and without a cross-reference index, the material will be extremely help ful in providing systematic Bible study based material for both stu dent and minister. One message is taken from each book of the Bible.— 319 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $5.95. Hymns and Human Life by Erick Routley Because hymn-singing forms an important part of our weekly church services, any book concerning hymns deserves our attention. Hymns are the folk songs of the church; they are the means of communicating great Christian truths; and they are the means of expressing deep spirit ual experiences. Written by Dr. Erick Routley, the noted author, church h istorian , church organist and pastor of Edin burgh, Scotland, this volume is im portant. Written in a most readable style, it encompasses the historical and personal background of some 600 hymns from New Testament times until the present. In spite of repeat ed references to English hymnals, this American publication of the sec ond English edition of 1959 is of value because it speaks of hymns in common usage on both sides of the Atlantic. 346 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. — Reviewed by William Lock. (A Review of Current Publications) THE SPANISH BROTHERS by Deborah Alock. 351 pages; paper; Bethany Fellowship, M inne apolis; $1.95. Reissue o f an unusual story of the inquisition in Spain in the sixteenth century. WILT THOU GO WITH THIS MAN? by Brown- low North. 128 pages; paper; Banner o f Truth Trust, London; 3/6. Sermons preached during the 1859 wakening, published originally in 1867 under the title Yes! or No! GAMES CHRISTMAS PLAY by Judi Culbertson and Patti Bard. 124 pages; paper over boards; Harper & Row, New York; $2.95. "A n irreverent guide to religion without tears," says the sub title. By means of irony and overstatement, and illustrated with drawings, the authors high light sins and foibles of professed Christians. The result is rather obnoxious to a true believ er, even though much of what is presented is based on reality. It would probably make an unbeliever decide to remain such. LITTLE HUNCHBACK GIRL OF KOREA AND OTHER MISSIONARY STORIES by Dorothy C. Haskin. 88 pages; paper over boards; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Touching stories that w ill move the heart of young and old as well. The author is well known for her research and spiritual writing. CHARLES G. FINNEY by Basil M iller. 137 pages; paper; Bethany Fellowship, Minneapolis; $1.50. O fficial biography for the Finney Sesqui- centennial Conference in Chicago in 1942. Recommended books are avail able from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los An geles; and on the La Mirada Cam pus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalog will be sent upon request.
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