for additional subscriptions to be sent to missionaries have been depleted, by faith we are sending a complete sub­ scription to this faithful servant. If you would like to invest some of your tithe money for the furtherance of the Gospel and the encouragement of Christian mis­ sionaries throughout the world w e would appreciate your careful remembrance of this need. A ll gifts are tax-deductible. APPRECIATION FOR FREE FUND We have received the copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS you sent to us. We want you to know that we really appreci­ ate your sending these. Any tracts or other literature that you can send will be ap­ preciated. Harvey R. Barney, The Chapel Hour, Nevada State Penitentiary E ditor ’ s N ote : Recently we received a request from the chaplain at the Nevada State Penitentiary for copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS for distribution among the prisoners. These were sent from our Free Fund which provides the KB for such requests. Gifts to the Free Fund should be sent to THE KING’S BUSINESS, c/o The Free Fund. New York, New York 10006 GRATEFUL AND FAITHFUL

New! Over 500 Sunday School teaching aid s, Bible lesson books, visu a ls, etc. W rite fo r free copy to: GospelCijiitPublications Glendale 5, Calif, or Mound, Minn.

In the February issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS, someone from Selma, Califor­ nia wrote you objecting to the cover on the Christmas magazine. I had been think­ ing how beautiful it was, and especially the one on the February magazine. I thought of having it framed. It is true, that at Christmas, we celebrate the birth­ day of Jesus, but He is no longer a babe in a cradle, but our risen Christ, in glory. I enjoy your articles in the magazine very much. They are true to God’s Word, and a help to me spiritually. I too am from Selma. "One of your readers," Selma, California. It is strange that Mr. Anonymous of Selma, California writes his dislike for the magazine’s beautiful covers of trees and scenery which show the handiwork of God for our pleasure, and yet failed to men­ tion the informative, inspirational contents between its covers. May God continue to bless the message of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS. M rs. Vera Aldrich, Seaside, California. May I say a word in defense of the covers? They are beautiful, and I think also they are appealing to the unsaved, causing a desire to see what’s inside. Such scenes bring to remembrance the Creator, for the Lord says, “ The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show- eth His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). What is between the covers is so won­ derful I do not spend as much time as I should in contemplation of the cover. I pass on my Christian magazines, generally overseas, and I can pass THE KING’S BUSINESS on with fu ll assurance, even if I am not able to read every article, know­ ing that nothing untrue to the Word of God will be allowed. May J . Taylor, Long Beach, California. Kegarding the picture on the February cover, “ I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills. From whence cometh my help? M y help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” I meditate: all the ele­ ments that make up earth and sky and sea are God’s creation. All the laws which man uses to make devices for mining the earth, exploring the sky, delving into the sea, are God’s laws. Man’s brain is God’s gift. Thank you for the picture. Thank God for His handiwork. Mrs. H. F. G ilbert, La Verne, California. I think the pictures on THE KING’S BUSINESS are beautiful, and depiet the wonders of God’s creation more than man’s imaginary art. May Lee Hughey, Glendale, California. I enjoy your magazine, but can’t you do something about the covers? There is


A staff of eight dedicated Christian psycholo­ gists and professional counselors. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre-marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Director PHONE MU 1-5669 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 35 So. Raymond Pasadena, Calif. HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST This 75-year old mission was found­ ed to bring a Christian witness to the Jew. Every day in many cities in the U. S. and Israel a staff of dedicated workers make their way along the streets in business and residential areas to engage Jews in conversation concerning Messiah - Jesus. Children are gathered for club meetings and are won to the Saviour. Radio messages reach millions of Jews every week, in North America and Israel. The results — the Lord says, “Sow the seed . . . and I will give the in­ crease." Will you share in this seed sowing ministry? A copy of the A.M.F. Monthly will be mailed to you free if you write today to: Archie A. MacKinney, Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III.



