USING GOD’ S WORD What place should the Bible have in a Christian camp? How should we use the Word of God throughout the day? God’s Word is not merely a text book for formal Bible study classes, a text only referred to in the Bible class and other meetings. In a Chris tian camp, the Word of God should set the framework for all activities. Biblical principles should be lived hourly by staff and campers alike in the various activities. A spiritual em phasis should permeate all of camp. The formal times o f Bible study should not be isolated from the rest of camp. S i n c e Christianity is “ caught” as well as “ taught,” the demonstration of happy, wholesome Christian lives by counselors and campers helps make non-Christians want to know Christ in the same way. There are some scheduled times for campers to learn from the Word of God. For example, in many camps a time is set aside at the beginning of each day, or right after breakfast, for campers to have their own quiet times. QUIET TIMES Camp is an ideal place to help campers form the habit of having their own quiet times. There is no practice more basic to a Christian’s spiritual growth and maturity than the habit of feeding on the Word and finding answers to problems in the Word for himself. It is a thrill ing experience for a camper to real ize that the Lord can speak to him directly from His Word, without the help of a Sunday school teacher or counselor. If you can direct his de pendence away from you, to God and His Word, you will help him estab lish a pattern of growth which may affect the rest of his life. If quiet-time helps are provided by your camp, these may help guide campers’ thoughts. You will find cor related quiet-time aids in some camp ers’ manuals. In some devotional guides there are questions to answer. Have your campers take along a notebook, or Camper Do-It Book, and pen, to write down answers, and to jot down truths which the Lord reveals to them during this time alone with Him. If no quiet-time materials are pro vided by your camp, try to direct your cabin group to specific Scrip ture passages which will meet their needs. Ask thought-provoking ques tions, or direct them to look for specific things in each passage, so
DIRECTORY of CAMPS and CONFERENCES A M E R I C A ' S K E S W I C K "Where God Speaks to Hearts" V ictorious Life Conferences For the W hole Fam ily Ju ly 1st through Labor Day Write for color brochure: A M E R IC A 'S KESW ICK, Dept. K W hiting, N .J. 08 75 9 O R E G O N July 1-Sept. 4 CANNON BEACH CONFERENCE CENTER BOX 398 Cannon Beach, Oregon Firs Family Conf.— July 16-23 This year The Firs is joining Overseas Crusades in a cooperative effort for our annual family conference. There will be a strong emphasis on missions and Bible teaching as well as special events in family recreation and social times. Along with the OC team will be Merv Rosell and Chuck Holsinger, in addi tion to The Firs’ staff. Also The Firs Day Camp will be in session for young sters 6-14. A special teen-age program will be carried on in conjunction with the family conference. The Firs, Bell ingham, Washington. ïFOREST=+fGME” \% s REV. “or MAIN CAMP LAKEVIEW dFr' A CAMP RANCHO / [ A INDIAN VILLAGE ■ 1 1 • { CONFERENCES AND •Lqdff- CAMPS FOR ALL ^ ¿ ' a GES • INTER-CHURCH JOSEPH D. BU N CO — DIRECTOR OREST FALLS, CALIF. 923399 \e mile nearer heaven”
A Quiet, Secluded, Northwoods Retreat in M ichigan's Beautiful Upper Peninsula on the Shores o f Lake Superior. A Christ-centered Program — Good Speak ers. Christian Fellowship in Fam ily-like A t mosphere — Com fortable Accommodations Youth Camps— July 9-29 Family Conferences— July 30-Aug.26 W rite for program to: REV. CHARLES B. HART Eagle River, Michigan HUME LAKE CHRISTIAN CAMPS Am erica's most scenic conference center lo cated 65 m iles east o f Fresno in the high Sierra Mountains. Hume Lake Christian Camps is divided into three separate camps — Ponderosa, for high school and college; Meadow Ranch, for junior high; and Wagon Train, for juniors 8-11. A lso operated by the conference are the market, book and g ift shop, coffee shop, and room and cabin rentals. A public campground is operated nearby by the U.S. Forest Service. Christian fellowship and inspiration are offered to all who come for a camping experience. For further information contact Hume Lake Christian Camps, P.O. Box 2267, Fresno, California 93720. June 26 -July 1; Ju ly 3-8 Grades 4-6 Ju ly 10-14; Aug. 28-31 Jr. Day Camps Ju ly 16-30 Fam ily Conference Dr. Chas. Woodbridge; Rev. Lester Plpken A ugust 1-5; 21 -26 Grades 3-5 A ugust 7-12; 14-19 TEEN C A M P S Sept. 1-4 Fam ily Bible Conference Dr. Raymond Cramer; Rev. Earl Radmacher W rite: REID JEPSON, Director Box 242, Bellevue, Wash. 98004 LAKE SAMMAMISH BIBLE CAMPS
Stay and play on your way to Expo-67, M ontreal, at— LETOURNEAU
CHRISTIAN CAMP Canandaigua, New York
Be refreshed spiritually' and physically. Enjoy Christian fellowship, good camp ing facilities. WRITE FOR DETAILS P.O. Box 48, Zip 14424
M A Y , 1967
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