Have you heeded Mr. HO’s call to listen to God’s messengers ? Have you believed Mr. SO’s good news and received the Lord Jesus as your Sav iour? If so, you should be as happy as Mr. NO. Now obey Mr. GO’s com mand and tell others the gospel. You will then share Mr. LO’s joy in fel lowshipping with the Lord Jesus throughout your life here and in the ages to come. *“ Condemnation” means judgment, and no one who has taken the Lord Jems as his Saviour unit ever be punished fo r the sins the Lord Jesus has for given. JUMBLED NAMES OF MOTHERS OF THE BIBLE Arrange the letters in the follow ing words so as to spell some of the mothers o f the Bible. Also name the children of each mother. (The an swers are on page 42.) 1. Cheebjod 2. Nahanh 3. Raash 4. Vee 5. Cieenu 6. Ayrm 7. Hebelathiz 8. Celarh 9. Keerhab 10. Slio GATHERING ROSES Two little girls wanted to help mother. So mother sent them into the garden to gather some roses for the table. One soon came running back crying and said, “ I just can’t cut roses; they are full o f thorns and they hurt me.” Later the other girl came in with a lovely bouquet of long-stemmed roses. “ Why, how could you get them?” said mother. “ Didn’t the thorns hurt you too?” “ Yes, a little, but I kept thinking how happy you would be when you saw these lovely flowers and I looked more at the blossoms than at the thorns.” As we go through life we can be happy and thankful if we look for the right things. Each day God gives us many blessings, and if we fail to see them it is because we are busy thinking o f self. (Continued on page U2)
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MAY, 1967
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