In an effort to promote college awareness and access, Pine Bluff High School hosted more than 35 colleges, busi- nesses, and community partners during their College, Career, and Community Fair on October 11, 2022 from 8:45 am to 11:00 am in the Pine Bluff High School Multipurpose Complex, followed by a FAFSA Frenzy for seniors and parents from 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm in the Pine Bluff High School Media Center. These events served as the kickoff of Pine Bluff High School’s participation in the Arkansas College Application Campaign, sponsored by the Arkansas Department of Education, Division of Career and Technical Education (ADE-DCTE) and Pine Bluff High School dur- ing the month of October. During the Arkansas College Application Campaign, which runs from October 1 - November 18, 2002, students at Pine Bluff High School will be assisted as they complete college applications with the goal of each participating stu- dent submitting at least one college application and completing the Arkansas Challenge applications. The College, Career, and Community Fair served as just one of several opportunities where students could apply to any of Ar- kansas’s community colleges, independent colleges, trade schools, public and private universities, as well as colleg- es and universities throughout the country.
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