King's Business - 1964-04

by Mel Larson

nothing wrong with that! Besides, everybody is doing it!” Buddy, you had better get a new line! Everybody is not doing it . . . whatever that “ it” may be in your case. Not that boys are the only ones who come up with wrong ideas on dates. Every date, you know, has certain parts in it that can lead to disagreement. For example, what shall we do? Sometimes a girl will seek to persuade her date that a certain amusement — you name it now — is okay. The fellow shakes his head sideways, only to run into words: “Why, Bill, there’s nothing wrong with that.

t h a p p e n s e v e r y d a y , every n ig h t. A fellow and a girl are on a date, having a good time. They discover that they like each other. Each moment becomes a bit more pleasant. Then, somewhere along the way, the fellow suggests that they do something, or he does something he shouldn’t do. And the girl promptly says: “ I don’t do those things.” And she might add: “ I’m not that kind of girl.” Chilled silence like an iceberg moves in. Possibly for only a few moments though, for he quick­ ly recovers and comes back with: “Why Mary, there is



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