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3. As you teach, you grow. Teach ing is the most natural way to grow. Daily you study and pray. 4. Students are a challenge and an incentive toward Christ-likeness. What a privilege to influence lives for today and eternity! So . . . keep on teaching. It is your greatest opportunity to serve the Lord and others this side of eternity. Q. What does it take to be a good camp counselor? A. The list of qualities could be end less, but possibly these would be some of the most important: 1. Love campers. Enjoy their company. Like to do things with them. Be interested in their conver sations, their interests, their prob lems and joys. 2. Love a good time. A fun-loving counselor is essential. Since campers come to camp primarily to have fun, you will want to be the source of lots of fun. 3. Be mature. That’s not always easy. None of us is consistently grown-up in attitudes and reactions. But campers r e q u i r e emotional steadiness in the counselor. Be ob jective. Be resilient. Don’t let kid ding get your goat. 4. Be resourceful. Perhaps the campsite isn’t perfect. Make the best of it. Don’t let a rainy day drag; use it to develop cabin unity by working together on a project. 5. Be honest. This means keeping confidence. Don’t bluff your w a y through. Watch honesty of life as well as lip. Q. Without the advantage of formal training, how can one prepare him self for a camp counseling experi ence? A. There are numbers of things you can do on your own to get ready for such an experience. Among them are: 1. Start observing young people the age you will be counseling. Read about them. There are many good sources of help. 2. Study the Word. Start early to plan your Bible studies, your cabin devotions, your campfire messages or other tasks related to spiritual em phasis or Bible teaching. 3. Study counseling. An excellent book is “ Camp Counseling” by A. Viola Mitchell and Ida B. Crawford. It is published by W. B. Saunders Co. 4. Study the camp. Visit the campsite in advance if you can. Ar rive on the grounds ahead of the campers if possible so you will know your way around.
EDITORIAL (cont. from p. 5) receive is to have hurled at them the angry, false epithet, “ Police Brutal ity!” Even state officials are loath to call out the militia, because it is not in the interest of good politics to do so. It might cost the politicans a few votes! All too many clergymen go merrily on their irresponsible way, singing the praises of the civil righters instead of proclaiming the great truths of the Word of God as it deals with the matter of man's responsibility to his fellow men. It is way past time that the message be proclaimed first of all as to man’s responsibility to God and then to his fellows. All of this includes a re turn to moral and spiritual decency and to the true Gospel which made America great and which today are being cast aside so lightly. God help us to see once again what these values are and, unitedly, to put them into practice! Our values are chang ing, but the cost is still excessive! Prayer MAY WE PRAY FOR * YOUR REQUESTS? Send to Prayer Time, The King's Business maga zine, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638 If you had been receiving CHRISTIAN LIFE here is what you would have read in the past two issues alone. • INVOLVEMENT • MY BABY WAS • ENIGMA DEFORMED • OUT OF BONDAGE • TO PRAY OR • LIKE A MIGHTY ARMY NOT TO PRAY • I NEVER WALK ALONE • FORMULA FOR • SPIRITUAL TURNCOATS SUCCESS • IS OURS A MAN-SIZED RELIGION? • THESE “ WRECKS" ARE MORE THAN ENGINEERS CHRISTIAN LIFE is an interdenominational evangelical magazine that crosses denom inational lines to bring you EXCITING and PENETRATING reports of what God is doing in the world today. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 10 months for only $2.97 (regular price 10 months $3.50) for new subscribers only. CHRISTIAN LIFE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Gundersen Drive and Schmale Rd. Wheaton, Illinois 60187 Dept. K Yes, please send me CHRISTIAN LIFE for the next 10 months for only $2.97 (regular price 10 months $3.50). Name _________________ _________________ Address . ___________________________-,rr-. C ity ---------------------- State___________ Zip _ Signature _________________________________ "I HAVE OFTEN THOUGHT HOW I WISHED THAT ALL OF THE MEMBERS OF OUR CHURCH RECEIVED CHRISTIAN LIFE. AS I READ YOUR CURRENT IS SUE, THAT CINCHED IT!" Ken L. Pagard. Pastor Chula Vista. California
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