and Europe were linked to New York in November for a single telecast so that it is possible to day for as many as 500 million people to watch a single telecast. While we have indeed been fall ing behind the exploding popu lation in our missionary efforts in spite of the fact that more money has been spent for mis sions and more missionaries sent forth than ever before, out o f this technological revolution which Dr. Seborg describes has come a massive giant for the cause of Jesus Christ — RADIO. Some one has well said that “modem missionary strategy has a tacti cal weapon for its task, radio. Radio recognizes no religions, political, or geograph ica l bar riers. Radio speaks all languages: reaches the masses, from univer sity student to peasant.” World Radio set penetration which reached more than 400,- 000,000 in 1964 and with receiv ers distributed in virtually every comer o f the world, has made it possible for people in every coun try on the face of the earth to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, via local and international radio. I am convinced that perhaps for the first time in recorded his tory it is physically possible to preach the gospel to every nation and literally to evangelize the world. In more than twelve years of association with radio, in one capacity or another, I have be come unshakably convinced that as an instrument of the Holy Spirit radio can reach people for Christ: in locked rooms, in homes where no missionary would ever be permitted to enter, in automo biles, where individuals are not subject to embarrassment and distraction men and women can and will listen to the message of the Gospel. For this reason, under the di rection of the Lord, my family and I have sold our home, re signed our positions of employ ment and will be leaving in just three weeks for Quito, Ecuador, (Continued on page 40)
THE BLESSINGS Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class OF INK
B a r u c h , t h e s c r ib e , was em ployed by the prophet Jeremiah as a special secretary to record the holy oracles which came by inspira tion from his lips. It is interesting to note that in the process Baruch used INK! It was not, however, the kind used on this page; it was probably made of lampblack from oil of sesame, combined with soot and gum, and with the entire mix ture heavily scented with worm wood and vinegar. For this reason Baruch’s nose may have wrinkled when he wrote; yet this pungent odor was necessary to repel rodents, lest they devour the scrolls. God saw to it that ink was dis covered at least 2600 years before Christ, so that the Scriptures could thus be easily inscribed. Early Chi nese records tell us that ink was often dried into cakes or sticks, which the writer could rub with a wet brush — much like our children do with the little hard disks of pig ment in their water-color sets. Later, in the eleventh century, more modern printing inks were created — designed for use on parchment
and paper — while today three- fourths of a million different and improved formulas are available. These quick drying inks now come in a rainbow of colors, and make it possible to mass-produce inviting and attractive Gospel literature. What would have happened if God had not given us the blessing of ink? Think of the difficulty of getting out the Scriptures. Can you imagine the Bible with its 66 books having to be chiseled in stone by prophets and scribes? Not only would it have been an impossible task, but also would have resulted in an unwieldy, enormous creation that few would ever see. No, the Scriptures, which show man the way to eternal life, must be made available in a light, compact, and easy-to-use form. Indeed, the more you think about commentaries, good books, tracts, and Gospel songs — which are also dependent on this one product — the more you thank God for the blessings of INK! TH0T: The greatest sum in addition is to count your blessings!
Theabove selected fromthe daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting for you—FREE and POSTPAID- -and is yours just for the asking.
MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! RADIO B IBLE C LASS { G r a n d R a p id s , M ich ig a n D e p t. n - K | Please send my free copy and information on ■ how I may receive OUR DAILY BREAD each month. _____________________________________ J ADDRESS___________________________________________ I CITY . STATE________ ZIP______ | n a m e
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