King's Business - 1942-10

October, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


near the top and ending near the ' bottom. On the folded left flap, near 'the top,- write the word “TIME.” In the similar position on the right flap, print» the word “TELLS.” Open and write these words also on the inside of the flaps. Using the letters in the words “UNHAPPY HOME,” complete the following words: “QUARRELING, SELFISHNESS, WHISKEY, DANCING, C O M P L A I N I N G , PRIDE, LYING, , FIGHTING, SHOWS, SMOKING and SWEARING.” Paáte the leaves from the calendar on the inside of each flap, beneath the emphasized words “ TIME” and “TELLS.” Fold the flaps back of the center before beginning the lesson.) LESSON: On this sheet of paper there are many undesirable things written. It is sad but true that there are many homes where some or all of these conditions are found. In many cases those who. live there are blinded and think they are getting the most out of life. However,, time w ill tell, and before life ends, they come to realize that they áre cheated out of life’s best. As I open the side flaps, we read

plane. Dick w a s admiring e v e r y ­ thing about it, ex­ amining its fine wing spread and tiny propeller. John asked for the air­ plane several times —not Very 'pleas­ antly — and final­ ly he called out in

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a sharp, 'angry voice, “Mother, make Dick give me my airplane. It’s mine anyway!” “Why Johnny," his mother replied, “you’ll never really enjby your things if you get them by being cross or grasping.”; LESSON STORY: Other pedple have tried to get their own way about things they wanted, and -they have been disappointed too. Once a man came to Jesus, acting just like a spoiled boy. \ He said, “Master, speak to-my brother, that he divide the in­ heritance with me," What he wanted was his part of a sum of money or property that be­ longed to both the brothers. The Lord couldn’t arrange to have it given to him, though it was really his, because the man’s heart was so full of greedy desires that he would not have en­ joyed his present if he had received it. Another time, rpany years earlier, Jacob longed for Something that was his brother Esau’s. What Jacob wanted *waS the right to be the head of the family and to have his father’s bless­ ing. Esau didn’t appreciate these priv­ ileges that were his, but Jacob did. God would have given them to Jacob, if he had waited. But instead, Jacob tricked and deceived his brother and their old father Isaac, and when Ja­ cob got his own way, he couldn’t be happy about it all, the time be­ cause he remembered how he got it. We are told to “be content with such things as ye have,” for our lov­ ing heavenly Father w ill “withhold" “ no good thing” from, those who love and trust Him, Object Lesson T ime W ill T ell OBJECTS: A piece of paper, 8% x 11 inches, 6-leaves from a small calen­ dar, and a sticker, colored red. (Fold each end of the sheet of paper to within % inch of the middle, which leaves a space % inch wide do

“TIME TELLS.” Beneath these words we see leaves from calendars, sug­ gesting the passing of days, weeks,' months', and years. Let us fold them over these sad words, and see what happens. We now read, “UNHAPPY HOME.” No matter how much fun the unsaved think they are getting out of life, time will tell that their home is unhappy. I am glad that we do not have to leave this lesson with such a sad pic­ ture. I hold in my hand a red sticker on which is p r i n t e d the word “CHRIST.” I am going to stick it over the “U” and “N” of the word. “ UN.-’ HAPPY.” We now read, “H A P P Y HOME.” When the blood of Christ covers and seals the sins of the past, the most “UNHAPPY HOME” can be­ come changed into a “HAPPY HOME.”

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4, 15; P roverbs 31:10-31; L uke 6:1-4; C olossians 3 :18-21 was a goodly child, she hid him three months. 3 And when she could not longer hide him, she took fo r him an a r k ' o f bul­ rushes, and daubed i t w ith slime and with

E xodus 2^1-4; 20:12; J oshua 24: - 2:41-51; E phesians 5:22-33 JBxodus 2:1 And there went a man o f the house o f Levi, and took to w ife a daughter o f Levi. 2 < And the woman conceived, and hare a son: and when she saw him that he


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