MAY, 1967
DO YOU the trainingof thousands of youngmenand womenforChristianservice
THE CHRISTIAN'S WILL M any people intend to remem ber B IO LA in their wills, but many procrastinate, with fre quent resultant losses to the Lord's work. A n inquiry to our office w ill bring information. THE INVESTMENT INCOME Those who want to give a part of their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regu lar dividends, find this plan ade quately meets their needs. THE TRUSTEE ACCOUNT Preferred by some with Savings and Loan accounts. Donor, con sidered a trustee for BIO LA, is in complete control while living. A t death, the remaining balance goes to BIOLA. THE SPONSORSHIP PLAN A n y friend who d e s ig n a te s $ 2 0 0 .0 0 a year for student training becomes a ''Student- Sponsor'' and likewise a par ticipant in the training of volunteers for worldwide service for Christ. THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Consists of those who desire to be faithful stewards in B IO LA's m inistry. T heir stewardship con sists of regular support of the G EN ERA L, RADIO, or M IS SIO N A R Y funds.
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Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T h e K i n g ® B u B i n e ® s A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. U v ii T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 55, No. 5 • MAY, in the year of our Lord 1967 • Established 1910 A r t i c l e s FROM A CHILD THOU HAST KNOWN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ^ —2 Timothy 3.15
IS THE INVITATION OUTMODED ? — Glenn O'Neal ................. 8 CONQUERING DEPRESSION — Tim F. LaHaye ............................... 10 COUNSELING WITH SUCCESS — Joy Mackey .................................. 13 SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT FOR PASTORS — E. Ward Willoughby ............................. 18 RULES FOR REVOLUTION ....................................................................... 20 WILL ISRAEL INHERIT THE PROMISED LAND? — Edgar C. James ........................................................................... 22 FOR IRREPRESSIBLE WORDS — William Bass .................................. 34 ANSWERING CHRIST'S COMMISSION — Ed Steele .................... 36
MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ............... 4 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf .................................... 24 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ........................ 26 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................................... 28 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................. 29 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .............. ............ 31 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................... ........... 32 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS .................................................................... 38 CHRISTIAN WORKERS CLINIC — C. Chester Larson .................... 41 C o l u m n s PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ........................................................................... 6 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ................................................................ 25 READER REACTION .................................................................................. 27 C o v e r "Glacier-fed stream," taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colo rado, along the trail to Fern and Edessa Lakes. Photo by Darwin Van Campen. — A ll Rights Reserved —
nake thee wiseunf nearly four hundrt ;er than any otMtt*
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
PAU L SCHWEPKER: Treasurer JAM ES BRAMER: Controller
JANE M . CLARK: Circulation Manager
BILL EHM ANN: Coordinator EDITORIAL BOARD: W illiam Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha 5. Hooker
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to '*The King's Business/'
ADVERTISING — for inform ation address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Additional entry offices in Los Angeles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Miraaa, California 90638.
MAY, 1967
a message from
R e v o l u t i o n IN COLOUR VISUAL AIDS BIBLA-VISION — large flash cards for teachers (24 per set) MINIATURE MESSAGES — small "take home" pocket A t your bookstore or from these distributors: [ USA: Christian Publications, 25 So. 1^ X 110th St., Harrisburg, Pa. 17101 CANADA: Evangelical Publishers, 241" Yonge St., Toronto 1AUSTRALIA: S. John Bacon, * 1171 I Burwood Rd., Burwood E. 13, I Victoria I ENGLAND: Hughes & Coleman, I I Dominion House, Bartholomew Close, [ I London, E.C.l cc pack for children < V
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the editor ^
| n a r e c e n t number o f the Research Institute Recommenda tions, the entire issue was given over to a discussion o f this question. Over one thousand o f the most prominent business executives o f the country were polled, o f whom at least 63% view "moral and spiritual decline” as one o f the greatest threats to the American way o f life. Several discerning comments in clude the following: "Work, honesty, integrity are becoming dirty words, not just among young people but among adult workers as well” ; “ The rewards o f work, such as money, per sonal satisfaction, are scorned as outmoded. They are called 'square.’ They do not motivate anyone today” ; "Traditions, like duty, law, patriotism, provoke derision. Young people care about only what they can get, not what they owe.” The article quotes these words from a recent Life editorial: "It may still be true that any boy who really wants to can grow up to become presi dent o f the United States, but not many o f today’s most talented boys seems to want to be President o f the United States, or for that matter, President o f U.S. Steel or the United Stove Works. Aspiring to that sort o f leadership, that is, the control and man agement o f industry and government, is decidedly unfashionable on our campuses today. Business as a career is anathema to most average and above-average members o f the class o f 1966.” The author correctly states that there are infinitely more wholesome young people in our country today than there are those who belong to the "beatnik” class. He lays part o f the blame for the unfortunate conditions, which we find in all too many areas, upon business and especially the advertising phase o f various business concerns. Where today the appeal is made for young people to get out on their own, they are urged to "come alive,” to break away from all restraining influences o f home and church, assert themselves and go "where the action is.” This editor respectfully suggests, however, that there is a far deeper reason for the alarming proportions to which this situa tion has developed. The cause is a spiritual one. The sad fact is that the great denominations in large measure have omitted en-
