Though God loves the whole world and though the Son bore the sins of the whole world, not every person in it will be with Him. Those who do not believe Mr. SO’s message will surely “ perish.” That is, they will be forever separated from God in a place of darkness and great suffer ing. But those who take the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will have ever lasting life. They will share God’s own beautiful heavenly life here and now, and will fellowship with Him in the light and joy of Heaven. What a welcome message Mr. SO has brought us! NO At once we meet a third little messenger. We find him in Romans 8:1a, “ There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” Do you find him there? Mr. NO is very happy. He is dancing all about, laughing and clap ping his hands. He is rejoicing be cause his sins have been forgiven, his heart has been cleansed, and he is now a child of God.* Are you as happy as Mr. NO? If you have be lieved Mr. SO's message and have received the Lord Jesus as your Sav iour, you too have reason to rejoice. What could be more wonderful than to be forgiven and cleansed and to be a child of God? GO But God’s Word tells us of other little messengers. Another is found in Mark 16:15, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mr. GO, too, has a very important message straight from the Lord Jesus. He tells us to do what each one of God’s children should do. What is the first thing? We are to GO: next door, across the street, across the land, across the sea, to every race and tribe to tell the gospel, the good news these little messengers have brought to us. What a glad, good message it is! How thankful we are that God has already enabled us to hear it! How happy we should be and how careful, too, to pass it on to others. Mr. GO has brought us a clear command and God expects us to obey it. Then we too are God’s messengers. LO The last little messenger to greet us is at home in Matthew 28: 20b, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world [age].” Mr. LO brings us a very precious promise. The Lord Jesus is speaking through him. What a great comfort it is to know that our Saviour is with us all the way as we journey through life. Others may forget us, or fail us, or leave us, but He is our faithful Friend. We need never be sad nor discouraged for “ He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5c).
Five Little Messengers
by Helen Kratavil
H ave you ever been a messenger? Has father or mother or teacher ever asked you to deliver a message to someone? No doubt you have all been messengers at sometime, but have you ever thought that not all messengers are people? In the Bible story of Noah it was a dove which brought Noah the message that the flood waters had receded.. Homing pigeons are sometimes used to carry messages, as also are dogs. Bottles floating in rivers or on the seas have carried Gospel messages that have been the means of many being saved. God has used angels at times also. Just now we are going to get ac quainted with five unusual messen gers. They are all found in the Bible, and each one brings a very impor tant message. HO The first one we meet is Mr. HO. You will find him in Isaiah 55:1. God is calling to us through Mr. HO. If you or I want an other’s attention we might cry, “ H i!” or “ Hey!” When God says “ HO!” He wants us to listen to Him. He has something very important to say to us. Mr. HO is calling to the whole world for he shouts, “ Ho, EVERYONE!” SO When we pause to listen to what God has to say to us, we at once see another little messenger. His home is in John 3:16, “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Do you
find him there? Little Mr. SO brings us the wonderful message of God’s great love for all the world and for each person in it. What an amazing message it is ! For God is very great and very holy, while you and I were bom unholy, unclean sinners. We are very unlike God and very far from Him. Yet He loves us, and because He does He sent His Son to become our Saviour from sin and its pun ishment. The Son came gladly be cause He, too, loves us. “ He loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2 : 20 ) . The Lord Jesus took your place and mine as an unclean, guilty sin ner. All of our sins were put upon Him. God’s great wrath against sin was visited upon Him and He died in our place. Mr. SO points to the cross where the Lord Jesus died to show us how very much we are loved. What He did for us there is the measure of His boundless love. Mrs. Helen Kratavil, a gifted artist, surrendered this gift to the Lord and as a result she has been able to produce the Krata Kraft Lessons. Lessons similar to the Five Little Messengers, beautifully illustrated in color may be purchased at the Biola Book Room, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. Most of them are suitable to use in teaching Juniors through the Adult hour.
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