On November 3, 2022, Pastor Silas Vincent
Johnson became an honorary member of the Zebra
family. Pastor V, as he is affectionately called, capti-
vated the attention of Pine Bluff High School scholars
as he shared the story of his own transformation from
a troubled young man who was raised in church to a
thriving pastor with a promised purpose. Pastor V ad-
vised the scholars to find the difference between truth
and deception saying, “I was getting all of my game
from people who didn’t even live to be 50 years old,
yet they were telling me what life was all about; so I
went back to what some people call the Bible, but I
like the call the “ancient scrolls”, a book that teaches
you how to live the game of life no matter what envi-
ronment you’re in, race you are, or what situation
you've gotten yourself into. It gives you the truth!” He
also advised scholars against allowing environments,
circumstances, and other people’s opinions and per-
ceptions to define who they are, but to instead de-
cide how they want to show up and who they want
to be. “As a man thinketh. . . so is he! Whatever I’m
putting in my thought process, is what I’m going to
reflect in my life. My question to you is what are you
thinking about?”
Pastor Johnson, 44, is a native of Little Rock, AR and
holds a Doctorate of Religious Philosophy Degree. He
is the senior pastor at Full Counsel Church-Pine Bluff, a
ministry that has already been active in its new part-
nership with the students, staff, and stakeholders of
Pine Bluff High School. In addition to being a pastor,
he is a motivational speaker, a counselor and a com-
munity activist.
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