Anuario 2024 de Cotec

Anuario 2024 de Cotec

Innovación y democracia


R. Yuste y G. M. Church, 2014, “The new century of the brain”,

15 C. Sergent, S. Baillet y S. Dehaene, 2005, “Timing of the brain events underlying access to consciousness during the attentional blink”, Nature Neuroscience , 8 (10), pp. 1391-1400. 16 P. Barttfeld et al ., 2015, “Signature of consciousness in the dynamics of resting-state brain activity”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 112 (3), pp. 887-892. 17 U. Pham et al ., 2015, “Personality changes after deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease”, Parkinson’s Disease , 2015. 18 S. Goering et al ., 2021, “Recommendations for responsible development and application of neurotechnologies”, Neuroethics , 14 (3), pp. 365-386. 19 Ibid . 20 Ibid .; R. Yuste et al. , 2017, “Four ethical priorities for neurotechnologies and AI”, Nature , 551 (7679), pp. 159-163. 21 Yuste, 2017, “Four ethical priorities for neurotechnologies and AI”. 22 M. Ienca y R. Andorno, 2017, “Towards new human rights in the age of neuroscience and neurotechnology”, Life Sciences, Society and Policy , 13 (1), p. 5. 23 R. Yuste, J. Genser y S. Herrmann, 2021, “It’s time for Neuro- Rights”, Horizons , 18, pp. 154-164. 24 Senado de la República de Chile, “Modifica el artículo 19, número 1º, de la Carta Fundamental, para proteger la integridad y la indemnidad mental con relación al avance de las neurotecnologías”, < php?boletin_ini=13827-19>. 25 Ibid . 26 Carta de derechos digitales , Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Gobierno de España, <https://www.lamoncloa. Digitales_RedEs.pdf>.

Scientific American , 310 (3), pp. 38-45. 2 A. P. Alivisatos et al ., 2013, “Nanotools for neuroscience and brain activity mapping”, ACS nano , 7 (3), pp. 1850-1866; A. P. Alivisatos et al. , 2013, “Neuroscience. The brain activity map”, Science , 339 (6125), pp. 1284-1285. 3 K. Deisseroth et al ., 2006, “Next-generation optical technologies for illuminating genetically targeted brain circuits”, The Journal of neuroscience: The official journal of the Society for Neuroscience , 26 (41), pp. 10380-10386. 4 L. Carrillo-Reid et al ., 2019, “Controlling visually guided behavior by holographic recalling of cortical ensembles”, Cell , 178 (2), pp. 447-457e5. 5 F. R. Willett et al ., 2021, “High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting”, Nature , 593 (7858), pp. 249-254. 6 A. P. Alivisatos et al ., 2012, “The brain activity map project and the challenge of functional connectomics”, Neuron , 74 (6), pp. 970-974. 7 A. Adams et al ., 2020, “International Brain Initiative: an innovative framework for coordinated global brain research efforts”, Neuron , 105 (2), pp. 212-216; R. Yuste y C. Bargmann, 2017, “Toward a Global BRAIN Initiative”, Cell , 168 (6), pp. 956-959. 8 A. Jackson, J. Mavoori y E. E. Fetz, 2006, “Long-term motor cortex plasticity induced by an electronic neural implant”, Nature , 444 (7115), pp. 56-60. 9 D. Tsai et al ., 2018, “A very large-scale microelectrode array for cellular-resolution electrophysiology”, Nature Communications , 9. 10 K. Shepard, com. pers. 11 R. K. Shepherd et al ., 2013, “Visual prostheses for the blind”, Trends in Biotechnology , 10 , pp. 562-571. 12 Kernel, <>. 13 K. N. Kay et al. , 2008, “Identifying natural images from human brain activity”, Nature , 452 (7185), pp. 352-355. 14 S. Goering y R. Yuste, 2016, “On the necessity of ethical guidelines for novel neurotechnologies”, Cell, 167 (4), pp. 882-885.


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