Reaching Jews for Christ Covering New York Metropolitan Area Thru— Visitation in Hospitals and homes Scripture Distribution Coney Island Summer Station Saturday nite meetings Jewish Missionary . Conferences Bible Classes Tract Ministry NEW YORK MESSIANIC
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Have you ever wondered what you could do for God from the age of 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 or even 60? Did you know that God could still use you as a pastor, evangelist, missionary or Bible Teacher? Did you know that there is a Bible In stitute in Castile, New York founded pur posely for these middle or later age groups? Well there is and it is 25 years old and has *203 graduates serving Christ on 100 fields of service here in America and on a good many foreign fields. The proof that these middle age or older married couples can serve the Saviour is to be found in the fact that our graduates, now on these fields, have been accepted by some ten well known faith missions and they are now doing exploits for Christ. They are on such foreign fields as Ger many, Italy, Nigeria, Central Africa Re public, Jungles of Brazil, Panama, Mexico, New Guinea as well as in dozens of states here in the U.S.A. Families with children accepted. Actually one of the church's greatest po tentials for Christ's service is to be found in these dedicated married couples when they are thoroughly Bible trained. The nec essary thing is to “ Step Out By Faith.” WHEN MAN IS WILLING — GOD IS ABLE. If you mean business with God, write: Rev. Donald M. Perkins, Sr., Box 415, 17 South Main Stret, Castile, New York 14427.
tirely any preaching on the subject o f sin in the human heart. As this is an extremely unpopular theme, all too many ministers have taken the position that they must be popular with their congre gations whether they preach the Word o f God to them or not. The National Council o f Churches, officially, and many o f the leaders o f the National Council, individually, have been devoting an utterly disproportionate amount o f time and energy in ad vocating civil rights instead o f civil responsibilities. The subject o f separation o f church and state rather than separation o f both church and state from the utterly godless, soul-destroying, un- American, immoral ideology and practice, which are running rampant already, apparently are gaining more and more adher ence throughout our beloved land. It is quite readily agreed that on political matters church and state should be kept entirely apart, but there are vital moral issues far more basic than civil rights, race equality, and even the war in Viet Nam facing us as a nation today. These issues strike at the very roots o f our na tional life. They revolve around the very grave question whether American society is to be based upon the laws o f the land, which in large measure are derived from the laws o f God as found in His Word, or whether every man has the right to shout from the house tops his demands for his rights, regardless o f its effects upon others. In essence, this goes back to "the survival o f the fittest,” which actually is the law o f the jungle. We deplore the rise o f various "rights” organizations which, according to news paper reports, are equipping themselves with extensive arsenals to take up arms in behalf o f their own rights at the slightest provocation. Yet we could hardly expect anything else when the great denominations have picked up the cry o f civil rights rather than civil responsibility. When a few years ago the courts o f our land did so much to favor the various "rights” movements, the winds were sown. Now the whirlwind is beginning to be reaped. It is sufficiently terrifying that now we are hearing rather plain tive, but belated, cries from our church leaders that there is danger o f going "too far” along these lines. We would suggest that we have already gone too far and we have those in places o f responsibility to thank for this tragic condition. What change is proposed? Nowhere is a thundering voice demanding that law and order be restored and maintained. Only occasionally a gentle slap on the wrist is administered. Sometimes is heard a gentle "please don’t go too far” in breaking the laws o f the land. It simply does not make sense that political leaders in high public office, as well as the highest judiciary bodies o f our land, should in effect allow, if not actually support, lawlessness. A t the same time the local constabulary is left to handle local disturbances and to risk their lives to protect the public. O f course, the police are hopelessly outnumbered in all too many instances. There is no rhyme or reason to the fact that when a mob starts marching, and the police try to defend decent citizens and their property from a howling, insane, determined mob, the only return they (Continued on page U2)
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MAY, 1967
People Mr. Thomas "Ed" Steele, for more than nine years on the staff of Biola, soon will be heading for Quito,
"Europe Our Campus"
Ecuador for serv ice with radio sta tion HCJB. Mr. Steele has b een general manager of Biola’s FM radio stations, KBBI, Los Angeles, and KB- BW, San Diego, in addition to direct-
Box A
Flagstaff, Arizona
