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by Thomas "Ed” Steele
I N JOHN (chapter 14, verse 12) the Saviour, addressing His dis ciples on the eve of his cruci fixion said, "The works that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall ye do, be cause I go to the Father and, [to paraphrase], because whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glo rified in the Son.” After deliv ering the crushing news that he is about to leave them, our Lord lays out in four chapters of the Gospel of John His plan for the evangelization of the world dur ing his absence. Bear in mind that he is speaking to twelve men . . . and challenging them, to penetrate the frontiers of the globe and to saturate the world with the preaching of the saving gospel. It is not surprising, then, that in this same section of the Gospel of John, where we have what is perhaps the most detailed exposition of the Great Commis sion, we also find the classic pas sages dealing with prayer and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. For, after all, it is only through prayer and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that the work of Christ can be carried on . . . that men’s hearts can be quickened and prepared to receive the mes sage which can make them the recipients o f all the blessings of God. When our Lord uttered these words, there were perhaps half a billion souls living on this earth. Today, there are 3 billion, 220 million. By the end of this decade there will be 3.8 billion and with in the next 35 years the popula tion of the world will increase to more than 6 billion souls. Every second the population o f the
world increases by 2.7 souls. At the same time, we are told that growth of the church aver ages 8 million, 1 hundred thou sand a year. The result is star tling . . . the population of the world is increasing ten times faster than souls are being won to Christ. Even more startling is the fact that for every individual that is converted to Protestant ism, nine are converted to Com munism. The result is that the work of the missionary today is more critical and demanding than ever before in the history of the Church. Conversely, while the popula tion of the world is exploding . . . the earth, which one of our space scien tists likened to a “ space capsule spinning around in space at an amazing rate of speed,” is in effect shrinking. Dr. Glen Seborg, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, stat ed recently that, “we are at the beginning of a scientific and tech nological revolution” (which has already given us the vacuum tube, the transistor, te lev is ion , jet planes, stereo and hi-fi compon ents, polio vaccines, thermo-nu clear energy capable of killing over 100,000,000 people in fifteen minutes, space ships, astronauts, communication satellites and a host of other things.) Today man travels at the amaz ing speed of 16,000 miles per hour and, while only a half cen tury ago it was almost impossi ble for man to make himself heard by as many as 5,000 people, it is not uncommon for an -audi ence of 50,000,000 people to watch and hear a single television pro gram. With the Lani Bird and Early Bird satellites, all of Asia
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WHERE CAN A JEW FIND CHRIST? On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen ters, our workers faith fully proclaim the story of redemption ’ accord ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in w itnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney G eneral Director Am erican M essianic Fellow ship 7448 N. Dam en Avenue, Chicago, III. 606 45 generous income, and to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the Lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs.
A Jewish boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Por trait of Messiah" and immediately asked, "Can you tell me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicago a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav iour. A middle-aged Jew ess, after hearing the gospel for several years at Miami Beach called and said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come over. I must find the Lord today."
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