King's Business - 1964-04

Peoplein theNews


Just write asking for our illustrated folder “ Informa­

tion About Sponsoring Korean Orphans” —we’ll send these colorful Korean Baby Shoes. (The Everett Swanson V v m r > l ^ « I V l V Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) Dept. HE 44 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634

1965 Convention will be held January 17-24 and Dr. G. Allen Fleece, president of Columbia (South Carolina) Bible College, will return as one of the speakers. Other speakers will be an­ nounced later. Dr. Billy Graham was the featured speaker for the first night of the 22nd annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals held re­

On February 20th, Dr. R. R. Brown, pioneer in radio Gospel broadcasting, Bible teacher, evangelist and mission­ ary leader, went home to be with the Lord. It was four days after his congregation, the C & M A Omaha Gospel Taberna­ cle, had celebrated his forty-first an­ niversary as their m i n i s t e r . D r . Brown was listen­ ing to the services from his hospital bed. On April 8, 1923, when radio was considered a novelty that might not last, Dr. Brown began a radio broad­ cast which has continued without in­ terruption over the same station — WOW — to this day. Often he has been named as the first pastor of a radio congregation with continuous services. From tent evangelistic serv­ ices which Dr. Brown conducted in Omaha in 1922, a great church grew, whose giving to missions has exceeded one million dollars. Dr. Brown trav­ eled to mission fields in all lands and was a popular conference speaker. He spoke at our Torrey Memorial Con­ ference and contributed to The King’s Business. “ He will always be remembered for his deep love for missions and his burning passion for the salvation of souls everywhere.” Dr. Joseph Hemphill, Rev. Wilbur Nel­ son, Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, and Rev. Wesley Gustafson are among speakers Dr. Brown

A N S W E R B O O K "

cently in Chicago. Other speakers on th e program were Dr, Oswald C. J. Hoff­ mann of the “ Luth­ eran Hour” ; Dr. K. Owen White, presi­ dent of the South­ ern Baptist Conven­ tion, and Congress­ man John B. Anderson of Illinois. The un­

shows “Around the World with C hrist” 10-d ay and 5-day courses for Vacation Bible School. Send for it now! Dept.VK34 G o s p e l L i g h t P u b l i c a t i o n s Glendale 5, Calif. • Mound, Minn. • Toronto

MORE MISSIONARIES NEEDED ALASKA • EUROPE B ible - trained, dedicated married couples or single persons are needed for gen­ eral missionary work, evan­ gelism and youth m inistry in Alaska where the Eng­ lish language is used. Musi­ cal ability would be a great help. M o re workers are needed for missionary work in Europe also. SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director Dept. K 2434 N. Kedxie Blyd., Chicago, III. 60647 In Canada: P.O. Box 2 , Station K , Toronto 12, Ontario Send for free magazine, the Slavic Gospel News, which describes our work. Order book, MUCH PRAYER, MUCH POWER by Peter Deyneka. $1.50 Peter Deyneka

derlying theme for the convention was “ Evangelicals Un a s h ame d . ” More than 1,000 persons attended the con­ vention, with pastors, leaders and lay­ men from some 50 denominations. Dr. White Dr. Henry H. Halley, author of the famous Halley’s Bible Handbook, of which there are now more than one

million and a quar­ ter copies in print, celebrates his 90th b i r t h d a y t h i s month. Dr. Halley has devoted his life to the writing and distributing of this popular handbook, and throughout the years he has kept it up-to-date, enlarg­

I n 3 * r

Reach Children!

for the 74th annual Bible and Mission­ ary Conference of The E v a n g e l i c a l Alliance Mission to be held May 12-17 at the Lake Avenue C o n g r e g a ti o n a 1 C h u r c h o f Pasa­ dena, Ca l i f o r n i a . O n e h u n d r e d TEAM missionaries

Dr. Halley

6 pages — 3 colors 5 0 fo r $ 1 .0 0 pestpoM 1000 1er SI7.SO pestpoM CHUR CH PRESS ■•x IS1 ClenOele, Cellfemle

ing it with each edition. Halley’s Bible Handbook was bom almost by accident. Forced to leave the pastorate because of ill health, Dr. Halley used his spare moments in memorizing en­ tire books of the Bible. One Sunday morning when he was to fill the pul­ pit in another church, Dr. Halley determined to speak only the Scrip­ ture. Decisively and without hesita­ tion he quoted from memory the Ser­ mon on the Mount. The response to this unique presentation was spon­ taneous and far-reaching. Dr. Halley made it a practice to give background instruction regarding the Bible pas­ sages he was about to recite. This eventually led to the compilation of the material which grew into Halley’s Bible Handbook.



TROUBLE L — a tract for i h BOYS AND J G IR L S ^ fl

Rev. Nelson

and candidates will be in attendance. All meetings will be open to the public. Dr. Harlin J. Roper, pastor of the Sco­ field Memorial Church of Dallas, Texas, has announced that the over­ whelming success of the first South­ land Keswick Convention held recent­ ly has insured the scheduling of the conference as an annual event. The

W A N T E D ! ! Used cars for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re­ tail value. W rite: ASSISTANCE TO MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif.



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