$1600 CONTEST for WRITERS OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Send for contest rules and free Brochure on publishing your book. Dept. KB Pageant Press, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York 3 HO. 9-5883 766-2479 tJ3ahu .lt ORIENTAL RUG on CLEANERS Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. _________________SY. 7-5173_________________ # * f * S I f f t f I The complete etiquette guide | I fortoday’s C h r is tia n bride I
Ed Steele ing the annual Tor- rey Memorial Bible Conferences in churches throughout Southern Cali fornia. Jack Koziol, Director of Russian broadcasting and Rodric H. Renee, station manager of HLKX team ra dio in Korea, were given citations for the contribution of the ministry to the development of the nation and for the continued broadcast behind the iron curtain into Russia and China at the station’s 10th anni versary in services held in Seoul, the capital of the republic. Many foreign and national friends of the ministry gathered for the service and recep tion. The minister of public infor mation, Dr. Hong Chong Chul, in pre senting the citation, urged the /sta tion to continue its ministry of reaching those “ in darkness and in the shadow of death” with the Gos pel message. Ambassador to Korea from the republic of China, Admiral Yang Shui Chou, also cited the station for its continuing contribution to the enslaved millions in Red China through six hours of daily broad casting in the Chinese language. The station was founded in 1956 and is the radio voice of the Evangelical Alliance Mission in Korea. Mr. Edmond Liden
Great Britain, Germany
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has been added to the staff of Scrip ture Press, Whea ton, Illinois, hav ing accepted the position of Church Sales Department Manager. Mr. Lid en has served as advertising man ager for four de
Large or small, formal or informal— all weddings become beautiful ceremonies with this complete guide. Step-by-step, it * shows how to carry out each detail— from 1 f announcing the engagement to conducting f 1 the reception. Many lovely new ideas are # included. The perfect gift for the prospec- J tive bride. $2.95 1 See this new Broadman Book at B 5 f _ your favorite book store p H § t**«***************»*******l
partment stores, as creative copy writer for a rubber company and as Sales Promotion manager for anoth er. He has a Business Administra tion degree in addition to having completed a two-year executive train ing course. Mr. Liden
—fbn more fün witîh C O L O R C O L O R p m m n Li U L U K
"The New Scofield Reference Bible," a completely revised edition of the original “Scofield Bible” was issued on April 13 by Oxford University Press. The “NSRB,” with a first printing of 300,000 copies, is avail able in five different styles of bind ing. This new edition, appearing 58 years after the original was pub lished, Has been prepared by an edi torial committee of evangelical scho lars. Dr. E. Schuyler English, former president of the Philadelphia School of the Bible and editor of “The Pil grim Edition of the Holy Bible,” is chairman. In charge of the project for Oxford University Press is W il bur D. Ruggles, vice president and edi tor of Bibles and religious books. The editorial work on the revision has been going on for the past 10 years. “The Scofield Reference Bi ble” was first published in 1909 and takes its name from the Reverend C. I. Scofield, D.D., who edited it and who revised it in 1917, and whose notes are contained in the Authorized (King James) Version. Editorial Committee of THE NEW SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE : (From left) John F. Walvoord, presi dent, Dallas Theological Seminary; Charles L. Feinberg, dean, Talbot The ological Seminary; Allan A. MacRae, president, Faith Theological Seminary; Wilbur D. Ruggles, vice-president, Ox ford University Press; E. Schuyler English, chairman; Frank E. Gaebe- lein, headmaster emeritus, The Stony Brook School; Alva J. McClain, presi dent emeritus, Grace Theological Semi nary; Clarence E. Mason, Jr., dean, Philadelphia College of the Bible; Wil liam Culbertson, president, Moody Bi ble Institute; and Wilbur M. Smith, editor, Peloubet’s Select Notes. Bishop Goodwin Hudson, Dr. Akira Hatori, the Rev. Timothy Kamau, the Rev. Bassom Madani, Dr. Clarence Jones, and Dr. G. Christian Weiss were a few of the speakers selected for the Sec ond International Christian Broad casters Convention scheduled in Lon don from April 3-7 of this year. The convention of the international broadcasters took place in the histor ic Church House,Westminster Abbey. (Continued on page SO)
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II. Does the departure from this practice violate the teaching of Scripture? Two passages of Scripture are usually stressed as the basis for a public acknowledgment of Christ. “ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Rom. 10:9, 10). “Who soever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 10:32). While these verses teach that we need to “ confess” Christ “be fore men,” it is difficult to estab lish from them that we need to make this confession in a public service. They refer more specific ally to the individual’s willing ness to identify himself with Christ no matter who the audi ence might be. There is no evi-
The first reason would be that in intellectual circles “ going for ward” is associated with emotion alism. Since the intellectual level of both the minister and laity is generally rising, it has become less popular to encourage mean ingless decisions through the use of “ tear-jerker” stories. Another problem has been the widespread abuse of the invita tion. Many times the appeal has been dishonest, such as a request for those who wish to have prayer to come forward, and then treat ing them as though they were making decisions for Christ. A further malpractice has been the attempt to be able to report large numbers of decisions by making invitations so general that every one in the congregation has felt obligated to “ take his stand.” Some Christian leaders feel that so much emphasis has been placed on coming forward that the act has a tendency to become more important than actually ac cepting Christ as Saviour.
