Doubet Ranch - Annual Bull Sale [4/1/25]


Improved Longevity Doubet bred Optimizer cows consistently stay in production well past 10 years of age and often as long as 14 plus years. Their ability to breed back quickly year afater year is unmatched and the feet and udders stay as good as you’ll find. No Complicated Crossbreeding Program Use a Doubet Ranch Optimizer bull on an Optimizer cow and reap the benefits of producing fantastic progeny!

As a buyer, a feeder, and a breeder who has continually used, selected, purchased and marketed Salers cattle since 1984 I can offer this… The Optimizer cross has worked consistently in any environment, pasture condition, and feedyard that we’ved placed cattle in. With over forty years in the marketing business, we continually see the need and usefulness of a cross among straight black or red Angus herds. The advantage of the Optimizer is the versatility of the Salers breed. You get mothering ability, fertility, rock solid hoof structure and soundness attributes in the females, and the performance, grade and yield of the cattle in the feedlot all combine to make the ideal cross for the feeding industry. Top it off with the excellent disposition of the breed. We highly recommend the Doubet’s bulls and back this program with our marketing network, buying Salers Optimizer feeders and females. Plan now to attend their sale. Let your program profit from it. If you need assistance, please call on us to talk about this very elite bull offering. We guarantee our sight unseen purchases 100%. See you at the Doubet Sale, April 1st!. Sincerely, Dan Deichmann


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