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APRIL, 1964


Peoplein theNews


Just write asking for our illustrated folder “ Informa­

tion About Sponsoring Korean Orphans” —we’ll send these colorful Korean Baby Shoes. (The Everett Swanson V v m r > l ^ « I V l V Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) Dept. HE 44 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634

1965 Convention will be held January 17-24 and Dr. G. Allen Fleece, president of Columbia (South Carolina) Bible College, will return as one of the speakers. Other speakers will be an­ nounced later. Dr. Billy Graham was the featured speaker for the first night of the 22nd annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals held re­

On February 20th, Dr. R. R. Brown, pioneer in radio Gospel broadcasting, Bible teacher, evangelist and mission­ ary leader, went home to be with the Lord. It was four days after his congregation, the C & M A Omaha Gospel Taberna­ cle, had celebrated his forty-first an­ niversary as their m i n i s t e r . D r . Brown was listen­ ing to the services from his hospital bed. On April 8, 1923, when radio was considered a novelty that might not last, Dr. Brown began a radio broad­ cast which has continued without in­ terruption over the same station — WOW — to this day. Often he has been named as the first pastor of a radio congregation with continuous services. From tent evangelistic serv­ ices which Dr. Brown conducted in Omaha in 1922, a great church grew, whose giving to missions has exceeded one million dollars. Dr. Brown trav­ eled to mission fields in all lands and was a popular conference speaker. He spoke at our Torrey Memorial Con­ ference and contributed to The King’s Business. “ He will always be remembered for his deep love for missions and his burning passion for the salvation of souls everywhere.” Dr. Joseph Hemphill, Rev. Wilbur Nel­ son, Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, and Rev. Wesley Gustafson are among speakers Dr. Brown

A N S W E R B O O K "

cently in Chicago. Other speakers on th e program were Dr, Oswald C. J. Hoff­ mann of the “ Luth­ eran Hour” ; Dr. K. Owen White, presi­ dent of the South­ ern Baptist Conven­ tion, and Congress­ man John B. Anderson of Illinois. The un­

shows “Around the World with C hrist” 10-d ay and 5-day courses for Vacation Bible School. Send for it now! Dept.VK34 G o s p e l L i g h t P u b l i c a t i o n s Glendale 5, Calif. • Mound, Minn. • Toronto

MORE MISSIONARIES NEEDED ALASKA • EUROPE B ible - trained, dedicated married couples or single persons are needed for gen­ eral missionary work, evan­ gelism and youth m inistry in Alaska where the Eng­ lish language is used. Musi­ cal ability would be a great help. M o re workers are needed for missionary work in Europe also. SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director Dept. K 2434 N. Kedxie Blyd., Chicago, III. 60647 In Canada: P.O. Box 2 , Station K , Toronto 12, Ontario Send for free magazine, the Slavic Gospel News, which describes our work. Order book, MUCH PRAYER, MUCH POWER by Peter Deyneka. $1.50 Peter Deyneka

derlying theme for the convention was “ Evangelicals Un a s h ame d . ” More than 1,000 persons attended the con­ vention, with pastors, leaders and lay­ men from some 50 denominations. Dr. White Dr. Henry H. Halley, author of the famous Halley’s Bible Handbook, of which there are now more than one

million and a quar­ ter copies in print, celebrates his 90th b i r t h d a y t h i s month. Dr. Halley has devoted his life to the writing and distributing of this popular handbook, and throughout the years he has kept it up-to-date, enlarg­

I n 3 * r

Reach Children!

for the 74th annual Bible and Mission­ ary Conference of The E v a n g e l i c a l Alliance Mission to be held May 12-17 at the Lake Avenue C o n g r e g a ti o n a 1 C h u r c h o f Pasa­ dena, Ca l i f o r n i a . O n e h u n d r e d TEAM missionaries

Dr. Halley

6 pages — 3 colors 5 0 fo r $ 1 .0 0 pestpoM 1000 1er SI7.SO pestpoM CHUR CH PRESS ■•x IS1 ClenOele, Cellfemle

ing it with each edition. Halley’s Bible Handbook was bom almost by accident. Forced to leave the pastorate because of ill health, Dr. Halley used his spare moments in memorizing en­ tire books of the Bible. One Sunday morning when he was to fill the pul­ pit in another church, Dr. Halley determined to speak only the Scrip­ ture. Decisively and without hesita­ tion he quoted from memory the Ser­ mon on the Mount. The response to this unique presentation was spon­ taneous and far-reaching. Dr. Halley made it a practice to give background instruction regarding the Bible pas­ sages he was about to recite. This eventually led to the compilation of the material which grew into Halley’s Bible Handbook.



