King's Business - 1942-10

October, 1942



that has its source in the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. Looking at these passages as a whole, it is seen that the outward mis­ sion of the church is one of witnessing to the world; the inward mission is one of maintaining oneness among be­ lievers in Christ, and the upward mis-- sion is one of fellowship; with the Father and the Son. Points.and Problems 1, "Between thee and him alone" (Matt. 18:15). This injunction reveals a deep insight into the psychology of fallen human nature. We are never at our. best before an audience. When wè know that others are watching or listening, it is hard to drop our re­ serve. Our guard is up. We feel rather bound to preserve appearances at all costs. That is the reason the wise physician or pastor always deals with an individual alone if possible. That is the reason the wisp soul-winner does not want others present when he deals with a sinner. .2, "Let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican" (v. 17), The common version obscures the meaning her e. . Instead of “heathen man,” we should read “ the Gentile." And the “publican” was, of all Jews, the most despised by the nation, for he was the Jew to whom the Roman government farmed out the collection of taxes on a commission. The more he collected, regardless of justice, the more he made personally. In the eyes of patriotic Jews, the publicans were the "Quislings” of that day, almost beyond all hope of salvation. Thus we may see that the above injunction would have practically no significance to any one but a Jew. And this proves that our Lord addressed it first of all to His own nation and people. The “church”- referred to is the Jewish "¿celesta" or “ congregation” (cf. R. V. footnote). The Christian churchi was not yet in existence. ; However, the principle laid d o w n is certainly of high value arid applicable to the church of today. 3. "And they continued steadfastly" (Acts 2:42). Each of the four things in which the early church “continued” is prefaced in the G r e e k by the definite article. They continued in the doctrine, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers. The use of the definite article lifts these things out of the category of ordinary things and puts the stamp of uniqueness upon them. It was Christian doctrine, Christian fellowship, Christian prayer, etc. ' 4. "Thère arose a murmuring" (Acts Ç,:i). A great and, valuable principle is laid down here. The early church started out with little or no organiza­ tion. And organization proceeded only ill response to problems which arose. There wâs no organization for its own

sake. Churches should set up new organization only w h e n there is a definite need.

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Golden Text Illustration J ohn 20 :21

Sept by the Father to share men’s lot on earth, the Lord Jesus Christ knew what it cost to enter the, gloom and suffering of this world. And as He sends forth His f o l l o w e r s to minister to other needy hearts, the parallel of suffering and of stooping tp share men’s burdens often must be carried out. The story is told of an underground cell in an old English prison which was greatly dreaded by. the prisoners. At One time a man of refinement was sentenced to spend twenty-four hours in this place of horror. : “The door was. shut. The steps of the wardens died away in the distance. Then all was still. The man sank down,, paralyzed by fear. Strange and hideous shapes came out -of the gloom and pointed at him. He felt that before long terror would drive him mad. Then suddenly there came the sound of footsteps overhead, and in' a quiet , tone the chaplain called him by name. Oh, never was music


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