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by Rev. C. Chester Larson Q. How can I be sure that I am ef fective as a Sunday school teacher? Is there any evaluation that may be profitable ? A. Recently, Mrs. Sisemore in Nash ville, Tennessee said that any teacher may profitably evaluate his teaching and effectiveness by answering the following questions: □ yes □ no — Do I make an effort to create a learning climate in my classroom ? □ yes Q no — Do I prepare a writ ten teaching plan every week? □ yes Q no — Do I assume the role of guide or coach in my class ses sions ? □ yes □ no — Do I plan for the ac tive involvement of members in every lesson ? □ yes Q no — Do I make an effort to help members relate the lesson to their experience? D yes □ no — Do I seek to stimu late the members to study and read their Bibles between Sundays? Every teacher who can give an affirmative answer to each of these questions can be sure that he is effective in his teaching, and is lead ing his members to a learning ex perience. Q. Teaching Sunday school is no easy task. Often my friends ask me why I keep on teaching Sunday after Sunday. What should I tell them? A. This is a problem in many a per son’s life. It is a question that the enemy of one’s soul will throw at one any time. May we suggest that, first of all you examine your mo tives. Be honest with yourself. It is a responsibility and privilege. 1. God has called you to teach. It may sound presumptuous, but it is a glorious fact. Many a S.S. teacher will never have a higher calling in life, because there is no higher call. 2. The Holy Spirit is willing to use you. God has given you many blessings to share, that He never in tended you to keep to yourself. Al low the Holy Spirit to use you
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