Backpaincanhinderyourday-to-dayactivities. Left untreated, it can even lead to long-term joint, spine and nerve damage. As one of the most common physical complaints, a large percentage of the Canadian population will suffer from it at some point in their lifetime. The pain itself can hinder your ability to reach, lean, kneel, lift or bend. It can also hinder your time spent with friends and family. Direct pain aside, minor aches and cramps associated with a back pain problem can make you irritable—ruining your good time. What Causes Back Pain? The following are some of the leading causes of back pain: • Spinal and core muscle weaknesses • Bad posture • Spinal muscle and tissue damage • Improper lifting form • Limited hip, spine and thigh muscle flexibility • Bad abdominal, pelvic and back muscle coordination Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t seek treatment when back pain arises. Before they know it, they have a big problem. They might assume nothing—except for medication—can
solve their back pain problem. Medication might mask the pain, but it won’t cure the
2. Use Good Posture. When you’re standing, imagine a string is attached to the top of yourhead—liftingyouup.Thiswillkeepyour hips, spine, shoulders and neck aligned. If you’re sitting, don’t slouch. 3. Use Strength Training. Your body has hundredsofmuscles.Thesemusclesprotect and control your spine. By lifting weights, running and swimming, you can keep them strong.Trainyourcoremuscles. Indoingso, you’lleasilycontrolquick, liftingmovements. It never hurts to visit a physiotherapist, either. Get regular check-ups, and make sure your body is in good condition. If you have a history of back injuries, pain or minor aches, don’t hesitate to talk to a professional. You deserve a pain-free life, and your back will thank you. Contact us today at (613) 425-7700 or visit our website at to find out more about how we can help you take charge of your back pain.
problem’s root cause. Back Pain Solutions
You’re in luck: Back pain can be cured! There are a number of back pain remedies, which include the use of strength exercise, physiotherapy and medication. Where medication is considered, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesic medications and counter- irritants are the most popular. Before you can treat your back pain, however, you need to know why it started. Whether you’ve tweaked a muscle or have a deeper injury, a spine specialist at Vitality Physiotherapy and Wellness Centre can help. Back Pain Prevention A little prevention goes a long way. If you want to avoid future back pain, you can make sure you’rebeinggood toyourbackwith these tips: 1. Lift Properly. You pick things up constantly. Even if you’re lifting something light, make sure you’re facing the object. Squat, keeping your spine straight. Lift with your legmuscles,asthiswillreducethepressure placed on your spine.
Sources: •
Health-Wellness-Information/Back-Pain-Facts-and- Statistics • Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Low-Back-Pain- Fact-Sheet
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