Y9 Bulletin 14.06.24


Year 9 are very busy at the moment with lots going on inside and outside of school. We had our first Duke of Edinburgh practice expeditions over the weekend. The students were absolutely fantastic, and it was great to see them participating enthusiastically and trying something new. The assessed expeditions will be coming up soon so this was a great chance to develop their skills. Well done to everyone who got involved. This week, we had assemblies celebrating Pride Month with Mr. Isted and Ms. Moore. These assemblies explored the history of LGBTQ+ rights and the importance of allyship, emphasising how we can all support each other in accepting and celebrating everyone’s differences and uniqueness. I’m sure Year 9 found this to be engaging and useful. We also had the Year 10 hustings this week, where Year 10 students gave speeches to earn the students’ votes to become Head Girl next year. The Year 10s did a wonderful job and spoke with real confidence. Students should start voting now, and the voting page is available on their tutor Google Classrooms. Last week, a select group of students participated in the Cultural Speak Out Challenge after their visit to Kensington Palace last half-term. Students spoke about their experiences at Kensington Palace and applied them to their own lives. The focus was specifically on the hidden members of the palace, such as the servants and staff who devoted their lives to serve the kings and queens of the country. The students did incredibly well. Ms. Tongue came to see some of the speeches and was very impressed with their efforts. Congratulations to Maram, Megan, Marielle, Sofiya, Lula, Sila, Millie, Eva, Ellie, Sehar, Pea, Jasmeet, Parker, Afrodite, Kayleigh. Additionally, well done to Sofiya F. for earning Bronze in her international karate championship! We have a number of upcoming events. Our Year 9 Drop Down Day takes place on Thursday 4 July, where students will be visiting various locations in central London that they have pre-selected. Also the English department is organising a trip to the Gothic Strawberry Hill House very soon. All details have been sent home.







Under 13s Cricket Tournament



Under 13s Cricket vs Turing House

WON 48-36


Year 9/10 Rounders vs St. Richard Reynolds

WON 10-7


Year 7/8 Rounders vs St. Richard Reynolds

WON 12.5-6.5


Away With Words by Sophie Cameron Away With Words is about a girl called Gala who has moved from Cataluña to a town in Scotland with her dad. She doesn’t speak much English, so she feels really lonely and lost, not able to be her usual funny self. This all changes when she befriends a girl called Natalie, who has selective mutism. They find their own ways to communicate, which improves their lives and the lives of others around them. In my opinion, Away With Words is a brilliant book because it gives meaning to a lot of phrases or sayings like, ‘having a way with words’ or ‘drowning in a sea of words’. It sheds light on a different view of words. Words are not just things that we say. They are things full of meaning and emotion, some more than others. Away With Words represents this and embodies the meaning of words. ~ Recommended by Ella B, Year 7

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