King's Business - 1967-05

People Mr. Thomas "Ed" Steele, for more than nine years on the staff of Biola, soon will be heading for Quito,


"Europe Our Campus"

Ecuador for serv­ ice with radio sta­ tion HCJB. Mr. Steele has b een general manager of Biola’s FM radio stations, KBBI, Los Angeles, and KB- BW, San Diego, in addition to direct-

Box A

Flagstaff, Arizona


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Ed Steele ing the annual Tor- rey Memorial Bible Conferences in churches throughout Southern Cali­ fornia. Jack Koziol, Director of Russian broadcasting and Rodric H. Renee, station manager of HLKX team ra­ dio in Korea, were given citations for the contribution of the ministry to the development of the nation and for the continued broadcast behind the iron curtain into Russia and China at the station’s 10th anni­ versary in services held in Seoul, the capital of the republic. Many foreign and national friends of the ministry gathered for the service and recep­ tion. The minister of public infor­ mation, Dr. Hong Chong Chul, in pre­ senting the citation, urged the /sta­ tion to continue its ministry of reaching those “ in darkness and in the shadow of death” with the Gos­ pel message. Ambassador to Korea from the republic of China, Admiral Yang Shui Chou, also cited the station for its continuing contribution to the enslaved millions in Red China through six hours of daily broad­ casting in the Chinese language. The station was founded in 1956 and is the radio voice of the Evangelical Alliance Mission in Korea. Mr. Edmond Liden

Great Britain, Germany

Switzerland, Italy

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has been added to the staff of Scrip­ ture Press, Whea­ ton, Illinois, hav­ ing accepted the position of Church Sales Department Manager. Mr. Lid­ en has served as advertising man­ ager for four de­


Large or small, formal or informal— all weddings become beautiful ceremonies with this complete guide. Step-by-step, it * shows how to carry out each detail— from 1 f announcing the engagement to conducting f 1 the reception. Many lovely new ideas are # included. The perfect gift for the prospec- J tive bride. $2.95 1 See this new Broadman Book at B 5 f _ your favorite book store p H § t**«***************»*******l

partment stores, as creative copy­ writer for a rubber company and as Sales Promotion manager for anoth­ er. He has a Business Administra­ tion degree in addition to having completed a two-year executive train­ ing course. Mr. Liden



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