Assermentation des élus de Casselman
United Counties prepare to select 2015 warden
were able to retain their own mayoral posts after this year’s October civic elections. Bar- ton and Kirby were both acclaimed without any challengers stepping forward before the September nomination deadline while St-Amour won his re-election bid with a majority vote against his opponent, Denis Pommainville. Each of the three also has past experience as wardens for Prescott and Russell coun-
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
L’ORIGNAL | There are just three choic- es for next year’s Warden of the United Counties of Prescott-Russell. Two of the possible candidates are already planning to vote the third into the seat.
Mayors Gary Barton of Champlain Town- ship and François St- Amour of The Nation Municipality both say they will support the nomination of East Hawkesbury mayor
ties and would be able to provide the continuity needed between the past and new councils and leadership on any outstanding counties projects and issues. Two other mem-
I’m supporting Mr. Kirby, We need somebody with experience (as warden).” - François St-Amour
Robert Kirby as war- den when the new counties council inaugural meeting is held Dec. 17. “I’m supporting Mr. Kirby,” St-Amour said during an interview the last regular meet- ing of the current counties council in No- vember. “We need somebody with experi- ence (as warden).” “I support Mr. Kirby as our next warden,” said Barton during a later interview. “I’m going to propose Mr. Kirby as the next war- den.” All three mayors are the sole remaining members of the past counties council who
bers of the new counties council, Jeanne Charlebois and Conrad Lamadeleine, the mayors-elect for the Town of Hawkesbury and the Village of Casselman, also have past experience as wardens for the counties dat- ing back to their previous terms as mayors for their municipalities. But they have both been out of o!ce losing their positions in the 2010 civic elections and may not be considered as current on counties-related issues and projects as mayors Barton, Kirby, and St-Amour.
C’est le mardi 2 décembre dernier qu’ont été assermentés le nouveau maire de Casselman, Conrad Lamadeleine, et les conseillers Michel Desjardins, Anick Charron, Marcel Cléroux, et Denis Renaud. La première réunion o!cielle du nouveau conseil aura lieu le 16 décembre prochain. Rappellons que le nouveau conseil a été élu le 27 octobre dernier. Le nouveau maire, Conrad Lamadeleine, a défait le maire sortant, Claude Levac, qui l’avait lui-même défait en 2010. Les conseillers Michel Desjardins et Marcel Cléroux ont été réélus. La conseillère Francyn Levac, qui s’était portée candidate à la mairie, a été défaite de même que l’autre candidat, Daniel La"eur. Le conseiller Mario Laplante ne s’est pas représenté.
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