TROUBLE L — a tract for i h BOYS AND J G IR L S ^ fl

Rev. Nelson

and candidates will be in attendance. All meetings will be open to the public. Dr. Harlin J. Roper, pastor of the Sco­ field Memorial Church of Dallas, Texas, has announced that the over­ whelming success of the first South­ land Keswick Convention held recent­ ly has insured the scheduling of the conference as an annual event. The

W A N T E D ! ! Used cars for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re­ tail value. W rite: ASSISTANCE TO MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif.



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A P R IL, 1964

’V .io v iS - a message from the editor

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OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED in Pakistan, India, Japan To proclaim the Gospel of

J^R OM TIME TO time prominent men o f the world issue warnings concerning the trends o f the tunes which sound almost evangelistic in presentation. Below is a state­ ment given to the Associated Press by Will Durant, phil­ osopher-historian, who could scarcely be considered a rightist rabble rouser or a fundamental evangelist. This statement appeared in a recent issue o f C h r i s t i a n i t y T o ­ d a y . I f one such as Mr. Durant recognizes these issues in such a vivid manner, how much more should we not cry out against the evils o f the day in which we live and boldly proclaim " Thus saith the Lord” as revealed in His H oly Book? A i Have we so long ridiculed authority in the family, discipline in education, rules in art, decency in conduct, and law in the state, that our liberation has brought us close to chaos in the family and and the school, in morals, arts, ideas, and Government? We forgot to make ourselves intelligent when we made ourselves free. Should we be free to commit murder and escape punishment on the ground o f "temporary insanity?” Have our parole boards been too gentle, humane, and approachable? Should we be free to sell, to any minor who has the price, the most obscene — the most deliberately and mercenarily obscene — book o f the 18th century, while we deplore the spread o f crime, unwed mother­ hood, and venereal disease among our youth? Should divorce be so easy that marriage loses its function o f promoting sexual order and family discipline? . . . These are difficult questions . . . and I have no dogmatic answers . . . I know that severity o f punishment does not always prevent crime — though I believe that surety o f punishment would deter it. I know how hard it is to say who should judge what is right or wrong, obscene or decent, and where censorship should stop once it has begun . . . . But with all these excuses and doubts, public opinion has been guilty o f criminal and cowardly silence in the face o f growing crime, moral disorder, and deteriorating taste. We have been afraid to speak out lest we be considered old-fashioned. . . . We make idols o f screen celebrities who deliberately break up home after home. We give not only money but honors to writers who peddle sexual stimulation. We pass in wonder by some o f the modern art exhibited in our museums, and we dare not speak out against it as turning our stomachs with the odor o f decay. TH E KING'S BUSINESS

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or more to invest?

by Betty I n t h e y e a r 1941, Irene Ferrel, of Jerome, Idaho, a beautiful, intelli­ gent girl in her twenties, entered the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to train for missionary service.- Graduating with a B.A. degree in 1944, she chose for the verse to accompany her pretty, smiling face in the school annual, Isaiah 50:7: “ For the Lord God will help me: therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” Irene did indeed “ set her face like a flint” to do the will of God. After another year spent in the Fundamen­ tal Bible School, she was on her way to Africa where she served faithfully under the Baptist Mid-Missions So­ ciety for fourteen years. She and her co-worker, Ruth Hege, ran the mis­ sion station at Mangungu, Kwilu province, Congo, where they headed four schools. During the rioting in 1960, in connection with independence in the Congo, the girls were evacuat­ ed but with a full knowledge of the risk they were running, they returned to their work the next year for an­ other four-year term. On January 27th word reached this country of the brutal slaying of Irene and serious injury to Ruth. Ruth described what happened: “ Irene was hit right in the face by an arrow, over the nose, when we opened the door to the terrorists at 2 in the morning. I was hit in the arm hy an arrow. Irene was killed instantly. I was struck down first and she fell on top of me and they left us both for dead. The terrorists smashed up our home completely. I just lay there, not dar­ ing to move. Somehow, I managed to crawl to the garage after they had left me and there friendly Christian vil­ lagers found me and brought me to

