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You are not behind

Late bloomers gain wisdom, resilience, and unique insights, proving there’s no fixed timeline for achievement.

O ne of my guilty pleasures is scrolling on Instagram after a long day – with a timer of course. I caught an interesting post by Viola Davis, asking people in their 40s (and beyond) for advice for those in their 20s. Someone posted the phrase “you are not behind.” This post and the reply were something I absolutely needed to hear. Sometimes life wants you to learn a lesson and will sneak it in like a mom sneaks spinach into spaghetti sauce.

Janki DePalma, LEED AP, CPSM

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m always behind. Every year, I’m inundated with the age awards (30 under 30, 40 under 40). I swear I saw one for teens. Don’t get me wrong – I love celebrating these amazing people who do incredible things at a young age. But I can’t be the only one who gets reflective about it. For every 30 under 30 list, I find great inspiration in hearing from people who found success later in life. Did you know that famed wedding dress designer Vera Wang was 40 when she started? Ariana Grande’s grandmother Marjorie just became the oldest person to chart on Billboard’s Hot 100 at age 98! Julia Child launched her cooking career at 50. As a boy-mom, I am well versed in the Marvel universe.

I was surprised to learn that Stan Lee started his comic book career in his teens but didn’t create his first superhero until 39. It’s not all 30 or bust. If you’re like me and haven’t made that list – don’t worry. We rest safely in camp “late bloomer,” and it seems there are some unexpected benefits to that. Rich Karlgaard wrote a book, Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement , and just the tagline alone had me hooked. Naturally his book has us reexamine the timeline and definition of “success.” Karlgaard’s work doesn’t just give us late bloomers a pass; he argues that our blooming later is an

See JANKI DEPALMA , page 8


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