Board Converting News, July 26, 2021

Avoid The Five Biggest LinkedIn Blunders BY LISA APOLINSKI



Surprising statistic from Kinsta: LinkedIn has over 575 mil- lion users and nearly half of those are active every month

(meaning they post, comment or like on the platform). If that isn’t im- pressive enough, LinkedIn has their sites on further investments into Latin America. What makes Linke- dIn even more powerful is that us- ers update their bios regularly, so the connections you are potentially

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Lisa Apolinski

requesting are in the roles they have listed on their bios. LinkedIn is a digital goldmine, especially now in the post-COVID digital paradigm. Users post on career en- gagement, network with others in the industry and share expertise and advice. Unfortunately, less professional en- gagement can and does happen on LinkedIn. Understand- ing what works in the world of LinkedIn for networking, and what hinders, can help remove obstacles for engagement. Here are the five biggest blunders that can hurt credibility and potentially, career advancement: Blunder #1 : Being vague in why a connection is request- ed. Some people believe more connections are better. However, some connection requests come with a note that does not share why the sender wants to network. If there is not a clear reasoning for the network connection, many of these requests appear to not help or enhance the receiver’s network. A connection request with a note can help put the connection request into context for the re- ceiver. Try Instead: Clearly state why a request has been sent and how the connection benefits both parties. To get a connection request accepted, think about why you are re- questing the connection. Blunder #2 : Focusing on selling versus connecting. Many LinkedIn users complain about this practice and it seems to have become more common. After a connection has been accepted, the next message is a long selling pitch. What is even more surprising is the immediate request for a call or virtual demo. This is a request of someone’s time without taking time to connect first. A focus on selling will not help with lead generation or brand reputation. This type of communication does little for the recipient. Try Instead: Thank the person for the connection and share something that might benefit the new connection, such as a video or article. Sharing knowledge can go a long way. Blunder #3 : Not investing in a current professional photo. One of the first digital impressions from a LinkedIn pro-



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July 26, 2021

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