Bruechert the village to hide me from the Muleist [JeunesseJ terrorists who were look­ ing for me. They are named for their leader, former Congo Education Min­ ister Pierre Mulele, who was trained by the Communist Chinese. They have sworn to kill all missionaries. “ I was carried on a bicycle to safety but on the way there we were inter­ rupted by another gang of terrorists and taken back to the mission where Irene still lay dead. They left me there along with a Congolese nurse until a UN helicopter came and got me out.” When Miss Hege was under attack she managed to scribble a note which said: “My co-worker (Irene Ferrel) slipped away to higher planes. My heart is near breaking. The Jeunesse left us as dead, but I am alive. But God (and these lines were heavily underlined) — God, come and help us.” Irene’s sister, Mrs. Winifred Grings, with husband Robert (also mission­ aries in the Congo) and their three children, were evacuated at the time of this tragedy. Winifred also is a graduate of the Bible Institute. Our hearts go out in heartfelt sympathy to the parents, the Dwight Ferrels, and other relatives. This father, a rugged pioneer, has known many tragedies and triumphs in the rearing of his remarkable family. When Winifred was 15 and Irene 14, their mother died and Mr. Ferrel brought them, son Dwight and youngest daughter Ruth from Nebraska and South Dakota to Idaho. Ruth — a radiant little Christian — died at age 11. Mr. Fer- rel’s second wife Elsie, who lovingly stepped into the breach, was a gradu­ ate of Biola and it was at Biola too that the lives of the Ferrels became (continued on page 47)

. . . and

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Our ears are deafened and insulted by cacophonous music, but we fearfully recall that Beethoven was condemned by tradition­ alists, and without protest we go to be deafened and insulted again. We hear the wits laugh at the old copybook maxims, and we haven’t the nerve to say that those maxims are still true. . . . Let us say, humbly but publicly, that we resent corruption in politics, dishonesty in business, faithlessness in marriage, por­ nography in literature, coarseness in language, chaos in music, meaninglessness in art. It is time for all good men to come to the aid o f their party, whose name is civilization.

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APRIL* 1964


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T his is t h e age of the crowd. There are more of us than ever before and we are more crowd-conscious. Everything is geared to the multitude. In the religious world, the successful preacher is the one who packs the church. The successful church is the one with biggest statistics. But while we are counting numbers, we are not making numbers count. The church has a mission to the multitude and the Gospel is for the millions, but our measurement these days is by size instead of sort, quantity instead of quality. We need to recover our sanity on this subject for we have gone off the deep end with a vengeance. If our equilibrium is to be restored we must study our Lord’s attitude toward the crowd, for here, as everywhere else, He is our example and He sets the pattern. We Must Have Compassion Jesus preached to crowds. He was, in a sense, a mass evangelist for He was a bearer of good news to the multi­ tude. His teaching and healing attracted thousands. Throughout the Gospels the constant refrain is “ great multitudes followed Him.” They came from every quar­ ter. They trod one upon another. They pressed upon Him until He had to use a boat for a pulpit. They packed houses until a paralytic had to be lowered through the roof. Crowds, crowds, crowds! What was His attitude toward the throngs? “ But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with com­ passion on them, because they fainted, and were scat­ tered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). He did not conform to them to win their favor. He did not condescend with a spirit of proud superiority. He did not pose as a critic and merely lambast them for their sins. He had compassion. They were as shepherd­ less sheep— and there is no better description of the masses today. We cannot help them if we take the approach of conformity, condescension, criticism. We must have compassion. Although our Lord had compassion, the Teacher did not commit Himself to the throng; the Master did not trust the multitude. We are told that on one occasion many believed in His name when they saw His miracles but He did not trust Himself to these because He knew all men and needed not that any should testify of man, for He knew what was in man (John 2:23-25). He knew that a crowd is not dependable. He did not build His work on a mass movement. He knew that one day the multitude would cry, “ Crucify Him!” Where was His crowd when He was on trial, when He was crucified? Where were they just before Pentecost? We need to learn this lesson. Compassion on the crowd does not require committal to it. The multitude is un­ certain, even treacherous. We must not be deceived. Our Lord escaped from the crowd now and then to be still and pray. Unless we do the same we shall be swallowed up, assimilated by it.





