Semantron 2015

regardless of consequence, shed the load of a fact-laden brain for a curious, inquisitive one. Nonetheless it is important to consider the fact that a great innovation often results in a complete change in people’s perception of life and society. In the case of the Industrial revolution, the invention of the steam engine by James Watt’s transformed industry in the 1760’s, enabling the creation of machines which would never tire, nor sleep and were efficient it became unnecessary to have hundreds of workers toiling away and demanding pay when a few loyal machines would do as is the case with the internet. Therefore the internet has changed our way of thinking; We are now able to find and collect information in a way that is almost infinite in its opportunities, our thoughts and emotions are synergizing into a greater conscious with more immense and far-reaching effects on our morality as well as our society, than we could ever anticipate. However I believe this change should not be considered an individual result due to the contrivance of a singular development, instead the internet is simply one in a line of many advancements and innovations which have and will continue to revolutionize our society thanks to their capability and change our idea of the world and ourselves due to their potential, opening windows for ideas to flourish and expand through an interface of opportunity.


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