IS THE INVITATION OUTMODED? by Glenn O’Neal, Ph.D. H i t t i n g t h e s a w d u s t t r a i l ” or “ coming forward in church” is the traditional way to make a decision for Christ in American evangelical churches. Yet an evangelistic pastor re marked recently, “ I believe that the public invitation in the church service is becoming outmoded.” Others have noted that this prac tice is decreasing in popularity. Some churches that have regis tered growth with members who give evidence of transformed lives rarely practice it. In analyzing this trend three questions will be asked: I. What are the reasons for the decline in the use of the public invitation ? Dr. O’Neal is Professor of Prac tical Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary.
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dence that the invitation as we know it was practiced in the early church. Probably the public con fession of Christ was involved with the identification with Christ in the public baptismal service. III. What are some suggestions as to the proper use of the invita tion? 1. Be absolutely honest in giv ing the invitation. The purpose of the call to come forward should be clear both as to the decision to be made and what is expected of the one coming forward. 2. Discourage multiple deci sions, that is, where one person comes forward often. Stress the fact that most decisions are made without a public display. 3. Carefully teach the distinc tion between coming forward in church and making a decision for Christ. No person should be robbed of assurance o f salvation because he has not gone forward in church. Well-meaning zealots have almost made this a work required for salvation. 4. Give opportunity for public decision as the Spirit leads. There is danger in the decision to abol ish the invitation altogether. One must remember that with many the decision to accept Christ is a crisis experience. The public stand for Christ can be a help in solidifying a conversion experi ence. A well-accepted speech prin ciple is that in gaining a per manent response often an initial reaction is helpful. This could in volve signing a card or raising the hand but at least some re sponse to the appeal is made. The nature of the invitation and the type of response requested should be determined by the guidance of the Spirit of God. The writer’s conclusion to the whole matter is : public testimony to Christ is a good thing. If the abuses and misunderstanding are eliminated, the wise, Spirit-led speaker can use the public invita tion with great profit to the church of Christ. Talbot Seminary B ulletin DU
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MAY, 1967
A s t u d y o p emotionally-induced illness produced by fear and anger would scarcely be com plete without at least a brief look at depression. Almost every one has known what it is to be de pressed. During the last two years it has been my privilege to be in several churches speaking on family life subjects in which I spent a night each on anger, fear and depression. I have made it a point the night before speaking on depression to ask the audience, “How many of you will honestly admit that at some time in your life you have been depressed ?” To my knowledge every hand has been raised, attesting to the universal experience of depression. Dr. Cramer, in his treatment of this subject, states, “ Emotional depression is widespread if not almost universal. Severe depressed states have characterized human history ever since Adam’s dejection following his expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Depression is an emotional illness to which many of our socially most useful and pro ductive people are subject. Depressive traits cover a wide range of professional groups, the sophisti cated and highly intelligent are not exempt!” Just being depressed does not mean that there is any thing wrong with your intelligence. I have known people who had no education and Ph.D.’s who were all depressed. I am acquainted with a man and his wife who are getting their Ph.D.’s in psychology at the same time, and they are both seriously de pressed. Perhaps just the fact that they have to live with a psychologist and be subject to per petual analysis is enough to depress -them! Depression is defined by Webster’s dictionary as “ The state of being depressed . . . dejection, as of mind . . . a lowering of vitality of functional activity . . . an abnormal state of inactivity and unpleasant emotion.” God never intended man to live like that! It has always been God’s intent that man enjoy a peaceful, contented and happy life, referred to in scripture as the “ abundant” life. No Christian filled with the Holy Spirit is going to be depressed. Before a Spirit-filled believer can become depressed, he must first grieve the Spirit through anger or quench the Spirit through fear. Before we examine the specific causes of depres sion, let us examine . . .