What to Expect Furthermore, our Lord thinned the crowd by His preaching. After He had fed the five thousand with loaves and fishes, they followed Him to make Him King. But He gave them the great sermon on the bread and the blood (John 6) and throughout that chapter every few verses record that more and more of His listeners fell away. They wanted His fish but not His flesh. In Luke 14 we read that great multitudes went with Him but He turned and gave them the three “ cannots” of discipleship. That kind of preaching would thin any crowd. It is a wonder that He had any followers at all. He knew the peril of a cheap mass movement and He deliberately preached cross-bearing, forsaking all else, loving Him to the degree that all other loves would be as hate in comparison, letting the dead bury their dead. To His prize prospect, the rich ruler, He made the terms so radical that the young man went away. And when such prospects went away our Lord let them go. He never lowered His terms to win a promising disciple. This approach, with the crowd or with the individual, is unheard-of today. A prominent religious group ad­ vised its radio and television speakers: “Admonitions and training of Christians on cross-bearing, forsaking all else, sacrifices and service, usually cause the listener to turn the dial. As apostles, can we not extend an in­ vitation in effect, ‘Come and enjoy our privileges, meet good friends, see what God can do for you’?” This new pitch is a far cry from the way the Saviour went about it. We are out to win and hold the crowd by any means whatever. And if we get a few adherents, we drag out the old argument that the end justifies the means. We would do evil that good might come. If a cocktail party and dance followed by a religious service would yield a convert, I verily believe that some would be for making that a regular procedure. Our Lord was not out to build up a crowd. He was not out to thin the crowd. He was out to gather a few disciples who meant business and His kind of preaching sifted the mixed multitude and produced a Master’s minority. We had better forget the experts and take a page from His Book. Rome founded colonies. Communism begins with cells. Christianity began with a church and the nucleus of that church was a handful of disciples. Our Lord spent most of His time not with the throng but with the twelve. The church at Pentecost began with one hundred and twenty. True, they soon had about three thousand addi­ tions but that was a result and not a goal as with us. Our trouble is that as soon as we gain a crowd, we are carried away with our size and everything is geared to bigness. Soon the crowd becomes unwieldy and, since matters are usually decided by vote nowadays and not by the Holy Spirit, the pattern is set by a worldly ma­ jority and not by the dedicated few. The saddest day for the church was when Constantine became a member

