King's Business - 1967-05

dence that the invitation as we know it was practiced in the early church. Probably the public con­ fession of Christ was involved with the identification with Christ in the public baptismal service. III. What are some suggestions as to the proper use of the invita­ tion? 1. Be absolutely honest in giv­ ing the invitation. The purpose of the call to come forward should be clear both as to the decision to be made and what is expected of the one coming forward. 2. Discourage multiple deci­ sions, that is, where one person comes forward often. Stress the fact that most decisions are made without a public display. 3. Carefully teach the distinc­ tion between coming forward in church and making a decision for Christ. No person should be robbed of assurance o f salvation because he has not gone forward in church. Well-meaning zealots have almost made this a work required for salvation. 4. Give opportunity for public decision as the Spirit leads. There is danger in the decision to abol­ ish the invitation altogether. One must remember that with many the decision to accept Christ is a crisis experience. The public stand for Christ can be a help in solidifying a conversion experi­ ence. A well-accepted speech prin­ ciple is that in gaining a per­ manent response often an initial reaction is helpful. This could in­ volve signing a card or raising the hand but at least some re­ sponse to the appeal is made. The nature of the invitation and the type of response requested should be determined by the guidance of the Spirit of God. The writer’s conclusion to the whole matter is : public testimony to Christ is a good thing. If the abuses and misunderstanding are eliminated, the wise, Spirit-led speaker can use the public invita­ tion with great profit to the church of Christ. Talbot Seminary B ulletin DU

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