out a vision the people perish.” That is not only true in the spiritual realm, but also in the mental realm. If people do not have a vision or goal to which they are working, mentally they are living in a vacuum of apathy that saps the vitality of their energy. This lack of vision accounts for much of the apathetical behavior of young people today. Our society has over-protected them to the point that it has failed to challenge them. Now we have a growing generation on our hands that cannot be stimulated even to defend their country against an evil enemy like communism. This attitude will carry over into many other areas of life. The trag edy is that with the increase in specialization it is going to be increasingly difficult to succeed in busi ness and professional life. The young generation needs greater motivation today than any preceding generation, but instead has less. This would indi cate that we can expect an increase in depressed people. Thanks be unto God there is victory from this depression through Jesus Christ our Lord. And the rise in depressed individuals will increase the number of souls who will recognize their need o f outside stimulus in seeking a cure. This fact should quicken the consciousness of Spirit-filled be lievers with the fact that all about them are apathe tic, depressed, empty-hearted, no-vision souls that desperately need Christ. This is the most thrilling day the world has seen in several generations to live the Spirit-filled life as a demonstration of what Jesus Christ is able to do for an individual. Another problem occasioned by depression is hypochondria. A depressed person has aching pains, a sore stomach, and numerous difficulties without any known cause. He can learn the art of being sick to excuse his apathy. Some people use this “ tool” to avoid what they think are un pleasant tasks by pretending to be sick. They don’t call it pretending, or even think of it so, of course; it is very real to them, but usually unnecessary. The ability of the human mind to cause pain is seen in the case a doctor friend o f mine had re cently. He has used hypnosis in his practice to deliver babies, calm the nervous, assist weight H y p o c h o n d r i a
T h e H i g h C o s t o f B e i n g D e p r e s s e d Every negative human emotion indulged in over a period o f time takes a heavy toll on a person. Depression is not just an emotional state, but the result o f a particular thinking pattern which we shall disclose near the end o f this chapter. But it too takes a heavy toll. Consider the following five costs as only part of the price one pays for de pression, depending on how serious and prolonged it is. G l o o m a n d P e s s i m i s m When a person is depressed, he is gloomy and pessimistic. Everything looks black, and even the most simple things become difficult. It seems a common practice for a depressed person to “make a mountain out of a molehill.” That does not make for good fellowship; consequently, a depressed per son is not sought out by his friends, and thus he tends to become more depressed. People do not seek the companionship of the depressed in spirit, but the lighthearted. Selfish motive? Yes, but true nevertheless. The gloomy, pessimistic spirit of the depressed person usually makes him a very lonely individual. A p a t h y a n d F a t i g u e Another price paid by the depressed person is apathy and fatigue. These conditions, like anger and fear, involve very fatiguing emotions. It takes considerable energy to be angry all day or to lie awake worrying all night, and this expenditure of energy does not leave an angry or fear-dominated person with much pep to enjoy the pleasurable blessings of life. But depression is often worse than fear and anger in that it tends to neutralize man’s natural ambitions. Since molehills look like mountains, his attitude usually is “What’s the use?” and he pessimistically sits on his stool of gloom and does nothing. Man needs the sense of accomplishment that comes with a task well done. This feeling of well-being so needed by the de pressed person is robbed by his apathy, which is the enemy o f all achievement; it certainly is not the soil from which the seeds o f “ goals,” “ projects” and “ visions” grow. The Bible tells us that “with
M A Y , 1967
pital for a week. Is it not a remarkable fact that our reactions to stress determine whether stress is going to cure us or make us sick? Here is an important key to longer and happier living. We hold the key and can decide whether stress is go ing to work for us or against us. Our attitude decides whether stress makes us ‘better or bitter’.” L o s s o f P r o d u c t i v i t y It is only natural that if depression leads to apathy, then it also leads to loss of productivity. Many a genius or gifted-prone individual never realizes his potential because of his depression- induced apathy. The loss is not in this life, but also in the life to come. (See I Cor. 3:10-15.) The Lord Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25:14-30 pointed out this very thing. He pictured His re turn as a time o f accounting for his servants, and he seriously rebuked one for being “a wicked and slothful servant.” He had not murdered anyone nor committed adultery; he