and opened the doors to a flood of pagans. We have never recovered from that disaster nor have we totally abandoned his program. Always the Faithful Remnant With our extensive drive for the multitudes there must be the intensive development of a minority or we shall be overwhelmed by our own numbers. As it is now, we cannot get to the goal for stumbling over our own team. We furnish our own greatest interference. It has been said that the greatest mission field today is the membership of the average church. One religious leader has said recently that two-thirds of our church members show no evidence of having been bom again. Our Lord’s program as to crowds is still our pattern. Promoters are apt to mistake motion for progress, ac­ tivity for spirituality. We Americans think in big fig­ ures but it is hard to find American standards in the New Testament. Communism has borrowed a page from the technique of the early church and the children of this world—and of the devil—are wiser in their genera­ tion than the children of light. Communism does not depend on the mass but on the dedicated few. We Chris­ tians have forgotten our blueprints and are trying to accomplish by a host what will be done by a handful. What we call mobilization is often mob-ilization. Gid­ eon’s thirty-two thousand is not routing the Midianites these days. We are cumbered, as he was, with the cowards and the careless and we need to recruit a spear­ head of the consecrated and the competent. While we are going after the thousands we had better rally a Gideon’s three hundred. We need the extensive movement to reach the masses, whether mass evangelism, church soul-winning drives on a massive scale, radio and televi­ sion preaching to circle the globe. But unless in the crowds we gather we train a redemptive band of Chris­ tians who are disciples and witnesses as well as believers, we shall be smothered in our own statistics. Dr. Phillips says that the modern church is so prosperous that it is fat and out of breath and so organized that it is muscle- bound. True revival must begin as our Lord began, not with a crowd but with a few. Dr. Torrey used to say that re­ vival begins with a few church members getting thor­ oughly right with God themselves. Mr. Moody said that it starts as one starts a fire, with the kindling first and we add the “ big wood” later. Most church members do not respond en masse to a call to repentance. But even in this Laodicean age, some will hear our Lord at the door, will open their hearts and sup with Him in blessed fellowship. Then they will go out, not as a self-righteous clique, but as flaming witnesses to win their indifferent brothers in the church and lost sinners in the world. They will meet the shepherdless multitude not in con­ formity, condescension or criticisms but with compas­ sion. Only as we follow the pattern of Christ can we meet the problem of the crowds.

A P R IL, 1964


Violinist David Lassiter, member of the Biola College music faculty, participates in live telecast from HCJB studios.

Pioneer Venture -

Missionary Television by Marjorie Larson

E arly i n D ecember , 1962, Bob Clark, director of mis­ sionary television station HCJB-TV in Quito, Ecua­ dor, felt discouraged. While he was convinced that during its three years of telecasting, missionary television had made a solid impact for the Gospel in Ecuador, he was concerned about the Christian public in the United States, whose support and prayers were urgently needed. Few people had any interest in contributing their share of the 12

Lord’s money to television. Because the only TV they knew carried a message incompatible with jnissions, they could not visualize television as a missionary med­ ium. However, Bob knew that HCJB-TV was different. Added to his burden was the fact that HCJB-TV would soon go off the air for an indefinite time to enable the engineers to make a changeover from Channel 2 to Channel 4. How would the audience react to this halt TH E KING'S BUSINESS

sionary Fellowship, Inc. were not willing to pay any amount to obtain the contract, so negotiations dragged. During late 1959 and 1960 and part of 1961, Bob Clark spent much time in government offices, talking to the heads of Congress, to various high officials and govern­ ment ministers. He worked with a committee of profes­ sional and commercial radio men formulating regulations for TV in Ecuador, based primarily on the American FCC standards. He conferred with representatives of the Public Works and Telecommunications Departments. Still, hope for a permanent license seemed dismal. Later Bob was to realize that God had a purpose for the delay — that the timing was perfect according to His schedule. Despite the fact that the desire of the mission­ aries was to have a contract immediately, God knew they were not yet ready for the responsibilities it involved. Although well-trained in radio, the HCJB personnel was inexperienced in television and needed this waiting period as a “ dress rehearsal” before assuming a full-time schedule. Furthermore, there were no Ecuadorians who had experience in television, so cameramen, floormen, shaders, audio control men, announcers, and even actors had to be trained. There were little or no funds with which to back a full-time TV project, and the equip­ ment still needed perfecting. Only actual use and testing gave the engineers valuable experience as they worked long hours tuning, repairing, and adjusting. HCJB-TV televised during that two-year period on a limited basis, first one night a week, then three, always

