King's Business - 1967-05

Wouldn’t you like to see him tucked into a cozy, cleanbed?

ENJOYS CULTS CRITIQUE The January issue o f THE KING’S BUSINESS is full of wonderful gems delighting our souls. A t the same time our hearts are burdened in the call to pray for unsaved loved ones. The Cults Critique letter (concern­ ing Unitarianism) and the answer by the editor of this column blessed our souls. How we praise our blessed Lord for this answer — so kind but so solid on God’s precious Word. If possible, please send to my ad­ dress two copies of the January issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I must send a copy to a precious soul whose son and family are shackled with the Unitarian cult. Enclosed is one dollar to cover expenses. Mrs. Th. Berlekamp, Albuquerque, New Mexico CANCELLED SUBSCRIPTION I received your magazine as a gift at Christmastime. A fter reading two issues, I have decided to cancel my sub­ scription effective immediately. As a “ lost” Unitarian, I find your magazine to be narrow of mind and scope. Mr. N. A. Edmonds, Wash. E d it o r ’ s N o t e : Readers of T H E KING’S BUSINESS MAGAZINE are encouraged to write in their views in answer to this letter. Your comments concerning the magazine are welcomed. APPRECIATE K.B. We receive your magazine sent to us by our daughter and we think it is an excellent magazine. Through the article, “ A Strange Letter” in the October 1966 issue we were given the opportunity of bringing an unsaved person to Christ. This person had can­ cer of the lungs and passed away in December. We want to express our thanks for this wonderful experience. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Korell, St. Joseph, Missouri USE BACK ISSUES I have taken your magazine since 1965 and have enjoyed reading THE KING’S BUSINESS so much that for two years I’ve sent 6-8 subscriptions as Christmas gifts. I was looking over old magazines and came across the 1965 October issue which carried the article, “ A fter Death, What Then?” I became so deeply involved with this article and was so happy that I came to an understanding o f life and death. This article certainly takes away fear of death for the believer. Thank you for the fine work you are doing. Mrs. Paul Angle, Montclair, Calif.

Can you picture hundreds of little Asian boys and girls “ go­ ing to bed” like this every night? On sidewalks, behind buildings, in alleys, individu­ a lly or huddled together. Abandoned, hungry, lonely, afraid—victims o f harsh cir­ cumstances.

Photo of this little boy taken March, 1966, in Seoul, Korea

Compassion Opens the Door to Hope

We can’t bear to turn these little ones away when they come to our door. Somewhere in our 172 Homes we must find room for more. Here under the supervision o f earnest Korean Christians, they enjoy a cozy bed, comfortable clothing, nourishing food, Bible train­ ing, competent schooling, medical care—and above all, tender love! COMPASSION YOU CAN SAY, “ I CARE !” a month you can choose to sponsor one of these needy THROUGH For only $10

children. From this modest investment in a life come the rich dividends of joy and satisfaction when you receive let­ ters, photos and other remembrances from “ your” little boy or girl. Be a Compassion sponsor and enjoy the thrill o f helping tuck a little child into a cozy, clean bed.





DID YOU KNOW? COMPASSION... Cares for nearly 22,000 Korean children. Maintains 172 orphanages (includes 11 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb, and blind children), supervised byChristian staff and directors. Provides more than 27,000,000 meals each year. Awarded high­ est recognition by the Korean government. LARGEST WORK OF ITS KIND IN KOREA


Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, with God’s help, I want to sponsor a child for $10.00 a month. I enclose support for □ first month □ one year. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice is Number_________ . If this child has been chosen, please send case history and photo of child you select for me as soon as possible. I prefer □ boy □ girl, approx­ imately ______years of age. □ Please select a child for me and send particulars at once. □ Please send folder, "Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.” □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $______________ enclosed.

Interdenominational, Gov.-approved Non-profit Corporation—Est. 1952 Dept. K57 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Compassion of Canada Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario Sponsorship or gifts tax-deductible. Name__________________________________:____________________________ Address_______ ___________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ .State______________ Zip.


MAY, 1967

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