Huwa Cattle - Annual Bull Sale [2/5/25]

WHAT ARE EPDS? ESTIMATED PROGENY DIFFERENCES (EPDs) ARE A PREDICTION OF HOW A SIRE OR DAMS’ OFFSPRING WILL PERFORM COMPARED TO OTHERS. EPDs are a representation in the difference in pounds, inches, or centimeters (depending on how that trait is weighted or measured.) The EPD numbers do not correlate to an actual weight or measurement however, they are only to be used to compare against other animals EPD’s to represent the difference in genetic potential. For example, a 2.1 BW EPD does not correlate to an 85 pound actual calf. When comparing a 2.1 BW EPD bull to a 1.1 BW EPD bull you could expect a one-pound difference in actual birthweights between the two sires. CALVING EASE DIRECT (CED): The percentage of unassisted births of a sire when used on first calf heifers. Higher is more favorable. This is to just be used when looking for bulls to be used on heifers. We recommend an 8 or higher. BIRTH WEIGHT (BW): The difference in pounds of birth weight. In today’s production Angus genetics we find that there are not many bulls that should present calving difficulties in mature cows. The BW EPD is preferred as a selection tool more than the actual birth weight of the bull. Environment and management can change the birth weight of an animal so drastically that the EPD is a better tool. WEANING WEIGHT (WW): The difference in pounds at weaning. Also seen as a 205 day weight in places. YEARLING WEIGHT (YW): The difference in pounds at yearling. Also seen as a 365 day weight in places. SCROTAL (SC): The difference in scrotal circumference in a bulls sons. DOCILITY (DOC): The difference in docility scores. Cattle are given scores for disposition and a higher docility is more favorable.

MILK (MK): The difference in pounds at weaning as a result of milk production of daughters. Honestly this EPD we don’t worry about unless they are in the top 5 or bottom 5% of the breed as there is little to be known about how much milk is actually being produced among the different environments and managements in the country. CARCASS WEIGHT (CW): The difference in pounds of hanging carcass weight. MARBLING (MB): The difference in the USDA marbling scores. Higher is more favorable. RIB EYE (RE): The difference in the square inches of rib eye. $MATERNAL ($M): An index (combination) of multiple EPDs that pertain to the profitability difference from conception to weaning for those retaining their own replacement females. Index’s are contrived of scenarios that don’t necessarily fit each producers management, resources, niche markets or goals. You can use index’s for quick sorts but would have you look towards the individual traits of your needs ideally. $BEEF ($B): An index (combination) of multiple EPDs that pertain to the terminal profitable difference from weaning to harvest. This index awards cattle for higher YW, CW, MB, RE, and lower Fat. $COMBINATION ($C): An index (combination) of index’s. This primarily is a combination of $Maternal and $Beef. This index can easily be influenced by a terminal or maternal trait and is not a true prediction of something complete or combined. In most cases it can be, but we still encourage you to look at all traits that best suit you and use $C as a quick sorting tool. DNA SCORES: Below many EPDs bars you will find a line of 18 traits (many that are abbreviated just like the EPDs above). These are DNA scores and are represented as a percentile rank within the breed (lower is more favorable.) This just shows another layer of the tools used in the decision making that goes into the more accurate EPD above. The EPD takes into account, parental information, DNA information, and weights and measurements of the actual animal. %RANKS IN EPDS: Under many EPDs you will see % ranks. That shows how that animal ranks within the breed for that trait. Example, 1.87 MB 1%, that means that animal ranks in the top 1% of the breed for MB EPD.

There are 26 different EPDs and Index’s provided by the American Angus Association. We list the EPDs and Index’s that are most pertinent to our customers to save space and time. We know some prefer more information and it is always available at It the upper right-hand corner enter the animals registration number in the search bar and the entire pedigree and EPD profile is at your fingertips.

Learn how Top Dollar Angus helps qualified calves earn a $24/head premium on average at



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