King's Business - 1942-10

October, 1942 •

T H É K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


peace is the one who preaches the gospel of Christ, whereby men come to' be at peace with God and with their fellow men (Matt. 28:19, 20; John 14:27; Eph. 6:10-18; 2 Tim. 2:3). II. LIVING EXAMPLES THAT PRO­ MOTE PEACE. If our lives lead others to Christ, we are promoting peace among indi­ viduals, and peace among nations. The life of the Christian in order to be truly Christlike ought to be under the personal direction of the Holy Spirit, who has come to do this very work (1 Cor. 6:19; Col. 3:1-4; 2 Tim. 2:15). III. - THE BOOK THAT PROMOTES PEACE. The Bible is the great Book of the Prince of Peace, and the Word of God needs to be distributed. Translators of the Scriptures now report the Bible or portions of it to be available in over a thousand languages. But still another thousand tongues are without any portion of the Word of God (Rom. 10:9-15; Heb. 4:12; 2 Tim. 3:16). IV. A PROGRAM TO PROMOTE PEACE. The great task of the church has been to send the message of salva­ tion to those who have never heard. But all down through the centuries the task has been hampered by lack o f interest, lack of recruit^, and lack of funds: The evangelical Christians in Germany and Japan, for example, truly deprecate the aggression of.their governments and pray that it may be stopped. Surely, if the church of Jesus Christ had been awake to the lasting value of true missionary work, there would be a different story to tell to­ day concerning war. Or, after the termination of this war, which we pray shall soon come, the laying of foundations for righteous peace may certainly be hastened by the migra­ tion to all parts of the globe of mis­ sionaries of the gospel (Mk. 16:15; 2 Cor. 5:17; Acts 1:8; 13:1-3). But though periods of comparative p e a c e may come, let us always remember that permanent peace Will come only when the Lord Jesus Christ returns an d reigns personally over all the earth (cf. Scripture references under IV in November 1, 1942, C. E. lesson).

for we believe that, in view, of the principles involved, victory for our side would be best for mankind as a whole. But we wonder what would be the outcome if even a small portion of this energy were spent to main­ tain peace. What if even a fraction of the men who go forth carrying arms were to go forth with the message of the 'gospel of Christ?. What if just the cost of .one battleship could be spent in printing gospel literature to spread to the far ends of the earth? The Leader's Talk Certainly if we r e a d o u r Bible aright, we learn that wars are allowed by God to come in order to show the nations t h e unrighteousness of sin and the fallacy of forgetting God. Too often we get our eyes fixed on the war, the enemy, and the war effort, and fail to see the larger aspects of why God allows the conflict to come. Would we not be doing our beloved America the greatest of good if we pointed out that God could, and would, give us victory and peace, if our hearts were right with Him? f Most people are entirely ignorant of the fact that peace is a Person. We think of peace as a state of harmony between people and between nations. But the Bible teaches that individuals and nations have peace when they possess the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6; Eph. 2:14; Col. 1:20). It teaches also that lasting, permanent peace will never be with us until Jesus Christ Pomes and, by subduing evil opposing forces, personally gives world peace (Zech. 14:2-4, 9; cf. Rev. 19:11-16). For Those Who Have Topics I. APPLYING THE REMEDY FOR WAR.



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A Complete Listing of Gospel Music LILLENAS PUB. CO. KANSAS c ity ? M o . It is incumbent upon eveyr Chris­ tian to submit to his government, and also to lend earnest support to every genuine move for a peace between nations. However, war is a disease which inhabits the heart of the un- •regenerate man, and the only sure remedy is the gospel of Christ. The one w h o most effectually promotes SCR IPTURE TEXT CHR ISTMAS CARDS Finest Selections Offered 21-card box 1*00 12-card box ....................... .......... 50 J H (Greetings to men in service overseas must be H P in the mail prior to November 1.) BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 So. Hope St. L oa Angela«, Calif. 1 - !

NOVEMBER 15, 1942 MEETING OUR LATIN AMERICAN FRIENDS L uke 10:25-37 By Walter S, Miller . Introduction

"A certain man” represents man­ kind robbed by Satan of his divinely appointed heritage and left “naked” and “half-dead” : naked, without the glory-covering that God originally •

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