had merely done noth ing with the talent our Lord gave him. Some Chris tians are going to lose rewards in this life and the life to come merely because they are doing noth ing with the talents the Lord has given them. Apathy produces apathy just as depression pro duces depression. Christians tend to become de pressed and apathetic if their lives do not count for Christ. Repeatedly taking in the Word of God without expressing it to other souls has a tendency to make them depressively apathetic. Recently a young Christian that has had a problem with de pression most of his life said, “Last Friday I felt wonderful! I had a great opportunity to witness my faith to a fellow employee.” There is tremen dous therapy in witnessing our faith to other souls. I r r i t a b i l i t y A person suffering from depression is prone to be irritable. It irritates him that others are in a good, energetic mood when he is in a pensive, gloomy mood. He is also irritated by petty things that would otherwise completely escape his at tention. W i t h d r a w a l Severe cases of depression lead to withdrawal. The individual tends to escape from the unpleasant realities of life, daydreaming about his pleasant childhood (which may at this point be a figment of his imagination) or building air castles about the future. This is very natural since contempla tion of the present is depressing. Daydreaming, however, is a serious deterrent to an effective thinking process and not at all beneficial to mental health. It also makes a person incommunicative and isolated. BE
control, relieve tension caused by traumatic ex periences and cure many other maladies. A golfer came in “to be hypnotized and have my trick elbow cured.” It seems he had the “traumatic experience” of losing a championship golf match by seriously over-putting the ninth cup. When he came to the 18th hole, he thought about it again, and his elbow seemed to hurt. Again he was over-putting the cup. Ever since then his elbow ached whenever he picked up his putter, particularly when he came to the ninth or eighteenth green. Through hypnotic suggestion this “ terrible pain” was eliminated. In this same way aches and pains can enslave a de pressed person any time he thinks of some un pleasant task or experience. Millions of dollars and untold human suffering are the price being paid for this hypochondria-type sickness induced by depression. Our mental attitude toward things can hardly be overemphasized. I remember counseling with a housewife who “ hated housework.” She loved her home, children and husband but by her own tes timony “ hated to do dishes, and it irks me because my husband won’t buy me a dishwasher.” She had made a martyr out of herself every time she stood at the kitchen sink. What was the problem? It was her attitude that made it an unpleasant, boring, exhausting task that almost destroyed the many other blessings which surrounded her but which she was overlooking. She was forgetting the lovely home, furniture, faithful husband, and healthy children. Instead, she was focusing upon a pet peeve through the magnifying glass o f self-interest. This is always a formula for depression. Actually, a degree of stress created by tackling a difficult task, or one we think difficult, is good for a person, presupposing a positive mental atti tude toward it. Dr. McMillen has said, “ I can re call many times when I had to make house calls on patients when I wasn’t feeling well myself. I found out that the stress of making the trip often cured me of my minor aches and pains. However, if I had made the trip in the spirit of antagonism, my faulty reaction might have put me in the hos-
Rev. T im LaHaye is pastor o f Scott Memorial Baptist Church, San Diego, Calif. He is author o f the book, SPIRIT- CONTROLLED TEMPERA M ENT , from \which this article is taken.
ously in Christ in order to help campers with their problems. It’s not that you don’t have any problems— everybody does. But you are on top of your problems; they are not on top of you. You must be free from needing to be ministered unto, in order that you can be free to minis ter to campers (Mark 10:45). Counseling is hard work. You have a 24-hour-a-day responsibility for your campers. Many times you are tired physically. You need to know
— college student, housewife, busi nessman, or pastor, the Holy Spirit wants to use you to accomplish pur poses in the lives of your campers. If this is your first experience in camp, you may be keenly aware of how your new situation contrasts with the business world. Instead of a “What can I get out of this?” attitude, camp counselors ask, “How much can I give of myself?” Camp exists for the camper. You must be mature and living victori
KNOW YOURSELF C a m p CAN b e A wonderful experi ence for you. It can broaden your vision, open new doors of serv ice, give you insights in working with people, and contribute to your own spiritual growth and maturity in Christ. Though your own growth is not the primary function of camp, it is an important by-product of a good camp. No matter what your background
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The camping features of this issue are designed to offer helpful information to make your summer more profitable.
