King's Business - 1967-05

f B io laFami lyVacations With a Spiritual Purpose

RULES FOR REVOLUTION O N A D A R K N I G H T in May, 1919, two lorries rumbled across a bridge and on into the town of Dusseldorf. Among the dozen rowdy, singing “Tommies” ap­ parently headed for a gay eve­ ning were two representatives of the Allied military intelligence. These men had traced a wave of indiscipline, mutiny and murder among the troops to the local headquarters o f a revolutionary organization established in the town. Pretending to be drunk, they brushed by the sentries and ar­ rested the ringleaders — a group of thirteen men and women seat­ ed at a long table. In the course of the raid, the Allied officers emptied the con­ tents of the safe. One of the docu­ ments found in it contained a spe­ cific outline of “ Rules for Bring­ ing About a Revolution.” It is re­ printed here to show the strategy of materialistic revolution, and how personal attitudes and habits of living affect the affairs of na­ tions : “ A. Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness. “B. Get control of all means of publicity and thereby: “ 1. Get people’s minds off their government by focusing their at­ tention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities. “ 2. Divide the people into hos­ tile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters o f no importance. “ 3. Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by hold­ ing these latter up to ridicule, obloquy, and contempt. “4. Always preach true democ­ racy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. “ 5. By encouraging govern ­ ment extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear o f inflation with rising prices and general discontent.” nn


Speakers are D. Stuart Briscoe, England, and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, dean o f Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary. Joyce Landorf, musical artist.


Speakers are D. Stuart Briscoe and Dr. Lloyd T . Anderson. M u sic by Norman Nelson. Lo­ cated seven m iles from Santa Cruz in the heart of the beautiful big trees.

AUGUST 20-27 THE FIRS, BELLINGHAM, WASH. Speakers are D. Stuart Briscoe and Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson. M u sic by Norman Nelson.

For descriptive brochures and reservations, write to: Department of Conferences BIOLA COLLEGE 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California, 90638



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