tirely any preaching on the subject o f sin in the human heart. As this is an extremely unpopular theme, all too many ministers have taken the position that they must be popular with their congre gations whether they preach the Word o f God to them or not. The National Council o f Churches, officially, and many o f the leaders o f the National Council, individually, have been devoting an utterly disproportionate amount o f time and energy in ad vocating civil rights instead o f civil responsibilities. The subject o f separation o f church and state rather than separation o f both church and state from the utterly godless, soul-destroying, un- American, immoral ideology and practice, which are running rampant already, apparently are gaining more and more adher ence throughout our beloved land. It is quite readily agreed that on political matters church and state should be kept entirely apart, but there are vital moral issues far more basic than civil rights, race equality, and even the war in Viet Nam facing us as a nation today. These issues strike at the very roots o f our na tional life. They revolve around the very grave question whether American society is to be based upon the laws o f the land, which in large measure are derived from the laws o f God as found in His Word, or whether every man has the right to shout from the house tops his demands for his rights, regardless o f its effects upon others. In essence, this goes back to "the survival o f the fittest,” which actually is the law o f the jungle. We deplore the rise o f various "rights” organizations which, according to news paper reports, are equipping themselves with extensive arsenals to take up arms in behalf o f their own rights at the slightest provocation. Yet we could hardly expect anything else when the great denominations have picked up the cry o f civil rights rather than civil responsibility. When a few years ago the courts o f our land did so much to favor the various "rights” movements, the winds were sown. Now the whirlwind is beginning to be reaped. It is sufficiently terrifying that now we are hearing rather plain tive, but belated, cries from our church leaders that there is danger o f going "too far” along these lines. We would suggest that we have already gone too far and we have those in places o f responsibility to thank for this tragic condition. What change is proposed? Nowhere is a thundering voice demanding that law and order be restored and maintained. Only occasionally a gentle slap on the wrist is administered. Sometimes is heard a gentle "please don’t go too far” in breaking the laws o f the land. It simply does not make sense that political leaders in high public office, as well as the highest judiciary bodies o f our land, should in effect allow, if not actually support, lawlessness. A t the same time the local constabulary is left to handle local disturbances and to risk their lives to protect the public. O f course, the police are hopelessly outnumbered in all too many instances. There is no rhyme or reason to the fact that when a mob starts marching, and the police try to defend decent citizens and their property from a howling, insane, determined mob, the only return they (Continued on page U2)
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