King's Business - 1942-10

October, 1942

T H E K I H G ’ S B U S I N E S S


NOTES on Christiân Endeavor

righteous basis, and the heart of tjie natiiral man, is unrighteous. The first step, therefore, toward peace between nations is to get man’s heart right With God. And this .is done perfectly and completely when sinful man ac­ cepts God’s remedy, which is the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Through man’s act of, faith, God creates in him a new heart, and man is at peace with God and at peace with his fellow man (Rom- 3:10; 5:1; 2 Cor. 5:17). IL THE RESPONSIBILITY O F T H E CHRISTIAN CHURCH. : The church of Jesus Christ is a di-_ vinely ordained institution. Its 'task is to preach the gospel, and beseech lost, man and women to be reconciled to God. Had the church been true to its task, there might have heén a far different story to tell (Matt. 28:19, God rightfully looks for recognition from the nations of-earth. Our great land of America was soundly founded on the recognition of God and of the Scriptures. Our Country grew mightily when the Bible was a portion of the curriculum in our public schools. The list of our Chief Executives •includes many who whole-heartedly ^confessed their faith in Christ. We have had few wars, nationally speaking. Is there not some connection with, the peace and advancement that America has en­ joyed and the foregoing facts? Would not God intervene for America if the nation’s leaders called on Him, as He did for Israel? (2 Chron, 7:14; PróV. 14:34; Psa. 9:17; 33:12). IV. ISRAEL AND THE BASIS FOR , .WORLD PEACE. There is, one nation in the earth, which is called God’s Chosen people. This people, the Jews, God gave a land forever, It is a pleasant land, and one -that will again flow with milk and honey. But it is the land of Israel, and the world w ill never know true peace until Israel is established in their own land. Likewise, the Jews will never know peace until they again dwell in the land of their fa ­ thers (Deut. 30:1-5; Ezek. 36:24-28) It is to Israel’s restoration under her Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, that the Scripture passage of our lesson refers (Isa. 2:2-4), 20; Mk. 16:15; 2 Tim. 4:2). . III. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF NATIONAL LEADERS.


The "Writers

November 1 and 8— WILLIAM W. ORR

Dr. Orr is pastor of Calvary Bible Church, Placentia, Calif., and serves as special speaker for youth meetings and training classes in other churches as well. In recent years he. has conducted summer Bible camps for various groups . of fundamental churches in Southern California. Before going to Mexico in 1936 to engage in Bible trans­ lation work, Mr. Miller had served in Pennsylvania in Christian Endeavor visitation groups, holding gospel team meetings in homes of shut-ins. In Mexico his contact with • young people has been in connection, with the work of reducing the Mixe Indian-language to writing and trans­ lating into it various portions of the New Testament. * Mr. Padgett (Biola B, Th. ’40) did extensive gospel team work among young people’s groups as a member of the Biola Trumpeters and latèi served in Connection with the Bible Fellowship, fife has been attending Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111. - > Mr. Devine is pastor of the Inter-City Gospel Tabernacle, Lansing, Mich. He organized the Central Michigan Young People’s Fellowship and spent several years touring this country and Canada òri behalf of young-people. He is the author of “The Menace of Marihuana” and "The Moloch of Marihuana.” Mr. Devine teaches. six Bible classes weekly, including the Lansing Luncheon Bible Study Club, composed of professional and business men. ' jCa aw mr

November 15— WALTER S. MILLER





November 1, 1942 , CHRISTIAN BASES FOR WORLD PEACE I saiah 2:2-4 By William W. Orr Introduction

turies has borne out Christ’s prophecy. Peace has b e e n .a will-o'-the-wisp. Seldom have there been ten succes-. sive yetfts When all the world was at peace. So, of necessity, our discussion of peace must involve vour fconsidera- tion from God’s viewpoint of the rea­ son we do not have peace, and what we can do, as Bible-believing Chris­ tians; to bring about lasting peace! Please bear in mind the fact that our Suggestions probably will not appear as the set of .articles to be signed at the next peace • conference! This is not man’s wisdom nor reasoning. But these are God’s solemn declarations. I. THE CAUSE OF WARS. The root of the trouble of national and international enmity is individ­ ual enmity. There can be no peace: between man and man until there is peace between man and God. The trouble is not in man’s actions; it is in man’s, heart. Peace must be on a For Those Who Have Topics

We are in the midst of a great war, the greatest the world has ever known. We desire to give whole-hearted sup­ port to our nation. However, this does not preclude our thinking Of the true and righteous Christian b a s e s for world peace after the armed conflict ends. The Leader's Talk v In His last great prophetic discourse (Matt. 24 and 25), Christ declared that wars and rumors of wars would* be characteristic of this age; that is, there cannot be any permanent peace on this world of ours until the Lord Jesus Christ returns and brings peace. The history of the last nineteen cea-

NOVEMBER 8, 1942 , WHAT CAN WE DO TO PROMOTE PEACE? M atthew 5:38-48 By William W. Orr , . Introduction

Our n a t i o n is spending a vast amount of money, time, and! brains to win this war. And surely we are in whole-hearted agreement with this,

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