D. To campers They are your responsibility for a week or more. They are looking for a friend. They want a counselor who will help them grow, become inde pendent, and make wise decisions. They want a counselor who will en joy camp experiences with them. They are looking to see if Chris tianity works — if it is demonstrat ed in your life — if what you say agrees with what you are. They want a counselor who is friendly without partiality. They want firmness with love, for this is security. They want to be noticed, to belong, not lost in the shuffle of a large crowd. Your campers want someone to understand them, to listen to them, to give en couragement for a job well done. They watch your every move. Noth ing you do will go unnoticed. You are teaching continuously by your attitudes and example. SERVING YOUR SAVIOUR At camp you lead a varied exist ence. You are mother, dad, instruc tor, friend, and pal, all at the same time. You set the pace for the camp period. You try to guide your camp ers’ energies along constructive lines. You try to be alert and sensitive to Penny’s individual needs, realizing that all of camp is a learning ex perience. You are alert to the health and safety of your campers. Watch for signs of fatigue, shown by irrita bility. Perhaps Mary needs extra rest hour. Be alert for such signs as sore throats, watery eyes, and runny noses. Some of these are often the prelude to childhood diseases. Ob serve y o u r campers for bites, scratches, or cuts. Send or take casualties to the camp nurse. A few moments of precaution may avert a serious illness or prevent the spread of contagion. Is all this part of counseling? Ready to quit before you start? Evaluate your God-given abilities honestly. Then recall Paul’s words: “ I can do everything God asks me to, with the help of Christ, who gives me the strength and power” (Phil. 4:13, Living Letters).
uppermost and the objectives of your camp always in mind. Show a friend ly, co-operative spirit and demon strate enthusiasm. Ask for no spe cial favors or considerations. Be a good advertisement for your camp— and for your Lord. B. To other staff members Be friendly, helpful, and loyal to each co-worker. Some are quite dif ferent in personality from you, but show appreciation for everyone’s contribution. To help insure that camp will be an enriching experi ence for you, refrain from unfavor able discussions of personalities and from complaining. Demonstrate one ness and unity in Christ. “ By this shall all men [and all campers] know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35). Be understanding of the problem of maintenance people, the kitchen staff, and the business manager. Avoid cliques. Be friendly to all. Avoid competing with other leaders for popularity among the campers. Often the most popular counselor does not have the most lasting in fluence on campers. Sometimes it’s the quiet, conscientious staff mem ber, who spends time with each of his campers, who is remembered long after camp ends. C. To parents You may be asked to keep in touch with your campers’ parents by letter or card each week. If so, assure them that Paul is being well cared for. Tell them when Paul passed his swim ming test or completed his project in the craft shop. Many parents have fears when they send a child to camp for the first time. They want to know that their child is well, enjoying himself, happy, making friends, eating well, and having a good time. Christian parents are concerned also about their child’s spiritual progress. Your reassurance will mean much to par ents. Consult your unit leader or direc tor before writing about a camper’s problems. A Parent Questionnaire may aid you in writing parents and may help you understand why Paul’s parents sent him to camp.
your own limitations. You need to discipline your time and your hours of sleep, so you are physically fit to give your best for God each day. You need to guard jealously your time alone with the Lord each day. Many legitimate duties can easily crowd out this important time. But no amount of services or Bible mes sages can take the place of your own quiet time. You need a daily infilling from the Lord, so that the life of Christ may flow out through you to your campers. There will be constant demands made on you. The time you had set aside for writing a letter may be the time when Joe wants to talk with you. So you set aside the un finished letter to engage Joe in con versation, because God has trusted you with the life of the 12-year-old boy for the week. By example, you are showing Joe that God has time for him too. You may be called on to impro vise, to substitute in an activity, or to try something entirely new to you because of some emergency. There may be sacrifices of your time, of self, of personal pleasure. But the rewards far exceed the sacrifice. To see the glow on Jan’s face after a campfire meeting, to see the change in Jim’s life, are worth it all a hun dred times. “ For even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to . . . give. . . .” This verse may come back to you often as you minister for Him. Think of the five people who have had the best influence on your life. What qualities in these people were outstanding ? A r e these qualities which should be found in a Chris tian camp counselor? KNOWING YOUR GOD-GIVEN RESPONSIBILITIES A. To your director You are responsible for your job of counseling. This means you are to live up to the responsibilities out lined in your Job Analysis. You are to be prompt at all meetings and in completing reports. You are to ob serve all camp regulations cheerfully and encourage others to do the same. Keep the welfare of your campers
