Anuario 2024 de Cotec

Anuario 2024 de Cotec

Innovación y democracia

1 Este artículo es una versión abreviada y actualizada de un informe anterior: M. Mazzucato, 2022, “The inclusive entrepreneurial state: collective wealth creation and distribution”, IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities , < state-collective-wealth-creation-and-distribution>. 2 M. Mazzucato, 2016, “From market fixing to market-creating: A new framework for innovation policy”, Industry and Innovation , 23, pp. 140-156. 3 M. Mazzucato, 2013, The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths , 2.ª ed., Londres, Penguin Books. 4 M. Mazzucato, 2018, The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy , Londres, Allen Lane. 5 Mazzucato, 2013, The Entrepreneurial State . 6 W. Lazonick y M. Mazzucato, 2013, “The risk-reward nexus in the innovation-inequality relationship: Who takes the risks? Who gets the rewards?”, Industrial and Corporate Change. Special Issue: Finance, Innovation and Growth: Reforming a Dysfunctional System , 22, pp. 1093- 1128; D. Rodrik, 2015, “From welfare state to innovation state”, Project Syndicate, < technology-by-dani-rodrik-2015-01>. 7 J. G. Palma, 2019, “Behind the seven veils of inequality. What if it’s all about the struggle within just one half of the population over just one half of the national income?”, Development and Change , 50, pp. 1133- 1213. 8 K. Arrow, 1951, “An extension of the basic theorems of classical welfare economics”, artículo presentado en el Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Berkeley, Estados Unidos. 9 N. H. Stern, 2006, The Economics of Climate Change (Informe Stern), Londres, Tesoro de Su Majestad, p. 1. 10 R. R. Nelson, 1977, The Moon and the Ghetto , Nueva York, Norton; D. Foray, D. Mowery y R. R. Nelson, 2012, “Public R&D and social challenges: What lessons from mission R&D programs?”, Research Policy , 41, pp. 1697-1702; M. Mazzucato, 2018, “Mission-oriented innovation policies: Challenges and opportunities”, Industrial Corporate Change, 27(5), pp. 803-815. 11 M. Mazzucato, 2015, “Innovation systems: From fixing market failures to creating markets”, Intereconomics , 50, pp. 120-155. 12 K. Polanyi, 1944, The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time , 2.ª ed., Beacon Paperback (2001), Boston, Beacon Press, p. 144. 13 P. B. Evans, 1995, Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation , vol. 25, Princeton, Princeton University Press. 14 M. Mazzucato, 2023, “Governing the economics of the common good: from correcting market failures to shaping collective goals”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform . 15 V. Ruttan, 2006, Is War Necessary for Economic Growth? Military Procurement and Technology Development , Oxford, Oxford University Press; F. L. Block y M. R. Keller, 2011, State of Innovation: The U.S. Government’s Role in Technology Development , Boulder, Paradigm. 16 F. L. Block y M. R. Keller, 2011, State of Innovation ; M. Mazzucato, 2013, The Entrepreneurial State. 17 H. Ergas, 1987, “Does technology policy matter”, en B. R. Guile y H. Brooks, eds., Technology and Global Industry: Companies and

Nations in the World Economy , Washington D. C., The National Academies Press, pp. 191-245. 18 Foray, Mowery y Nelson, “Public R&D and social challenges”. 19 M. Mazzucato, 2021, Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism , Londres, Allen Lane. 20 M. Mazzucato, 2018, Mission-oriented research and innovation in the European Union: A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation- led growth , Luxemburgo, Publications Office of the European Union; M. Mazzucato, 2019, Governing missions in the European Union, Luxemburgo, Publications Office of the European Union, <https://doi. org/10.2777/014023>; Comisión Europea, 2011, Libro verde. Del reto a la oportunidad: hacia un marco estratégico común para la financiación de la investigación y la innovación por la UE , Bruselas, Comisión Europea. 21 D. Rodrik, 2013, “Green industrial policy”, Princeton University Working Paper. 22 M. Mazzucato, 2013, The Entrepreneurial State . 23 Block y Keller, 2011, State of Innovation . 24 D. Breznitz y D. Ornston, 2013, “The revolutionary power of peripheral agencies: explaining radical policy innovation in Finland and Israel”, Comparative Political Studies , 46, pp. 1219-1245. 25 J. Chataway et al ., 2007, “The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) in a changing landscape of vaccine development: A public/private partnership as knowledge broker and integrator”, European Journal of Development Research , 19, pp. 100-117; OMS, Consejo sobre la Economía de la Salud para Todos, 2023, Health for all: Transforming economies to deliver what matters , Organización Mundial de la Salud, < pdf ?sequence=1>. 26 A. Laplane y M. Mazzucato, 2020, “Socializing the risks and rewards of public investments: Economic, policy, and legal issues”, Research Policy , 49 (suppl.), < repolx.2020.100008>. 27 W. Lazonick, 2014, “Profits without prosperity”, Harvard Business Review , <>; M. Mazzucato, 2022, “What role should business play in society?”, Harvard Business Review , < in-society>. 28 M. Mazzucato y D. Rodrik, 2023, “Industrial policy with conditionalities: A taxonomy and sample cases”, Instituto para la Innovación y el Propósito Público del UCL, Working Paper Series (IIPP WP 2023-07), < publications/2023/oct/industrial-policy-conditionalities-taxonomy-and- sample-cases>. 29 V. Vogl, M. Åhman y L. J. Nilsson, 2021, “The making of green steel in the EU: A policy evaluation for the early commercialization phase”, Climate Policy , 21, pp. 78-92. 30 M. Mazzucato, 2022, “Rethinking the social contract between the state and business: A new approach to industrial strategy with conditionalities”, Instituto para la Innovación y el Propósito Público del UCL, Working Paper Series (IIPP WP 2022-18), <https://www.ucl.>; Mazzucato y Rodrik, 2023, “Industrial Policy with Conditionalities”.


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