King's Business - 1942-10

October, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


TRACTS ¡j Good News Christmas tracts are better |j s than ever this season . Send 25c or $1.00 |||| for generous packets of the newest, finest .s g Christmas tracts . Descriptive folder free, Good News Pub. Co., 322 W. Wash., Chicago - f c MAKE MORE MONEY THIS CHRISTMAS With our “ Bible Text Special” — 50 beautiful Christmas folder« imprinted with name and choice o f Bible verse. Sells for only $1.20. Nothing: else like if. Christians appreciate. Liberal commission. Also, our complete line Greeting Cards, “ Sunshine” plaques, Calendars, Bible Games, Novelties, etc., pays good profit to yourself or Church Society. Send for returnable samples, and free .Display Packet on “ Bible Verse Special.” (Our large agent's Book and Bible catalog included free on request). Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. W rite today. C. W. BOYER £101 Windsor Rd., Dept. KB-10 Bayton. Ohio

morning, and I guarantee that within a week you w ill riot even hear it ring. You may do the same with your con­ science. 2. Happy is the Christian young man or woman who allows conscience to function as God planned it should. Such a one w ill never stray far from the path of God’s will. It might be well for Christians to change their form of salutation and, instead of asking: “How are you today?’’ to in­ quire: “How’s your conscience?” For the Leader In addition to a convicting con­ science, the New Testament tells of: (Read from the bottom up, to ob­ serve p r o g r e s s i v e attainment of higher levels through growth in grace after .the “natural” conscience is quickened by the new birth.) / Conscience Void of Offense Acts 24:16 Witnessing Conscience Pure Conscience Answering Cohscience Good Conscience. Rom. 9: 1 1 Tim. 3: 9 1 Pet. 3:21 ; 1 Pet. 3:16

THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PRAYER [ Continued from Page 365 ]: the individuals involved in the flag Were dedicated on August 16. Requests for the addition of new names are constantly being received; at this Writ? ing the number represented on the service flag is 3026. A portion of each worship hour is set aside for definite intercession for these individuals a n d for another group, whose names cannot be ré-, corded—“ those for whom no one else is praying.” .Who can' estimate the far-reaching b e n e f i t of such a ministry as this, as it relates to in­ dividual, spiritual victory and to vic­ tory among nations? God has plainly declared;; “If my people, which are called by m y . name, shall humble themselves, and pray, ar^d seek my face, and turn f r o m their wicked ways; then w ill I hear from heaven, and w ill forgive their sin, and will heal their, land” (2 Chrori. 7:14). True prayer for the unsaved nor­ mally leads to efforts for their salva­ tion. And this has been the case in the Church 'o f the Open Door and the circle of listeners who hear Louis T. Talbot’s daily radio hour on the morn' ing and evenirig broadcast. In addi­ tion to their own iridividual work, these friends have been able to secure the services of Max E. Zimmermanri for. part-time work in personal w it­ nessing to service men whom he meets in the railway stations and on the streets of Los Angeles. Entering into conversation with those to whorii the Lord leads him, Mr. Zimmermann presents God’s plan of salvation and gives the men a straightforward invitation to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord. He also invites them to meet with the Lord’s people at the regular services of the Church of the Open Door during their stay in Los. Angeles. Each of these men receives a Gospel of John and other helpful literature. Mr..Zimmermann has had years of experience in soul-winning in hos­ pitals and, jails, a work to which he still devotes much of his time. He is a skillful fisher of men, and God has blessed his personal contacts With in­ dividuals to the salvation of many souls. In the adaptation of his methods to the special needs of service men, he w ill value the prayers of the Lord’s people for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. During a recent week, five service men with whom Mr. Zimmermanri talked accepted Christ as their Saviour. |For the establishing of these in the faith and for reaching many others with the gospel, a responsitfllity rests with Christians who know how to. pray for spiritual victories.


lesson helps t

on the Uniform Lesions Simple—Practical—Inspiring

Heb. 10: 2 Heb. 9:14 Rom. 2:14, 15

Pacified Conscience Purged Conscience Natural Conscience

Union lesson helps and story papers are Bible-centered, undenominational, easy to teach and interesting to study. Prepared especially for the small and medium size school, for all age groups. Backed by 323 years of experience. Write for free specimens. American Sunday-School Union <816 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa.

(Read from top down, for the proeess of hardening a conscience in sinful living.) Emboldened Conscience Wounded Conscience

1 Cor. 8:10 1 Cor. 8:12 1 Cor. 8:12 Titus 1:15 Heb. 10:22 1 Tim. 4: 2 1 Tim. 1:19

Weak Conscience Defiled Conscience Evil Conscience Seared Conscience Abandoned Conscience

THE SEVEN-DAY WEEK [Continued from Page 369]

★ SOULS SET FREE, God’s grace at work in Africa, China, India and South America. 128 pp., il­ lustrated, bound covers,'’50c. A* VIVID EXPERIENCES IN KOREA, by Wm .H . Chisholm, M.D. Episodes in a missionary doctor’s life. 136 pp., illustrated, doth. 7 Sc* * MY BELOVED ARMENIA, by Marie S. Banker. Answered prayer in the land of Eden and Mt. Ararat. Stimulating. 208 pp., cloth. $1.25» ic THE CHALLENGE OF AMAZON'S INDIANS, by Mrs. Arthur F. Tylee. Adventures of one who^ husband and daughter were martyrbd in 1930. 92 pp. 50c* Order rfrecf from Depf. K-315 (p re s s iss institute place • C hicago g | , L I I N S T I T U T E C O L P O R T A O K A S S O C I A T I O N Flannelgraph Lessons Lessons are complete with plenty of well-drawn cutout figures, at no extra cost. W IN the BOYS and GIRLS for CHRIST iV e w vello backgrounds. Every­ thing needed f o r flannelgraph work. Write for price list.. BAUER ART STUDIO P.O, Box 73 San Marino, Calif,

Jesus Christ and His honor, and who­ ever w ill do that will surely have the blessing of the Lord upon h ii w it­ nessing. It may call for an emphatic word concerning Sunday desecration — and that word should be spoken. Even godless men respect the person with convictions and with the courage, to assert them. It w ill include also the living of a holy life. Numbers of praying Christians, em­ ployed in defense industries, have spoken boldly about their convictions as to Sunday labor. Of these, many bear testimony that God has answered prayer for them and that they are very infrequently required to do Sun­ day work. It is true that these believ­ ers sacrifice the exceptionally high wages paid for Sunday overtime. But their spiritual growth has been very real. They have learned that “ a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth,” and their purpose is to “seek . . . first the kingdom of God, and his righteous­ ness”—even in war time. God will honor such faithfulness to Him.

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