in transmissions? However, Bob was accustomed to prob­ lems, for HCJB-TV had a history of dilemmas, although each time God had met every crisis. Surely He would do so now. Television for the mission field had been the concept of HCJB missionaries since 1952. However, it was not until 1955, when an engineer in New York, Gift Hart­ well, started the mammoth task of building a station in his spare time in his own garage, that missionary tele­ vision actually got a foothold. Even after that, it was several years before Hartwell and HCJB missionaries learned of their mutual vision. Hartwell, realizing the impact which television had made in the United States, felt challenged to build a station for the mission field. He had no funds but he did possess faith and persistence. In 1955 he heard that two General Electric TV stations had gone bankrupt and that their equipment had been returned to G.E. to be scrapped. Hartwell made negotiations to purchase this valuable equipment at rock-bottom prices. Two years later, after more than two thousand hours of spare-time labor with a little more than one thousand dollars in­ vested, the first complete TV station was finished and tested in Hartwell’s garage. Enough equipment remained on hand to start the construction of a second TV station. The agreement with G.E. was that the equipment should go abroad, but Hartwell still wasn’t certain where that would be until the summer of 1957 when he met three HCJB representatives, one of whom was Bob Clark. They told him they had been praying for years that God would grant them the privilege of pioneering in mission­ ary television, of presenting the Gospel of Christ through this new medium. They rejoiced with Hartwell, knowing that God had brought them together and had set His final seal of approval upon this new venture into mis­ sionary television. Construction on the second station began and on June 17, 1958, two complete television stations were dedicated to the Lord. Meanwhile the World Radio Missionary Fellowship, Inc., the official organization which sponsors HCJB in Ecuador, accepted the offer of the free television stations. Hartwell and his wife, Virginia, then felt con­ strained of the Lord to offer more than just equipment— to offer themselves personally to go to Ecuador as full­ time missionaries. On January, 22, 1959 five-and-a-half tons of equip­ ment arrived at its destination in Quito, to become the first television station in the country of Ecuador, as well as the pioneering step in missionary television. Setting it up, as well as constructing and erecting its antenna, took several months. By August the job was terminated and HCJB-TV accepted the invitation of the Union of News­ papermen in Ecuador to present a television exhibition at the National Fair. In the minds of the newspaper men, the future of television in Ecuador would depend greatly upon how well the public responded to this television tryout. Therefore they gave excellent publicity to the new venture. As a result, crowds thronged the Fair to view television for the first time. The mayor of the city inaugurated HCJB-TV Le Ventana de Los Andes ( “ The Window of the Andes” ) and Ecuadorians pledged to stand behind television because they felt it would bring advancement to their country. Meanwhile problems developed with the Ecuadorian government concerning television norms. The HCJB-TV equipment had been given free import into the country and granted a temporary permit to telecast but it did not have a permanent television contract. Certain men in the government felt that HCJB-TV should pay a large sum (terming it import duty) if the station were to be granted a contract. The trustees of the World Radio Mis­

The famed Palermo Brothers participate in TV program. .looking to the Lord for the miracle of a permanent con­ tract. But the contract did not come. So the WRMF, Inc. decided to put out a fleece before the Lord even as Gideon had done in the Valley of Jezreel. If this were of God, and from the beginning it had seemed to be, then God could do the impossible. He could move in the hearts of government officials to grant a long-term contract, giv­ ing liberation of duties. It was decided that if the contract were not granted by the middle of April, 1961, HCJB-TV would discontinue its transmission. April 15 came and still the contract had not been granted. So HCJB-TV stopped televising. Had God led this mission astray in shipping its fine equipment to Ecua­ dor? Had He given them the gift of this station, as well as its builder-engineer, only to take them away? Mis­ sionaries and Ecuadorians continued to pray. Bob Clark continued to visit government offices. Reaction came quickly; God performed a miracle! Those who had watched the broadcasts for three nights a week were impressed by HCJB-TV and began asking responsible officials what could be done to finalize its contract. Television had made an impact! The people of Ecuador wanted it back on a permanent, full-time basis.


A P R IL, 1964

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