King's Business - 1964-04

4g-t<% MOTHER’S ^ ■ DAY

gifts with meaning from your

•• •• ••

CHRISTIAN BOOKSELLER Are your gifts for this day just more pieces of merchandise . . . or do they really tell Mom (be she mother, wife or grandma) how much she means to you? Stop in and browse in the friendly, helpful atmosphere of the local Christian bookstore displaying this emblem. You’ll find a wide selection of Bibles, Christian literature and other appropriate gift items that speak eloquently of your love and affection. Staff members are always ready to help you. Symbol of Service CHRISTIAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 5611 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, III. 60651 “The simplest translation of the whole New Testament that has been made.” -F R A N K LAUBACH _____ ?

understanding of both mother and father, are just a few of the impor­ tant aspects of the Christian home which are covered in this new volume. Dr. Simon, formerly editor of the Christian Parent magazine has writ­ ten a number of splendid volumes in­ cluding the series, Little Visits with God, which are used in many homes for family devotions. The book is pre­ pared in such a way that it can be used as a daily devotional guide by parents. It abounds in practical and interesting illustrations which enable the mother and father to apply Chris­ tian principles. $2.95; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids, Michi- gan. Religion and Birth Control Edited by John Clover Monsma With population density becoming an increasing problem in the world year by year, it is inevitable that more attention will be paid to birth control and related subjects. No one writer will be able to treat adequately more than a few aspects of it, and none will please every reader. Basic preliminary requirements for any sat­ isfactory attitude toward these prob­ lems include accurate knowledge and an ethical decision based upon the facts and the total teaching of the Scriptures. While the latter cannot be acquired from reading this book, even though the contributors are sympa­ thetic to the spiritual problems, the reading of it will lay a broader base for such decisions than can be found without reading widely in literature that is not always easily accessible. The editor admits that “ not all doc­ tors are able to deal with confidential problems of a religio-ethical nature” (p. x iii). Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic contributors submit here twenty-one chapters arranged under five heads: control of conception, t h e r a p e u t i c abortion, sterilization, natural child­ b i r t h , and artificial ensemination. These problems are dealt with forth­ rightly and in the context of various medical careers. In all there appears a commendable regard for religious and Biblical sanctions.— 198 pages; cloth; Doubleday and Co., Garden City, N.Y.; $3.95.

New American Standard Bible: New Testament This Reference Edition of the new­ est full rendition of the New Testa­ ment was analyzed in some detail in the 'book number of this magazine (November, 1963). That estimate was made on the basis of the preliminary Pilot Edition, which was printed in 1000 copies and presented to selected scholars, reviewers, and friends of the producers. It was a paperback. It was not sold. It will become a collector’s item. The present printing is in cloth boards and is called the second edi­ tion. Of this edition 25,000 copies were produced in the first printing. It is distributed jointly by the producer and three co-publishers. This is not unusual, but is not frequently done. The New English Bible is published jointly by The Oxford and Cambridge University Presses. Few changes have been made in this edition from the Pilot Edition, chiefly typographical errors corrected. (It should be remembered that there were also preliminary printings of the Gos­ pel of John and the Four Gospels. There is some reworking and respac­ ing of the marginal notes in the Gos­ pels between the latter and the full Testament.) As one uses this version, the dignity, smoothness, and accuracy of transla­ tion grow on one. It is not ‘modern enough to give the feeling of having departed from the familiar traditional ring of Scripture as one has grown used to it in the King James and the American Standard versions, and yet one is aware of the contemporizing of the syntax and renderings to bring it into line with present day written English. It is thoroughly satisfactory for pulpit use and for private study and devotional reading. We believe it combines these qualities better than any other version.—441 pages; cloth; Foundation Press, La Habra, Calif.; Moody Press, Chicago; World Pub­ lishing Co., Cleveland; Broadman Press, Nashville; $4.95.

Large type Paragraphing Verse references

"O n e o f the m ost significant N ew Testa­ m ent translations into a sim ple form o f m odern speech.” —Eugene A . N ida “ D r. W illiam s has succeeded remark­ ably in his difficult task. W arm ly recom ­ m ended.” —Eternity M agazine Cloth $3.95 Paper $2.45

Points for Parents By Martin P. Simon, Ed. D.

W ir». B . E e r d m a n s PUBLISHING COMPANY Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502

A helpful publication dealing with the aspects of Christian education, the influence of the parents, loving



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