King's Business - 1967-05

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"The New Scofield Reference Bible," a completely revised edition of the original “Scofield Bible” was issued on April 13 by Oxford University Press. The “NSRB,” with a first printing of 300,000 copies, is avail­ able in five different styles of bind­ ing. This new edition, appearing 58 years after the original was pub­ lished, Has been prepared by an edi­ torial committee of evangelical scho­ lars. Dr. E. Schuyler English, former president of the Philadelphia School of the Bible and editor of “The Pil­ grim Edition of the Holy Bible,” is chairman. In charge of the project for Oxford University Press is W il­ bur D. Ruggles, vice president and edi­ tor of Bibles and religious books. The editorial work on the revision has been going on for the past 10 years. “The Scofield Reference Bi­ ble” was first published in 1909 and takes its name from the Reverend C. I. Scofield, D.D., who edited it and who revised it in 1917, and whose notes are contained in the Authorized (King James) Version. Editorial Committee of THE NEW SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE : (From left) John F. Walvoord, presi­ dent, Dallas Theological Seminary; Charles L. Feinberg, dean, Talbot The­ ological Seminary; Allan A. MacRae, president, Faith Theological Seminary; Wilbur D. Ruggles, vice-president, Ox­ ford University Press; E. Schuyler English, chairman; Frank E. Gaebe- lein, headmaster emeritus, The Stony Brook School; Alva J. McClain, presi­ dent emeritus, Grace Theological Semi­ nary; Clarence E. Mason, Jr., dean, Philadelphia College of the Bible; Wil­ liam Culbertson, president, Moody Bi­ ble Institute; and Wilbur M. Smith, editor, Peloubet’s Select Notes. Bishop Goodwin Hudson, Dr. Akira Hatori, the Rev. Timothy Kamau, the Rev. Bassom Madani, Dr. Clarence Jones, and Dr. G. Christian Weiss were a few of the speakers selected for the Sec­ ond International Christian Broad­ casters Convention scheduled in Lon­ don from April 3-7 of this year. The convention of the international broadcasters took place in the histor­ ic Church House,Westminster Abbey. (Continued on page SO)


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