King's Business - 1967-05

Forbidden Land: A Saga of Tibet by Jeoffrey T. Bull After having served Christ for some years, the author was impris­ oned by the communists. As a result of his experiences, he presented a tremendous testimony in an earlier pub l i cat i on, “When Iron Gates Yield.” This new biographical jour­ nal gives the story of missionary challenge and adventure while serv­ ing the Lord in the Tibetan border area during the time preceding the communist invasion. It is an inspir­ ing publication which should be read by every Christian for it clearly re­ veals the power of Christ. — 124 pages, cloth, Moody Press, Chicago; $2.95. Preaching Through The Bible by Eric W. Hayden (Volume II) The author, well known for his documented reports on the life and ministry of Charles Haddon Spur­ geon, presents the second in his series of publications which will guide the minister in a helpful “ tele­ scopic and microscopic view of God’s Word.” Selections are taken from both Old and New Testament with helpful outlines and descriptive in­ formation available. Although brief

book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College

Studies In The Bible and Science by Henry Morris

second law of thermodynamics is a basic principle in science which is in agreement with the c r e a t i o n i s t point of view and in opposition to evolutionary theories. Compromising with a view to win scientists to a theistic interpretation of nature is futile. Compromising as a means of winning non-believers to Christ is unrealistic and is dishon­ oring to God. It is shown that an evolutionary concept of life is not in agreement with shades of thought ranging all the way from Biblical Christianity to scientific rationalism. Most people who accept evolution do so as conformists. With others it is a form of religion rather than sci­ ence. “ Evolution is an absolute ne­ cessity for anyone who would de­ throne God.” — 186 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $3.50. (Reviewed by Bolton David- heiser.)

The writings of Henry Morris re­ lating to the physical sciences and Scripture are very helpful to Chris­ tians seeking information in this area. Because the present work is a collection of 16 articles, there is some repetition, but this does not detract from the value of the book. Dr. Morris presents creation in six days and a universal flood. He points out that attempts to harmon­ ize Scripture with current concepts of historical geology are unsuccess­ ful. The Biblical account of creation must be accepted, if at all, in its literal sense. He believes that geo­ logical phenomena can be harmon­ ized with Scripture. Part of the problem is due to the long-standing acceptance of uniformitarian inter­ pretations of these phenomena. The


A tribute to an outstanding Christian mother, this new book is a daughter's recollection told through letters and personal comment. Her mother, Mrs. William McMurry, was known and loved by members of Baptist Woman's Missionary Union in many coun­ tries. $2.95

VOICELESS LIPS Nell Warren Outlaw

Twenty-five poetic devotions using flowers as subjects. Delicate drawings and colored illustrations are scattered throughout the book. $2.50 N O N E SO SM ALL: Reflections and Prayers of a Mother Frances P . Reid Poetic meditations describing situations and events from the life of a young mother. $ 1.50 INVITATION TO PRAYER Vivian Hackney Scripture passages, poems, and prayer experiences of others show how prayer changes the one who prays as well as those who come in contact with him. Paper, $1.25 LETTER HOM E Antonina Canzoneri Unique book of prose and poetry by a missionary nurse in Africa. Paper, $1.50


Twenty-three short poems, each with a Scripture reference, develop the theme that the beauty of nature is God’s signature on his handiwork. Comes with mailing envelope. Paper, 50*

AS A WOMAN PRAYS Elsie Lapsley Ogden Nineteen short prayers and poems related to a married woman’s life. Complete with envelope. Paper, 50* Order these Broadman Press titles from your favorite book dealer



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