November Newsletter 2022

PBHS Students participating in CTE Day at the Fair.

Students participated in a Leadership Summit and

heard from State Leaders on the importance of Ca-

reer and Technical Education. They were able to

take part in the State Fair after the Leadership Sum-

mit was over.

Pine Bluff High School Childcare Guidance Man-

agement (CCGM) Students are participating in a

hands-on practicum at Forrest Park/Greenville Pre-

school this year for the 2022-2023 school year. Eve-

ry week around 30 students arrive on campus 1-2

times a week, during the AM hours, to complete

activities such as read-alouds, hall monitoring, art

project assistance, meal assistance, and games

that aid in hands-on learning. Upon completion of

this course, students may apply for state certifica-

tion in areas of early childhood to become a pro-

vider in a licensed preschool/daycare. We are

thankful for Ms. Laura Graham, PBHS CCGM In-

structor, for her excellence in ensuring that all of

her students succeed as young professionals.

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