Science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser, Ph.D.
L SD is the strongest known hallu cination - producing drug, b u t there are various substances which may be compared with it. Marijuana is the best-known drug belonging to this category. A form of marijuana used in the eastern world is called hashish, and our word assassin comes from an Arabic word meaning hash ish eaters, referring to men who took hashish in preparation for com mitting murder. When hallucinagenic drugs are not available, some people substitute morning glory seeds or even nutmeg. It is said that some seed companies now add a chemical to morning glory seeds which does not interfere with their germination but which causes nausea if the seeds are ingested. There are in print numerous short descriptions of LSD experiences and several book-length accounts. Al though some experiences are de scribed as pleasant, there is much that is horrible. Descriptions that go into more details become disgust ingly vulgar and even vile. A newspaper is now being pub lished for the LSD set. It features weird artwork and has rambling ar ticles about eastern mystery reli gions and astrology. Readers are told that the aquarian age, which apparently will bring with it the time of the brotherhood of man, is to begin in the year 2660 A.D. The editor features a large mustache and appears in public dressed in feminine clothing and wearing a string of beads around his neck. Under the influence of LSD some people identify themselves with ani mals, real and imaginary. Some identify with ameba and work them selves up through an evolutionary scale. Misconceptions about biologi cal matters are carried over into these fantasies. For example, one person repeated three times that the ameba was pulsating like a heart. A scientist who made a study of sub jects under the influence of the drug came to the conclusion that present- day man may be a link between the anthropoid ape and “mature man.” Quite a large proportion of people
under the influence of the drug seem to think they have great in sight into the nature of the universe and themselves. But their actions show that this is a delusion, for they may have to be restrained from doing such things as removing their clothing or jumping from a high place under the impression that they are birds or snowflakes. One man has described his night- mare-like experience of driving a car in traffic while under the influence of LSD. Somehow he was able to avoid an accident. Since recurrences may occur from unrelated stimuli and even spontaneously for no ap parent reason, one can imagine what it will be like when LSD users have unexpected recurrences while driving in traffic. Users of the drug tend to band together, partly for the sake of safety, for a person may have a “ bad trip” or may do something harmful to himself if not restrained. One de votee relates that in order to belong to a group it may be necessary to submit to other practices of the group, such as wife-trading. It is pointed out that no one has died of an overdose of LSD. This is true to date, but it can happen at any time, for an elephant has succumbed to an overdose. People who have ingested it accidentally or through a prank have thought they were going crazy, and one such prank ended in a suicide. (A number of people really have gone crazy.) It is said that under the influence of LSD people feel more friendly and amiable, but one man while under the influence killed his mother-in-law and a school teacher with a butcher knife and later had no recollection of having done this. It is charged that those who most strongly object to the use of LSD have not used it themselves. The im plication of this is as logical as to say that only thieves are qualified to object to stealing. To those who favor everything that is a detriment to our country, and especially to the young people, LSD is a real boon. (To he concluded)
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MAY, 1967
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