Together Apart-(E)

Frontline Warriors

Examine every aspect of me in relation to the world, discover the underlying, recognize the unspoken. Examine every aspect of me in relation to your culture, discover the implicit assumptions, recognize the explicit identities. Examine the connection between me and my duties, discover the unprecedented, recognize the normal. Examine the darkness, but don’t forget to notice the light, discover the passion, recognize the hope. Daniah Farooq is valedictorianof theClass of 2020of VirginiaCommonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar, graduating summa cum laude. She won the Best Honors Dossier Essay Prize and curated an exhibition titled Jinnah: The Resilient at the Art and Design Library in VCUarts Qatar. “The poem is not addressing the people of any specific geography or culture; rather, it’s bringing the entire world together under one umbrella. It’s all about our common heroes and warriors. Do we have a different army? No, this time we all have a similar army – our doctors. We have become ‘one,’ and who knew it would happen this way? We are apart, miles apart, but united – together fighting the same battle.”


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