USING GOD’ S WORD What place should the Bible have in a Christian camp? How should we use the Word of God throughout the day? God’s Word is not merely a text book for formal Bible study classes, a text only referred to in the Bible class and other meetings. In a Chris tian camp, the Word of God should set the framework for all activities. Biblical principles should be lived hourly by staff and campers alike in the various activities. A spiritual em phasis should permeate all of camp. The formal times o f Bible study should not be isolated from the rest of camp. S i n c e Christianity is “ caught” as well as “ taught,” the demonstration of happy, wholesome Christian lives by counselors and campers helps make non-Christians want to know Christ in the same way. There are some scheduled times for campers to learn from the Word of God. For example, in many camps a time is set aside at the beginning of each day, or right after breakfast, for campers to have their own quiet times. QUIET TIMES Camp is an ideal place to help campers form the habit of having their own quiet times. There is no practice more basic to a Christian’s spiritual growth and maturity than the habit of feeding on the Word and finding answers to problems in the Word for himself. It is a thrill ing experience for a camper to real ize that the Lord can speak to him directly from His Word, without the help of a Sunday school teacher or counselor. If you can direct his de pendence away from you, to God and His Word, you will help him estab lish a pattern of growth which may affect the rest of his life. If quiet-time helps are provided by your camp, these may help guide campers’ thoughts. You will find cor related quiet-time aids in some camp ers’ manuals. In some devotional guides there are questions to answer. Have your campers take along a notebook, or Camper Do-It Book, and pen, to write down answers, and to jot down truths which the Lord reveals to them during this time alone with Him. If no quiet-time materials are pro vided by your camp, try to direct your cabin group to specific Scrip ture passages which will meet their needs. Ask thought-provoking ques tions, or direct them to look for specific things in each passage, so
DIRECTORY of CAMPS and CONFERENCES A M E R I C A ' S K E S W I C K "Where God Speaks to Hearts" V ictorious Life Conferences For the W hole Fam ily Ju ly 1st through Labor Day Write for color brochure: A M E R IC A 'S KESW ICK, Dept. K W hiting, N .J. 08 75 9 O R E G O N July 1-Sept. 4 CANNON BEACH CONFERENCE CENTER BOX 398 Cannon Beach, Oregon Firs Family Conf.— July 16-23 This year The Firs is joining Overseas Crusades in a cooperative effort for our annual family conference. There will be a strong emphasis on missions and Bible teaching as well as special events in family recreation and social times. Along with the OC team will be Merv Rosell and Chuck Holsinger, in addi tion to The Firs’ staff. Also The Firs Day Camp will be in session for young sters 6-14. A special teen-age program will be carried on in conjunction with the family conference. The Firs, Bell ingham, Washington. ïFOREST=+fGME” \% s REV. “or MAIN CAMP LAKEVIEW dFr' A CAMP RANCHO / [ A INDIAN VILLAGE ■ 1 1 • { CONFERENCES AND •Lqdff- CAMPS FOR ALL ^ ¿ ' a GES • INTER-CHURCH JOSEPH D. BU N CO — DIRECTOR OREST FALLS, CALIF. 923399 \e mile nearer heaven”
A Quiet, Secluded, Northwoods Retreat in M ichigan's Beautiful Upper Peninsula on the Shores o f Lake Superior. A Christ-centered Program — Good Speak ers. Christian Fellowship in Fam ily-like A t mosphere — Com fortable Accommodations Youth Camps— July 9-29 Family Conferences— July 30-Aug.26 W rite for program to: REV. CHARLES B. HART Eagle River, Michigan HUME LAKE CHRISTIAN CAMPS Am erica's most scenic conference center lo cated 65 m iles east o f Fresno in the high Sierra Mountains. Hume Lake Christian Camps is divided into three separate camps — Ponderosa, for high school and college; Meadow Ranch, for junior high; and Wagon Train, for juniors 8-11. A lso operated by the conference are the market, book and g ift shop, coffee shop, and room and cabin rentals. A public campground is operated nearby by the U.S. Forest Service. Christian fellowship and inspiration are offered to all who come for a camping experience. For further information contact Hume Lake Christian Camps, P.O. Box 2267, Fresno, California 93720. June 26 -July 1; Ju ly 3-8 Grades 4-6 Ju ly 10-14; Aug. 28-31 Jr. Day Camps Ju ly 16-30 Fam ily Conference Dr. Chas. Woodbridge; Rev. Lester Plpken A ugust 1-5; 21 -26 Grades 3-5 A ugust 7-12; 14-19 TEEN C A M P S Sept. 1-4 Fam ily Bible Conference Dr. Raymond Cramer; Rev. Earl Radmacher W rite: REID JEPSON, Director Box 242, Bellevue, Wash. 98004 LAKE SAMMAMISH BIBLE CAMPS
Stay and play on your way to Expo-67, M ontreal, at— LETOURNEAU
CHRISTIAN CAMP Canandaigua, New York
Be refreshed spiritually' and physically. Enjoy Christian fellowship, good camp ing facilities. WRITE FOR DETAILS P.O. Box 48, Zip 14424
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