King's Business - 1964-04

Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, NewYorkCity, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in the United States.

DEMON POSSESSION Q. Recently, a so-called Christian psy­ chologist was speaking of the cases of demon possession in the New Testa­ ment. H e suggested that they were cases of mental illness and that call­ ing them demon possession was just an accommodation to the thinking of the people of those days. I note in Matthew 17:14-18 that epilepsy seems to be attributed to the presence of a demon. Are the cases described as demon possession in the New Testament actu­ ally mental disease? Is there a reality distinct from mental disease which may be called “ demon possession” ? If so, which cases in the N ew Testa­ ment would fall into each classifica­ tion? Do missionaries who report “ demon possession” actually deal with invisible spiritual powers or is it just mental disease? A. I am glad you have asked this question. A complete answer would require much more space than al­ lowed on this page, but I can at least touch upon the subject, then suggest some references I would like to have been in on your conversation with your psycholo­ gist friend, because I definitely be­ lieve in demon possession. What did he have to say about the cases in which the demon-possessed person rec­ ognized Jesus and reacted to Him? There are many examples o f this. One example is Mark 1:24, “ what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God.” Psychotics may think they’re Napoleon or someone else, but they don’t recognize an­ other person whom they have never seen, much less recognize truth about that person — truth which is con­ cealed from normal people. There are many other things that

Usually they are fright reactions in­ volving intense anxiety or terror. They are experienced by both chil­ dren and adults. They are believed to be caused by emotional conflicts, anxiety, apprehen­ sion or worry. Such disturbances of sleep may be attributed to unsatis­ factory home conditions and inade­ quate parent-child relationships. They may also be the result of unconfessed sin, or not having the right relation­ ship to God. A frail person who is overtaxed physically may have nightmares. People who experience too much competition or who do not have good relationships with others may have sleep disturbances. Extreme fright, anxiety nd emotional conflicts which occur during the day may find their release in bad dreams. Over-stimulat­ ing television programs and other similar experiences may cause night­ mares. Those who do not have ade­ quate opportunity to discuss how they feel are more likely to have distur­ bances of sleep. As to seriousness, I would say that nightmares are not as serious as they are symptomatic. Frequent night­ mares are indications that there is undue emotional conflict, anxiety, ap­ prehension and worry. These conditions may be improved by giving the person frequent oppor­ tunities to talk about his feelings. They may also be improved by chang­ ing the environment so that he is not subject to injurious pressures. The true believer in Christ has additional resources. He can commit his anxie­ ties and fears to God and talk to the Lord about them. Daily, through prayer, he can have forgiveness of sins. Also, by reading the Word one can receive comfort and peace. These are effective ways of ridding ourselves of -troubles which would be detri­ mental to us.

might be pointed out. The New Testament classifies cases of mental illness quite apart from demon posses­ sion. See Matthew 4:24. “And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick peo­ ple that were taken with divers dis­ eases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.” Here we see clearly that the Scrip­ tures do not refer all mental disorders directly to the work of the demons. Although you feel that Matthew 17:14-21 refers to an epileptic, I might say that whether the case was or was not epileptic in nature, it cer­ tainly is not epilepsy as we know it. Epileptics are not indwelt by Satan, nor are they controlled by spirits. The person referred to was one in­ dwelt by a devil (a foul spirit). Symptoms of disease and difficulties may be similar, yet the cause of the disease and the true diagnosis may be very different. Missionaries and others arte still encountering cases today. Just recent­ ly I heard a fine, reliable Presby­ terian minister tell of a case of a demoniac who was cured in a Chinese church by the prayer of the Chris­ tians. Before he was cured, one of the Christians stood behind him and asked him what his name was, and he shouted out, “ Legion!” This man had never heard of Mark 5:9. If it puzzles you that intelligent people are frequently not persuaded of the accuracy of the Scriptures, read I Cor. 1, 2. NIGHTMARES Q. Are frequent bad dreams or night­ mares serious and are they caused by worry and fatigue? A. Nightmares or bad dreams are re­ ferred to as disturbances o f sleep.



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